〈 —Zumariand'r meets Lightfire of Suicide League。

Suicide League

birthday: o1 15
Age: Looks 22 years old
nationality: American
birthplace: Tamaran
​hometown: Earth
occupation: He is still getting used to the human customs, so he would be a tech expert with his mother koriand'r and spending time with his fighting skills.

Zumariand'r A.K.A LightFire
Nickname(s) + reason
Zuzu + It is between him and his teammates. Well with harley quinn's child, she pushes it a little too far where he gets a little annoyed. However, as peaceful as he is, he does not do anything about it.
Topless,Sunny and Handsome + The girls call him that with his skin color and his lack of clothing. the only part of him that is shown is his torso.
FACECLAIM: Mark Tuan of Got7
​BACK UP FACE CLAIM: Im JaeBum of Got7
HEIGHT: 188cm
​WEIGHT: 95kg
appearance: Well, he simply has a wider and bigger build to him, including a muscular torso. He is definitely taller, almost tall as his mother koriand'r He has orange skin which is similar to his biological parents and his aunt now mother.

fashion sense: Most of the time, his clothing doesn't really cover much of his body, since his skin tone absorbs a lot of light. However, his mother tells him that it would be best to not walk around around his team members, especially the human females.

personality traits:

(+) :: Intelligent, Positive-thinker

(-) :: Aggressive, Restless

Like his new mother starfire, lightfire has always been an intelligent being. Despite his dark upbringing with the aura of war and carnage looming around him, he kept his mind on broadening his mind with all that he needed to be efficient mentally as well as physically with being a warrior. He knew about technology, battle tactics, biology, health procedures, and knowing how to be one step ahead of his enemy. He knew how to fight smart and to not allow his powers be the only used force in the midst of a battle. Next, Lightfire is a very positive -thinker. Like Starfire, he always tried to see the brightside of things, no matter how bleak the situation it may seem....or if all hope is lost. He will fight to the very end even if he is beaten or bloody.


Being a tamaranean warrior, aggression and quickness is in his blood. He will come at his opponent full force, no holding back or even showing mercy to his opposition. Although it would help him win a battle with his teammates, he would try to keep the aggression to himself especially around the suicide league. With the villain's kids, it may be a little harder to manage....but he tries to simply ignore them or (turn the other cheek) like starfire would say to him. If he got angry, he would try not to blast rays from his eye or shoot bolts from his hands. However, he would think about it in the back of his mind. Lastly, he is very very very very restless.With his mind wired to be a warrior, he has had a hard time. He is learning about relaxing, but he needs more time to adjust.


To be completely honest, Zumariand'r did not have a very bright childhood. Besides the heir to the throne as king of Tamaran he was trained as a warrior. His warm heart had to be reserved for safe keeping because the aura of war was less than pleasant. He did what he was asked, but he had no mental support from the one he loved most. His father Azuriand'r was the leg of support for him. However, unbeknownst to him, komand'r was doing whatever she could to take the throne from his aunt koriand'r if it means killing her and the people who defied her. As he grew up, Azuriand'r was wary of her plans, making secret plans to take his only son to earth if an uprising were ever to occur. Zumariand'r was confused as to why his mother would do such a thing. She was already the ruler of tamaran, why did she crave more power?


It was a question that pondered in his mind, but something told him his answer would come sooner than he thought. As he reached the physical age of 22. He heard a cracking sound from a distance. His curiosity got the best of him, until he saw a horrific sight. Bloodshed, pain and torture were around him and his mother was in the midst of it. He flew over to her, confronting her about her heinous act of tyranny but she paid him know mind as she blasted him. Heartbroken to the thought that his own mother would be willing to kill him, he tried to save as much people as he could, using his powers to fight her army. He met with his father and injured civilians, but he was forced to leave to earth where his aunt resided. First he refused, not wanting to leave his father behind. However, with a strong force he could not handle on his own. He left on a ship, flying home. In the distance, he saw his father being injured by his mother, making his word fall apart.


After a few hours of being traveling, he landed on earth. He began his search for his aunt, around this unfamiliar place. Fortunately, he did not have to go too far as he met with her while she was flying through the skies. Seeing his distressed and sad face, she knew that something was wrong. He told her everything his mother was doing, to the point where many civilians were dead and his father was captured. He left to find her, since he was the only living family member that he had left. Without hesitation, she took him in to the titans tower. She simply showed him around, but did not completely grab a female to kiss since the norm would get him flack. After a while of being on earth, he was content. He wasn't psychologically damaged due to the lack of his mother's affection because he had his caretakers that looked at him like a son. However, he felt better to have a relative to show the first hand motherly love that he always searched for.


