gugudan's comeback

i haven't seen many people talking about gugudan's comeback but i just wanna say that "a girl like me" is really really good 

it's such a bop, i recommend you listen to it :D

is anyone else really digging this comeback like wow


also is the song that ravi composed for them? he's a good composer 


p.s yeah it's a bit late but it's not too late to stream :DD


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Me! I'm digging it! Well, I've been digging Gugudan since their debut (I know Wonderland wasn't like the best song for some peeps but I loved it, and right away too). Vixx is my number one fav boy group, and so when I heard that Jellyfish was about to debut a new one, and a female one none the less, I was quite surprised and really looking forward to it. I don't mean to like compare them or anything (like Gugudan is of course their own group with their own style) but to me it's kinda like they are my female version Vixx in a way, ya know? For the longest I've actually kinda always wanted a girl group that could come close to Vixx in terms of what I like them about. Vixx is really unique and they're basically concept kings with all the types of things that they've done (Voodoo Dolls, Cyborgs, etc.) and I kinda feel like Gugudan is gonna give me a similar type of feeling that I'll love them for (and they're brother sister groups as well which makes it all the better). I still would like to see how Gugudan grows of course, as it's not completely set in stone, but those nine girls have definitely grown onto me very quickly.
I think for me it will take me a while to like it idk it's good and all but not a song that I love straight away

But that happens alot like alot

So give me a week and I will hype it will you lol

(I'm wonderland all the way)

I'm still a tiny bit salty about ioi so that could also be a reason why I'm not hyped by it xD
I love that song but Idk why I dont see people hype them. They got 1M view in one day tho