Dreaming...but thought i was awake!

ok so like i was dreaming but i thought i was fully awake. i was in japan...what year no idea! but it was me and my sister and 2 little kids well they weren't real little kids but demons and my sister had cut her hair and took on a male role to protect us. so jesika had stayed back to fight of these evil ninjas while i ran with the 2 demon kids. we then came across this white hair guy that was some kind of good demon or something. but the kids and i were kinda hiding but he noticed us and helped us lose the ninjas that were chasing us. but i had taken on the role of the mother of the 2 kids. as we make it to the woods we meet back up with my sister and she nearly attacks the white hair kinda good demon. and i wake up because my phone went off! i mean i really liked it. so i will be posting this as a story but i will put update it when i can or when i dream more of it. ^^


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lol such a funny dream :D