〈   心願   〉  안주희

〈   iris   〉
❝ one line quote from character ❞
joo-e / joohee
birthname ahn joohee
joey / after she had debut, her fans realised that her stagename, joo-e, sounded a little like joey. mixing it in with her jumpy habit, it became her second, her official animal being the first, mascot animal. a baby kangaroo!
skinship baby / usually in variety shows, or in fanmeetings etc, joohee could be spotted holding a member's hand, hugging them or cuddling their arm. so the fans of iris named her the skinship baby, as she loves skinship and is one of the youngest in the group.
just right girl / joohee had starred in got7's just right and it lead people to call her the just right girl if they had ever saw her. 
birthday 2002 febuary 2nd ( 15 )
birthplace seoul, south korea
hometown seoul, south korea
ethnicity korean
nationality south korean
korean, seoul dialect, fluent
⤷ as someone who was born and lives in south korea, joohee speaks the language very well. her writing is neat and boxy, though she adds in emoticons next to her hangul.
english, american version, basic
⤷ she's still attending english classes in school but in every class, the words go through one ear and out the other. she's horrible at the language and has a heavy accent, slurring every odd word out. 
〈   the dreamer   〉
faceclaim sohye of ioi,
                                 ⤷ backup, naeun of april
height 163 cm
weight 48 kg
ual orientation heteroual
blood type a-
her skin is porcelain and smooth, with the appliance of regular moisterizer and face masks everynight, it is void of acne. joohee's hair is quite natural; as in it is long and naturally black. she rarely cuts her hair and avoids the barbers. she has no bangs up to this point though who knows what the company would do to her looks. 
fashion style  
normal white t-shirts that maybe a bit too big and high waisted tailored shorts. sometimes you'd catch her shopping in the male section, looking for comfortable hoodies or shirts. lots of beanies, her favourite is the black one with her initials sewn onto them. shoes? superstars by adidas or her dull, overused converse high tops. preferably the latter. joohee uses cute denim rucksacks as bags. 
〈   the dream   〉
stage name joo-e
 ⤷  she wanted her name to flow well for fans to say. joohee flows well but when she got rid of the 'h' it sounds more easily fluid. also because this 'nickname' is special to her. 
persona well you know the drill for this already
training years three years, 2014
entry in company joohee had gotten into jyp like how many other people got into the company, by regular public auditions. though she was reccomended to a private audition by a company representative the previous year. 
trainee life 
what was training life like?
got7's just right, lead actress, 2015
〈   talent assessment   〉
singing ▆▆▆▆▆               .     [50% of 100%]
dancing ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆          [80% of 100%]
rapping ▆▆▆▆▆▆▆         .    [70% of 100%]
variety ▆▆                                 [20% of 100%]
personal talents 
aegyo or simple acting cute
lyrical or freestyle dances
      dance examples. one. two. three.
      joohee's dance skills are equivalent to 1m yoojung.
〈   interview   〉
❝ part of the concept of the group is monthly member introduction, if you were given a choice, which month would you like to be introduced in? why? ❞
i'd like to choose the autumn months, september to october. i've always liked those certain months so it would feel special, wouldn't it? maybe it's because i like collecting autumn leaves, hehe, but it gives... playful and romantic feelings too!
❝ each member will be filming their music videos in different parts of the world, in which country would you like to film yours? ❞
I've always wanted to go to europe, to be honest. but, it's always so expensive! but before i was born, my parents went to italy. so i'd like to go there too! 
❝ how do you feel about finally debuting? ❞
it feels like, a heavy burden was lifted, but i know there's more to come...? that's that make sense? Hehe, i felt really, really happy that they chose me!
❝ what inspired you to become an idol? ❞
am i allowed to say a person? because boa was my childhood inspiration. she could dance, she could sing, she was beautiful. that, inspired me to dance. but when i watched sunmi's solo debut, i felt the same feeling. i thought, maybe i should try this idol thing out. so when i was reccomended for jyp auditions, that reassured my thoughts!
❝ other than being an idol, is there another profession that you would like to pursue? if you weren't an idol, what would you be doing instead? ❞
hehe, i'm not really sure! i'd just stay in school, dance, study. where the road takes me? my dad says i'm still young, so a job isn't for me yet and so i'm not really sure!
❝ lastly, do you have message to the people who already looking forward to iris' debut? ❞
ummm, thank you for supporting us so far! continue to anticipate our debut, i hope we'll make you guys proud!
personality traits 
aquarius truthful, affectionate, imaginative, loyal, dedication, patience neutral good
casual, slightly impassive, obediant
hufflepuff genuine, amiable, subtle, pure  
softheaded, uncritical, transparent, enfp-t dependent, delicate, easily discouraged
born to two lovely adults who wanted nothing but a beautiful life. joohee grew up on the streets of seoul with her parents closely watching her step. she had always had a connection with music and everytime she heard any type of music, joohee would start dancing with glee. when she was seven, her parents thought that bringing her to dance classes would be a good idea and it was a great plan. she made many friends and was the star of the class due to her natural talent. she was even asked to audition for jyp by a representative but her parents denied it as it might've been a scam though later that year she went to a public audition and was accepted into jyp entertainment. joohoo soon joined a dance team when one of the teachers in her dance class offered a spot to her.
nothing much had changed, she rarely went anywhere apart from her school, home, the jyp building and the dance studio anyways. though people from school and the dance studio would often congratulate her on her debut, sometimes taking a picture, not many people recognise her outside because "she looks to plain to be an idol."
yoojin & haneul, friendly co-members!
⤷  from the first half of iris, joohee is quite close with yoojin and haneul. she finds it comfortable with yoojin as they are nearly the same age and with haneul, she is like a mother to her as she has lots of experience in her belt to help. 
heiran & hwayoung, intimidating unnies..
⤷  anyone would be stupid to not realise that these two, with the exception of somi, are the most popular trainees suspected to be in iris. from seeing the immense fanbase they have already, joohee finds them intimidating. 
valerie, super-pretty model!
⤷  it's not that valerie is intimidating for joohee, it's that she doesn't have the courage to talk to her. she's beautiful, talented and beautiful! joohee simply admires but doesn't talk to her at all.

