Weird phone calls

So it's almost 2 AM and I just got off the phone with a guy I used to be friends with. He suddenly messaged me on facebook, telling me happy birthday.

We talked back and forth for an hour or more( I was reading on AFF, here and so I kept flipping back and forth every now and then) and then he suddenly wanted to talk to me lol

So I called him(not sure why he didn't call me, unless he no longer had my number, which now that I think about it, was probably the case) and we started talking...

He played part of a song on the mandolin he recently started playing and then he would randomly spout swear words. 

Turned out he'd been drinking. I wondered if he had been before he told me. I also wonder if he'll remember what all he said.

It was a weird call that lasted over an hour. 

He asked how I was and I told him about my guy troubles. Hey. He asked and he's the one who wanted to talk. He is also one whom I loved and he decided I wasn't for him....he hurt me...he asked me if I hated A trip down memory lane thanks to alcohol, I guess. Drinking isn't good for you, anyone young reading this. 

So....he told me he loved me and that I should wake up and look in the mirror and say 'I'm -- amazing.' I'm like, 'I'm not gonna say that' lol

But, seriously. Alcohol makes you do and say things you normally wouldn't, so be very careful if you do drink. Or, you can be like me and not drink at all 😁 

Well, that's pretty much all....I need to go to sleep since it's so late....Thanks for reading my weird, weird blog hahahhaha


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Me:1 Alcohol:0
What a wierd (an somewhat funny) call.
Hehe that was one weird phone call. And I don't drink either ^^
Lol! Well Alcohol makes you tell the truth! Perhaps in the most worst time ><
Woah, I can't believe that happened!
I don't drink too!
This is just plain hilarious!!