Mother : Komand'r A.K.A BlackFire : Looks 28 years old :  Grand Ruler of Tamaran: He is not very close with his mother Komand'r since they have a conflict of interest. He has the mindset of his aunt koriand'r which she despises. His father sent him to earth when he was 21, but was captured her and fellow guard members

Father : AZURianD'R A.K.A BlueFire : Tamaranean Royal Guard : Looks 30 years old : Zumariand'r is very close to his father, since they have the mindset that favors peace and tranquility over hatred and fear. As he was training him to be a formidable warrior and knowledgeable of battle along with technology and education, his wife was busy doing whatever it takes to grab the throne from her younger sister Koriand'r.

Aunt : Koriand'r A.K.A Starfire : Looks 28 years old : Teen titans member : Zumariand'r is very close with his aunt since they share the same mindset and view of the world. After escaping from tamaran as his mother was building a regime with an iron fist, he finds his aunt along with her significant other grayson who is known as nightwing. After desparation to find solace with the only positive family member in his life, she takes him under her care as her son.


John Drake (son of robin) : 22 : Martial arts instructor

Brandon Logan (Son of Beastboy) : 21 : Teen titans member

Raven West (Daughter of Wally West)  : 20 : Flash family member

trivia ( go crazy )

— Like his family members, he does not wear a lot of clothes. However, in public he does wear clothes. The only part of his body that is bare is his arms.
When he first met tatiana, he wanted to kiss her. However, he wasn't going to push himself on her since it would be considered harassment on earth. (Being told by Grayson).
He has a very quiet demeanor, but he does not let it stop him from interacting with people.
On Tamaran, he was mostly cared for by his caretakers...instead of his biological mother.
He never felt motherly love from his mother blackfire, until he came into contact with Starfire. Although he felt the parental love from his caretakers to keep him sane, it did not come close to the love starfire gave him.

INTERVIEW ( answer in character's point of view )

How does it feel having a superhero/villian as a mom/dad?
—​ "With my mother on tamaran, it has been what humans say "Hell on earth". My mother hasn't shown any affection to me when I was a newborn and now my father is either injured or dead. I do not know." /Zuma frowns to himself/ "I have inhabited her aggressiveness, but i intend to take it out on inanimate objects."

​Would you rather have a normal life?
— "I will be honest and say no. Despite my dark upbringing, my aunt always remind me that uniqueness makes you stand out from the rest." /Zuma takes a breath, before releasing it to the atmosphere./ "Despite the possibility that my biological mother may come to earth for me, i intend to live my life."

"your love is pure"
Tatiana Amari Kane

birthdate: April 3, 1995
​nationality: American
​age: 21
​hometown: Gotham City, New york
​Status: crushing
Face Claim: Katherine McNamara (Shadow Hunters)
​Backup face claim: Lilly Collins (Mortal instruments Movie)

​how they met and interact here

Zumariand'r and his mother flew down to meet with nightwing. He was talking with his colleagues, until he spotted the two flying towards him. "Hey, Kori! Zuma!"

Zuma smiled kindly towards Nightwing, but was curious of the people around him. He turned to his mother asking softly.

*I will be writing sort of gibberish, but a little close to how starfire talks in her native language, from teen titans tv show and even the dc animated movies.*

"Tremarsh ka hwa?" (Who are they?)

"Ju YAPA GE ROTHGA MOATA HLA METKO, Zumariand'r Na." (They are heroes of this planet,zuma)

They landed on the floor, before walking to Grayson fully in uniform. patted his shoulder and Zuma smiled before looking around.

"KHOma." (Wow.)

He whispered to himself, before noticing humans that looked around his age. However, he did not know how to communicate with them. With a small frown, he stuck by his mother and watched the others around him. Stafire noticed quickly and asked him.

"Oaku me yatoP?" (what is wrong?)

"IL MAO TUSHANAE LEAGWE NAQOuLOO EMADUYA. IL WOO YAPYAP BRA GDANAE FA LOMA WETARu MO MO SHRANi." (I can not speak the english language, i would have to kiss a human female to do so.)

Starfire nodded, before tapping Grayson on the shoulder. "Yeah?" He watched her whisper in 's ear, before a wicked grin splashed onto his lips. "I have an idea, but kate will probably kill me."

"C'mom Zuma." He motioned the male tamaranean to follow. He started to trail after him, but looked back to his mother.

"WO DOLA GNA GO NAFKA LIU IL VOO NOLARA ROMAU SHO." (Why do I have the feeling that i will not like this?)

"ZEA CHU RE LO." (Just follow his lead.) Starfire assured him by following behind until they meet up with Tatiana kane (who is the daughter of kate kane a.k.a batwoman), Natalia reyes (The daughter of Gabe reyes A.K.A blue Beetle) and Harmony queen (The daughter of Laurel Queen and Oliver queen a.k.a Black canary and green arrow.)

The three were talking, until grayson cleared his throat. "Hello ladies." They all turned to see him in uniform along with starfire in hers. "Oh, Hi Mr. Grayson, Hi Starfire!" They smiled, before the three turned to the tall male. "Who is this?" They pointed to zuma, to which he lowered his eyes. "This is zuma, who also was born on tamaran."

