My love life

My relationship with my boyfriend is getting strained. He said that I'm too ridiculous to handle. He changed especially after we got our exam result. He did get better result than me. And that's probably the reason why he's being like this too. 

He would not start any conversation first, always waiting for me to start first. And one day, I feel like I don't want to so I dont. I didn't text him for two days, not making any contact and he finally gave in by asking me if he's already unworthy for me. And cried, and asked me why I didn't text him for two days. I was like heck? You can always text me first mister! 

He would divert any conversation regarding breaking up, which is so ughhh. He didn't really care about my depression anymore or my nerves disease. And there's this one time where he told me that I shouldn't tell him anything that happened in my life. Okay then. 

Of course it hurts. The man who once was so sweet and caring towards you suddenly acted like a total jerk. I mean, why bother to ask me out in the first place if you will treat me like this?

Idk anymore.


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Inajspirit #1
Sorry girl,can I write comment in Malay?u know me.he he he
Dlm dunia ni rmai lgi lelaki yg awk blh cari wahai strong my friend.

P/s - dlm ni rmai sngt comment dlm English sb tu ah tnye blh x nk komen mlayu.heheh.sori my English not so good tpi boleh la
Be strong, Miey. You deserve better, girl. If he couldn't see ur worth, I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there that could
I'd say you drop him out of your life if he's causing more problems than good. He doesn't sound l like he's interested in what you have to say and only playing the victim when you don't text him back.
If you aren't happy and he's being a jerk, dump him. I know it sounds hard and boyfriends seem like everything but you're happiness is more important.
Maybe try to see things in his point of view? I agree, bc when such things like that you can't help but get worried. Maybe he has problems of his own? You should clear misunderstandings bc that'll lead to trouble tbh