〈 — Warren Jo-El meets Super Boy of Suicide League。

Suicide League

birthday: December 21
Age: Looks 21 years old
nationality: American
birthplace: Krypton
​hometown: Metropolis
occupation: photographer at the daily planet

Warren jo-El/Warren Kent
Nickname(s) + reason
Sunshine + Apparently, that is what Batman's son calls him. Warren calls him moon light due to his brooding attitude that he adapted from his father bruce wayne.
Pretty boy + That is from CatWoman's daughter. He wonders how Batman handles an enigma like Catwoman, but apparently he is attracting enigma's like her daughter a well as harley's child.
FACECLAIM: Rhys Pickering
​WEIGHT: in lb or kg
appearance: There is nothing truly different about his appearance, other than the fact he is very muscular like his father and his father's younger clone Kon-El.

fashion sense:
Warren has a little preppy slash nerdy look, while going to school and work as a intern photographer at the daily planet in metropolis. Despite the nerdy look, he keeps hmself looking nice. Also, he has a superhero look without a mask like his father.
Here is his uniform: <3

personality traits:

(+) Positive :: Hopeful, Shy

(-) Negative :: Self-critical, Reluctant

elaborate personality here.

To start off, Warren has a lot of hope for the future. No matter the situation and how things are around him, he is always looking on the brightside. He may be looked at weirdly, wondering how can someone like him be so optimistic. Well, he along with his father and cousin wear the s for a reason. It represents hope. He intends to instill that in the people that he saves and inspire the people around him. Warren is described as the total opposite of his sister Kara Zor-el. Although he has a positive attitude, he is not very outgoing as her. He is a pretty shy, despite his assumed pretty face. He keeps to himself and simply observes the people around him. The group of people that he mostly talks to is his dad, lois, his grandmother martha and his sister. Although he may not to go out his way to talk to people outside of his family, he will do so to make connections with the people around him.

Despite his positive traits, he is obviously very self-critical. Despite his father's encouragement to take on the legacy that he has set out for him and his sister, he doubts that he will fill it well..he doesn't feel like he could measure up and feels like his sister would be the better fit. He pushes himself hard as he could, but when he doesn't do as well as he hoped. He would self-hate himself to the point where he looses hope in ever filling his shoes.


Warren was a special case, when it comes to being a kryptonian. Although he wasn't born on earth, he was destined to Kal-El, who is known as Clark Kent. He was a blood-relative of Kal-el who was the younger  brother of kara Zor-El. The only thing was, his biological parents were killed in the destruction of the home planet krypton. He was watched over by a wise-woman of a planet that was friendly to krypton. Although he wasn't there for long, he had a safe shelter and love to keep him alive. He was safe from harm, until it was time for him to reunite with his sister and older cousin.

He was simply a toddler on a planet that moved slowly, which meant he aged slowly in comparison to his sister and cousin. The mysterious caretaker moved down to Smallville where kal-el resided to give Jo-El over since he was a familial being in the kryptonian blood.

*story time*

Clark Kent was a full grown adult who was in smallville to visit his mother martha, until he saw an unusual light. He walked to the back, hearing his mother, Lois and Even Kara calling him. "Clark?" "What's going on?" The three followed him until they met the mysterious woman who held jo-el in her arms. Clark being cautious, asked the woman.

"Who are you?"

"My identity is of no importance. The one I hold in my importance may mean something to you." Kara and Clark looked at each other before looking towards the woman. The two kryptonians walked over to the child to see the male with a necklace with a kryptonian sign. Kara turned it over which said.

"Dear Jo-El,

Although something may happen which may separate us, we will always watch over you from the heaven, moon and stars. You are our light that will never fade. I hope you find your way and reunite with kara Zor-El.

With Love,

Zor-El & and Allura

"Oh My god, Jo-El! My baby brother!" Kara took him in her arms and watched him coo in happiness. He reached out with a smile and gripped her finger strongly. "He has that kryptonian grip." Kara laughed and watched Clark smile as he caressed his cheek. "At least we are not alone kara." He murmured to kara, to which she nodded. Martha and Lois looked over to see a new baby. "Clark, is he like you?" Clark nodded to his girlfriend. "He is. He is kara's younger brother. Their parents were killed during the distraction of our planet. He has no one to care for him."

Kara frowned, while kissing Jo-El's forehead. He began to whimper softly, to which Clark gently took Jo-El into his arms. "I will take care of him." Clark looked at him with tenderness, before looking to Lois. "Besides Lois, you always wanted a son." Lois playfully tapped his shoulder. "I know! We will talk about it later, if we consider giving him a sibling." They all laughed, before they turned to the mysterious woman. "Thank you, Miss." The hooded female nodded.

"Take good care of him. As he grows, he may be hesitant to carry on the legacy, but he will get the courage he needs." Clark nodded, before they watched her fly away. They all looked back to the sleeping baby, who already felt comfortable in his new father's arms.

"So, what should we call him?"

"Let's call him Warren. Warren Kent." He smiled to which squealed in approval, while martha and lois smiled lovingly. "Warren Kent, that is perfect."

*story end*

After this happened, he grew in a regular school among human children. However, it was a little more difficult since he had to control his powers and strength. The struggle did not last so long, but he wondered if he will carry the legacy that his father proudly wore as he was a prominent hero for the world.


Mother : Lois Lane : 28 : reporter at the daily planet : He takes her in as a mother figure, despite the fact that his father and her aren't an official married couple. She is very kind to him, which he appreciates despite the hard time with reminiscing life on krypton and thinking about his biological parents.

