Again... Help please :D

I'm searching for a story again, it's a fantasy story and the only thing I remember is that the main female character was a vampire but a really strong one, and I remember a scene where she fights with another girl who thought she was easy to deal with. While fighting she released some kind of special mind power or so and the other girl went crazy.... Don't know if this is much help but if it sounds familiar please tell me :D 

Oh and while I'm at it, are there any good fics with a strong female character? Not the whiny, normal girl who got involved in something but someone who can fight or is just mentally strong, I'm absolutely in love with those kind of stories :)


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Linessa #1
There is a story called "more than meets the eye" it is ocxot12 and the oc is quite strong.
Aaaand paper thin ( ) is also quite good. With a strong lead.

For the story...I can't really help you. Sorry