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BIRTHNAME      saruta kasamsun
NICKNAMES      kassie; a nickname from when she lived in the united
states. it derived off the first syllable of her surname and she had always loved it. family members and friends abroad call her this. 
  selena; she always had an uncanny resemblance to 
the singer-actress selena gomez. so when she debut with bangs, the similarities grew and saru became k-pop's selena as named by fans.
STAGE NAME     saru; it was a simpler way for fans to call her. the
trainers of jyp used to call her this because it was sometimes too time wasting to say 'saruta'
BIRTHDATE        june 1st, 1998
BIRTHPLACE     san francisco, united states of america
HOMETOWN      san francisco, united states of america   ( 98' - 10' )
 seoul, south korea                                   ( 10' - present )
ETHNICITY         thai-american  
NATIONALITY    american
LANGUAGES     american english, mother-tongue; born in the heart of 
san francisco, saru learnt english with her american mother there. it was her first language and still has an accent when she speaks english
  thai, fluent; the second language learnt courtesy of her 
thai father. he insisted that saru had to learn the language as she had thai blood and it helped as she often went to thailand for holidays. saru had been learning thai since she was young. 
  korean, semi-fluent; when saru had first joined jyp
entertainment, she only had basic knowledge of the language but she diligently studied which allowed her to become semi-fluent present day.
FACECLAIM        sorn of clc
BACKUP              lisa of blackpink
HEIGHT               164 centimetres
WEIGHT               50 kilograms
APPEARANCE    saru is a beautiful girl. a healthy, naturally tanned skin
   colour which is silky smooth to the touch. she has high
   cheekbones and plump red lips. she has a defined
   nose bridge but actually has a cute button nose. saru's
   hair is cute long, covering her chest and is naturally 
   wavy at the ends. after debut, she'll have transparent
   bangs to go with her look. as stated by fans, she looks
   more western compared to the other girls due to her
   strong, defined features and look, plus fan's love her
   chocolate abs. 
FASHION STYLE saru has quite a westernised fashion style but it isn't
    provocative at all. it may be seen as a grunge style.         her clothes are mostly simple clothes and are mostly       neutral or monochrome in colour. click me.
admirable, hard working, realistic
dominating, reserved, subjective
hesitant, overconfident, tense
the reality. the name, saru is spread in jyp like wildfire, even before her debut. she's one of the cool popular girls who younger trainees could look up to as inspiration even if she hasn't debut yet. you'd spot her working on her vocals, training extra hours, studying her language skills more than any trainee because of her trait of thinking realisticly, saru believes all hard work would contribute onto what your goal is. she's quite smart and she knows her life is not a fairy tale. 

what my father taught me. although her realistic and hardworking trait was gained from her father as he often told her his own stories of hardwork and such in his youth, most of her actions are based off her own experience and from her father's own stories. she usually repeats in her head during tough times, "what would dad do? what would he think? what would dad want me to do?"

the dulcet interior. as she came to korea at such a young age, saru had difficulty communicating with others and trying to fit in. as a result, she stayed by herself, reflecting on her actions and what she should do. because of a certain experience in her school, saru became extremely hesitant in her actions and her words.

exterting self-reliance. as she grew in age, saru grew in experience. she became extremely confident in her singing skills whilst training in jyp and would definitely boast about it amongst her other talents such as dancing. her presence in the training rooms would become inescapable and you'd immediately be drawn to her, as if she would outshine an idol. since she is confident in her singing, if she were to be turned down, saru would show immediate uncertainty and would feel quite uncomfortable singing for a while; this was shown when somi replaced her in pd101.
before it started. rangsiman 'siman' kasamsun and constance kasamsun (née montgomery) were lovebirds. siman was a teen soldier who had joined the army, during one of his trips, he had encountered constance, who had been working as a nurse when he was brought into the hospital. despite not knowing each other's language, they knew they had to be together and siman drew out of the army soon after, residing with constance in their san fancisco home. many years later, married, they had their first child, patsa 'patsy' kasamsun and then saru was born two years later.
life in san francisco. saru had always shown a passion for singing, especially musicals and broadways where the actors would always sing and dance as if they were having fun. she spent most of her time with her father, as patsy would always take over her mother's attention. nevertheless, whilst patsy was busy dressing up or reading books with her mother, saru would avidly sing, learn and listen to her father's stories about his past and stories of how to be a better person. her father started signing her up for dancing and singing classes by the age of five and saru had lots of friends she could have fun with at school and in her classes. 