Father : Clark Kent : 30 : Justice league member : Although Clark wasn't his biological father, he looked up to him like a father figure. Clark easily accepted him as his son which made his life whole again. They always stuck beside eachother, happy that they were not alone.

Sister : Kara Danvers : 21 : Reporter at the daily planet : They are definitely connected by the hip and have been close as ever since they have reunited on earth. She is very protective of her younger brother, especially since the bad girls are clawing onto him.


Elise Hol (Daughter of Shayera and Carter hol) : 21 : College Student

MichaeL Grant (Son of Wildcat) : 21 : cook

Manuel Bertinelli (Son of Huntress) : 21 : Barista at a bar

trivia ( go crazy )

— Although he spends his time conversing with naomi, he isn't a smooth operator like the other males on his team. So, instead of embarrassing himself, he spends time with himself at the gym.
He is easily at the top of his class. Although people bully him, he tries not to use his strength to much, due to his immense strength that is beyond human capacity.
He spends his time with his dad, keeping his powers in check.
a lot of the women check him out at his workout time, but he tries not to let it get to his head. He is mostly embarrassed which makes the other guys .
Despite having the same powers as his father and sister, he also has the weakness with kryptonite.

INTERVIEW ( answer in character's point of view )

How does it feel having a superhero/villian as a mom/dad?
—​ "It is a little overwhelming because i have big shoes to fill. I mean, he is the man of steel for heaven'ss sake!" He pouts with a sigh released from his lips.
​Would you rather have a normal life?
"Although i do feel like an alien, i am with my father and sister who are like me....so in the end. No. I do not want to have a normal life."

"your love is pure"
Naomi Delilah Todd

birthdate: June 25, 1995
​nationality: American
​age: 21
​hometown: Gotham City, New York
​Status: crushing
Face Claim: Emeraude Toubia
​Backup face claim: Sara Sampaio

​You know in stories, the good girl falls for the bad boy? Well, in Warren's case, the good boy falls for the bad girl. That one girl is Naomi Delilah Todd, who is known as Onyx. She is the only daughter of the notorious vigilante redhood. She was high-equipped, dangerous and intelligent to boot. Some may think she was a high maitenance kind of girl, but on the inside she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty of be the cause of bloodshed. Warren was unsure as to how she captured his heart, but apparently he was the one that caught her eye.

*story time*

Naomi was conversing with harley's daughter and Catwoman's daughter, until she noticed a shadow falling among them. She looked up to see superman and his son warren flying down to meet the others. Naomi smirked, liking what she saw. A boy that was easy on the eyes, sturdy and who probably has some hidden secrets she wished to unravel.

Catwoman's daughter smirked, watching warren flash an innocent smile towards the others, as superman stood by him. At first she thought batman's son was good looking, but warren was a masterpiece that she wanted to steal for himself. Harley Quinn's daughter and Naomi felt the same. However, Naomi took the first step to close in on him. When she knew that he was alone. She smoothly talked to him.

"Just when I thought your father was handsome, then you came along." Warren turned to see Naomi in all black, instantly blinking in surprise as one of the prettiest girls were talking to him. "Umm...hello.." He greeted with a low timbre. Naomi thought the bad boys around her were boying, but this innocent boy with his good-looking self and voice, she was enraptured and couldn't wait to sink her teeth into him.

"Hiya, handsome. My name is naomi. I am sure you know my father." He towered over her with his broad and strong stature, but his shyness showed. He cleared his throat before responding. "Yeah, Jason Todd. The infamous redhood." Naomi smirked even more, running her well-manicured hands up his chest which made him shiver.

"You know, I don't usually asked to be saved...but for you, I wouldn't mind being saved, if that means being in your arms." Naomi purred with a sultry smile and tone, which made him smile in response. He never had someone come on to him like this, but he still had a respect for himself and the woman before him.

Naomi was indeed a deadly and beautiful woman, but she was not a hoe. Warren respected that and he slowly gravitated to her. "Well, miss todd, I would not oppose to that. We will be on the same team, and I will be there to hold you when you need me." He responded rather smoothly to his surprise. Naomi smiled wickedly before taking his hand and leading him to her circle.

Aware of his father and batman staring at naomi, he did not fall instantly. However, he was incapable of resisting her in the end.

​Naomi was definitely flirtacious towards Warren, but he did not mind it at all since she did not put him in an uncomfortable place. Although he knew naomi wasn't a mushy kind of girl, she definitely showed her attraction to him. They were able to become closer like a couple, since they were living together with the rest of the team...despite the bad blood between batman, naomi's father and his father's discontent with naomi. However, it seemed like Naomi respected him for the gentleman that he was. Naomi wasn't exactly sure to settle down with him since they were both young however his hooks in her never weakened.

Author's note

forgot to add that love interest's fc can be anyone lmao but yeah honestly have fun!! like go wild but stick to your plotline!!

​COMMENT: I hope you like him <3

  • Warren carefullY catches naomi and carries her down to the meeting spot. Naomi watched his profile as he flew slowly while holding her in his arms. Naomi actually felt safe and could not imagine letting go of him. As they slowly floated down, naomi did something that only her instincts cried out for her to do. unable to resist, pulls down her mask so her lips were revealed. She whispers in his ear, "my Hero" causing him to look at her with a gentle smile. "Not a problem miss todd." He said to her gently, it almost felt like a caress down her body, but with clothes on. Before he set her on the ground. Naomi said to him huskily. "Call me Naomi, Warren." She leaned up to kiss him square on the lips, to which he responded immediately. He did not set her down, focusing on his lips moving in sync with his in a passionate embrace.


​PASSWORD: Superman


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