He watched as the two converse, until the red-haired beauty walked forward to him. He figured she wasn't aware of his mother and himself and hearing her say.

"Hi! I am tatiana, welcome to earth!" She grins, to which he enjoyed but he did not understand the words that slipped from her pretty mouth. After a moment of silence and awkwardness, Tatiana rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment. Zuma simply tilted his head, as he watched the red-haired beauty in front of him. He observed her demeanor, the way her lips moved and how her eyes spoke to him.

Although Tiana averted her eyes from his searing ones, the brunette female said to her."Umm...Tiana?" Natalia reyes called her. "He is from tamaran, he doesn't know english yet." Tiana widened her eyes, then looked towards Harmony Queen. Confused as to how they will communicate, she asked. "So how will he know our language?" Harmony and Natalia snickered before she pointed to starfire.

"It is The same way that starfire learned our language." Tiana's eyes widened. "Umm...How?" From her surprised expression, he figured the red-haired beauty's friends were telling her ABout how tamaranean's learn other languages. So, as a silent response, he reached out to pat her hair gently. The touch of him made her shiver, but she enjoyed the contact from the beautiful alien.

With a smooth approach, zuma stepped forward, to the point where he towered over her with his muscled build and tall height. He looked down to her with an unwavering gaze, hearing her gulp in response. He knew that she was nervous, but he wanted to let her know that he meant no harm. As a tactic, He lifted his hand to hold her cheek, gentle her soft skin with his thumb.

"I think he is asking for your permission to show you. It is not inappropriate tiana. I think you will enjoy it." Harmony looked towards starfire and nightwing to which she nodded, while he smirked. She looked up at zuma, taking a breath before stepping forward. Zuma took that as an okay, and effortlessly lifted her up into his arms. He looked into her eyes for a moment, as he held her by the back of her thighs.  He closed the distance slowly between their lips, watching her eyes close in response.

He whispered softly to her, so only she can hear it.

"Tu TeYami." (So beautiful)

Thus, finally sealing it with a kiss. As his lips came in contact with hers, Tatiana melted at how gentle, yet feeling full when their kiss began. from the sight of their first kiss, girls squealed, while smirked even more. Starfire bonked him from the back of his head while they were lost in a moment. Tiana felt safe in his strong arms, automatically pressing against his chest like they were a seasoned couple. Although he wasn't from earth, he was a damn good kisser...that is for sure.

As much as she hated for it to end, it did. However, she would never forget it.

zuma pulled away after a moment of their lip lock and looked into her eyes. "Hello." He greeted softly, to which she blushed and stuttered. "H-h-hi. W-wow you are handsome!" Natalia and Harmony were laughing hard while Starfire smiled. Nightwing chuckled while Zuma released Tiana from his grip on her thighs and placing her feet down to the floor.

"My name is Zumariand'r of Tamaran. Our kind learns language by the act of kissing." He continued, which made tiana blush even harder. His voice had a low timbre, but smooth enough to make her body quiver. "Yeah, after that...i will never forget it at all." He chuckled softly, before reaching his hand out to her cheek again. "You are a very peculiar human female, but I enjoy your demeanor. It is truly glorious." Tiana smiled brightly and brushed her hair back. "Thank you. So, with a long name like your mom's. What do you prefer to be called? Since your mom is either called kori or starfire, what do you prefer to be called?"

"For a human name, I prefer to be called Zuma. Zumariand'r is the equivalent to Lightfire in english." The girls nodded in understanding, while Harmony and Natalia hooked their arms with his. "Well, zuma! Welcome to earth!" Zuma raised his eyebrow, but quietly followed. Tiana huffed, before following them. "Hey, he kissed me! I think I should show him around!" She ran after them, before wally walked up next to and kori.

"Well look at that, your son is already a heart throb." wally commented with a laugh.  smirked. "I am impressed, for a quiet one he is not shy at intimacy." Starfire rolled her eyes at the two, before smiling after Zuma. "He always had that look, but I think it is his gentle nature that pulls females in." She commented, before they followed the four.


"You know, zuma. Although I never would have imagine kissing someone I've just met, it seems like you have captured my heart after that." tiana playfully commented, while wrapping her arms around his waist. "I believe that it is fate bringing us together." He softly commented, before leaning down to kiss her lips once more.

They become a couple after tiana confesses her feelings for him. He accepts it and gives his all to her.

Author's note

forgot to add that love interest's fc can be anyone lmao but yeah honestly have fun!! like go wild but stick to your plotline!!

​COMMENT: I hope you like him <3

Have zuma walk around with his shirt off and tiana walks in on him. She freaks out and tries to scurry off, but he catches her by the wrist. He innocently asks, "Tiana? Is there something wrong?" He sees her face all red, but he does not realize that her eyes are roaming his body.

Zuma and Kori practice their powers in a fighting simulator.

​PASSWORD: Starfire


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