Help D:

Hello...urm... actually i wanna ask some helpp... did you know some examples of ethical dilemmas in business@organization? o.O 


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isnt there also deception involved?? and skewing the truth or playing it to one's own benefits?
I mean in business there's discrimination, gross negligence, side deals (in which you divert customers to a second employer but still get revenue), and loyalty too (like if a situation comes up where you can better your clients but also have to layoff employees, morally what would you do? Who do you stay loyal too?) these are the main ones I remember but I know that it's all about the moral right or wrong and what someone should do and ask themselves if they're doing the right thing.
Wish I could help. but sorry, I have no idea about it.
lalophobia #4
i'm taking a business law and ethics class at uni rn so i guess ye i do
Sorry i've no idea :/