Relationship Labels?


What would you do with a guy who still doesn't have a label about your relationship? Hw won't clarify if you're casually dating,you're his girlfriend or what-

I have a friend (seriously, this is about my friend, not me.) She's troubled bc she doesn't know what exactly is happening between the two of them. Are they casually dating or are they friends or what- The guy told me that he really likes my friend. But the relationship label is still _____? 

so idk what to advice my friend so i'm asking y'all about this.


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Anna1213 #1
If I were your friend, I would talk to him and see what he would say...
Mammami #2
See the way he acts and if she's not clear then confront the guy and ask what terms are they at
Ask them..Guys forget to put down the label and just assume you know. I had to literally ask my ex what we were because we were obviously bf/gf but he never said anything and he said and I quote: ''Oh, yeah of course we are together. I thought you knew.''
Guys are idiots xD
Has she asked him directly what they are? If not, she should do that.
If he still refuses to put a label on them I would probably be a little vary.