somi, as close as strangers
⤷  joohee finds somi to be a tad bit stuck up. winning a large-scale competition in first place and being the center of two groups makes a young girl swoon and go conceited. joohee doesn't usually stick with somi unless needed.
Yang hwajung, my crush's girlfriend
⤷  how to describe hwajung? possessive, rude, cunning. like the regina george of whatever school joohee attends. she knows about joohee's crush on hojoon and deliberately makes them spend less time in the little time they have to spend for each other. she's quite cunning but presents herself as such an innocent girl. 
chilltrap music, dancing, movies, food of all kind, autumn, ariana grande, pop music, frozen yogurt, barbeque pizza, dance games, snow the app
horror, romantic movies, any type of nuts, bratty people, disgusting smells, the dark, girly fashion, salads, cheese
- she balances on her toes when bored but from afar, joohee looks as if she's jumping or bouncing quietly. 
- giggles whenever it's awkward
- is a pro at dance dance revolution, never ask to play with her unless you want to get your whooped
- is more of a tomboy
- is awkward in front of a camera, the reason why her variety skills are so terrible
- she doesn't have instagram but she knows the password of hojoon's profile and uses that. 
- her snow account is ahjoo11
〈   the lover   〉
love interest lee hojoon, original character
         ⤷ backup, none
hojoonie / created by none other than joohee. since hojoon had always called her 'joo-ie' or 'ahn-ie', she thought it would be cute if she called him a nickname too. however it turned into a pet name for hojoon's girlfriend and joohee hasn't been able to call him the nickname since. 
birthday 2002 june 18th ( 16 )
occupation jyp trainee, student
personality traits ambitious, sociable, hardworking, abrasive, assertive, insensitive, thoughtless, casual 
〈   the love story   〉
song hopeless love by jimin 
current status  bestfriends
they met at the start of middle school as they were assigned seats next to each other. they didn't talk much for the first few days as it was awkward between a boy and a girl to start talking without a reason to but then they found each other at the same dance team. they instantly recognised each other this time they initiated a conversation, "i didn't know you could dance!" they bonded over time after their encounter at their dance team and soon found each other to be the best of friends, even though joohee knew the feeling in her gut wasn't friendship. two years later, hojoon found himself a girlfriend and it made joohee realise that, "wow, i actually like him." however, hojoon's girlfriend hwajung disapproves of joohee being near him. 
they push and shove each other for the sake of fun, pull corny jokes and puns at one another and steal lunches occasionally. they'll surprise each other by bear hugging each other in the hallway, scooping each other up and running off or having a random dance off on their desks. now since they are both jyp trainees and that hojoon has a girlfriend, their interactions have decreased though it's safe to say that they still act the same around each other. except for the fact that there is an angry girlfriend trying to seperate the two and hojoon can't tell that his girlfriend is trying to end his friendship with joohee.
ending joohee ends up watching the two grow more in love with each other as she continues with her idol life, though hojoon starts to contemplate his relationship with both girls. perhaps he did have romantic feelings for joohee but thought it was friendship like joohee had thought in the beginning.  
〈   almost done   〉
alias tilda
comments do have something to tell me? joohee's l/i's faceclaim only has an instagram but search his username, @dei8ht, and you'll find pictures of him I didn't want to use an idol because it can cause confusion in the story. also i'm sorry because it's so empty and rushed
questions none
sugestions none
to be added later
〈   turn in : cheatsheet : story   〉


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hello tilda~! thanks for applying :)
i like how short and concise your app is
i also really like how you dedicated the relationship section for the girls in loona 1/2
i think so far you're the only one whose done that
overall i like joohee :)
but even so, you're status will be pending
your app will be officially accepted once you've filled up the unanswered sections
again, thank you for applying and have a great day :D