the change in her life. it was 2009 and wonder girls' had released their english version of nobody, avidly promoting it. when it reached america, saru was completely transfixed by the girls. she researched that they were a k-pop group and soon fell in love with the genre of k-pop as it was far different from normal pop. the next year, jyp entertainment held auditions in america and saru wanted to join. it was set in stone, even at the age of 11 and due to her raw talent of singing, she was accepted. 

life in seoul. it was far different to america. manners were much more appreciated, the ways people acted were different, the language barrier deterred her and there were many different things too. one of the first instances she had done in south korea, as ordered by jyp, was to attend school there. she was very shy, as well as when she was training in the company building and in the dorms. as she called and messaged her parents every day, they advised her to be herself. so when she did, students and adults aliked called her out for acting 'rude' and 'unmannered' which greatly affected her to heart. she began being shy  once more, trying her hardest to not act like how she was before. 
likes: sports, musicals, singing, music, family, thai culture, orangutans, 
dislikes: rude people, sour foods, meaningless objects, when people think something's too easy, appropriation, 
habits: rubbing her left hand's pointer finger when stressed, angered or jealous, calling her parents every morning at four am, humming disney songs when walking long distances. 
hobbies: practicing muay thai, drawing little stickfigures in the corners of pages, drawing in the holes in letters. 
boxing? saru's father taught her muay thai since young because she wanted to be like her dad. according to her dad, she's very talented in it.
flights? her family flies to south korea annually for their holiday to visit saru since she cannot go back to america for holidays. 
lyrics? though she's not the group's appointed lyricist, she composes lyrics in her little journal and used one of her lyrics to create her predebut solo, hopeful sky which was based on her and her father.
fave animal? her favourite animal is the orangutan, no doubt. she has an orangutan plush that she keeps in the dorm.
fave musical? definitely heathers. if there were ever going to be a korean adaptation, she'd try out for the musical.
tba +
RELATTIONSHIPS w: 155 h: 155
"you're the best mother i've ever had."
"excuse me? best mother? honey, have you gotten multiple wives?"
"no, god, saru explain please."
they are the loving, adventerous lovebirds. siman and constance love their children of all things, they would fully support and give advice to them if needed without hesitation. they would send saru messages every morning saying 'good luck!', 'have fun today!' and other cute, fun messages. they're quite dramatic, full of jokes and love to have fun. it's true that saru was definitely a daddy's girl and prefers her father more than her mother and spent most of her childhood with her dad.
31 and 34 years old, engineer and stay-at-home-mom.

w: 155 h: 155the eldest sibling is patsa, or also known as patsy. she's quite serious compared to her parents and are well in her studies to become a lawyer. as family, they support each other fully. 
21 years old, lawyer. 
w: 155 h: 155the youngest of the family, the new addition, sonchai 'chai' kasumsun. he's a cute child and although saru rarely sees him, she is very protective of her baby brother and buys him lots of toys. although she wasn't there for his birth, chai seems to have an attachment to saru whenever they do come together.
2 years old, a cute toddler. 
singing twins are eunji of apink or minyoung of brave girls
dancing twins are umji of gfriend or jisoo of blackpink
PLOTLINE NAME the original
part one. when she had first joined, saru was the main star and everyone wanted to get to know her as there was a lot of hype for a mixed, foreign girl but since she was very overwhelmed by coming to south korea, it died down. everything was a struggle. go to middle school at eight am, end school at three pm and go straight to jype building, extra korean classes at four and training till nine pm. it was hard for her as she didn't have many friends with her, although she was one of the best vocalists in her vocal class. two years into her training, she heard of the upcoming group called empire and she had wanted to join despite of her young age, wanting to have friends. surprisingly, she had gotten into empire and was extremely elated, growing close to the other girls as they were all that she had. 

part two. fast track to late 2015, empire was under jype and everything was growing steadily. jyp had promised that she was to be placed with the cut-off for the new competition produce 101 but was replaced with somi. 
either way, after she was replaced it took a terrible toll on saru as it felt as if she wasn't enough. when she turned into a model under jyp's request, modelling for cosmetic brands, her face turned into a mystery.
that girl, somi. saru doesn't understand why all the hype from her when she had first entered had been placed onto somi. was it because somi was younger? was it because her dad was actively in the army or that somi knew taekwondo? was it because she was actually a mixed korean? saru didn't understand, she was much talented and seemed to have better manners than the young boisterous girl. 
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USERNAME aimashou
ALIAS    tilda
i'm sorry this took so long and is really rushed too
nope :)
scandal! pictures of saru in school in south korea, ones of her crying because she was called out for acting 'rude' emerged and netizens blame classmates for not comforting her or telling her more politely.
friendships! she becomes friends with the 98' liners like umji, sinb, vernon, seungkwan and dahyun.
PASSWORD hopeful sky & it's live performance.


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