
So, I have people adding me on my SNS.... lol 

I really don't mind it, but if your going to add me and don't even try to engage with me then what's the whole point, just comments on a few photos or at else say hello sometimes will be nice~ What upsets me the most is when I texts them a hello thanks for the add my fellow friends, they'll ask me "Are you Korean??". I of course tell the truth about it, I'm not going to lie, btw I'm Hmong. Uhm... I'm not sure if all of you knowledge of its existence but if you guys/girls want to know more feel free to ask or look it up.... Lazy!! Lmao jk  

Yes, every time I tell them I'm not, they'll just stop talking to me right after, like I don't exists anymore~   I don't even tell them in a mean way I just say I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm currently not Korean. I know that kpop has a lot of influence on people these days, but please be a little open minded, you know kpop has more mixed culture in it now~    Okat, okay, I'm going off topic now! I mean I have my name as Joo ah, but my real name is....... it almost about the same thing. lol 

The meanness text I ever got was "If your not even Korean then Wtf are you putting your name like that?" I just said I'm sorry but it's my choice, I have freedom to put whatever I want to... whenever I see someone I don't know add me, I'm very hesitant now, one girl even told me she wanted a Korean friend so she can get close to the idols, to show her friends she's popular with k friends. They even asked if I can tell my k friends to approve them, like no that's not my choice it's theirs... lol 

im ranting to much now, I'm sorry! (Bows) I don't mind if your a hardcore fan but if your going to be a mean friend then your going nowhere then. (Bows again) I'm sorry, I'm going to stop ranting now!! 

So, to fellow ladies and gentlemen has any good or bad things ever happened to you before?

if that's a Yes then please leave a comment down below and follow my blog! I'm might blog from time to time but Yes! Hello/ bye from my little room... Hehehehe 

ok have a wonderful day/ night! ^ ^ 


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Black_Cigarette #1
I think it's kind of stupid of them...I'm not trying to mean and all but really it's not nice.
Let's be friends ! Who cares about being friends with a Korean person or not, boy or girl. Let's just be friends !
In my social media someone friend me and then unfriend me because I told her that I'm a girl not a guy. She told me that she thought that I'm a guy from my pictures and I told her no. I'm a girl with guy style . Then she unfriend me and I was like speechless and have nothing to say so i just let it be.. Its sad that people become friends with others just because of their looks , gender or even race . I think that is wrong and unethical . Like why would you do that.. I have korean friends as well but I do not share or tell anyone about them because I know this is how people will react. And because of certain reasons as well I cant share too much . So I dontsimply accept friend request even in here. Just ignore them and be who you are. If they are not true to you than there's no point of building a friendship in the first place
They're delusional af,, better to block their and go on with your day
Don't stress about it!