Weekly Goals | 2.19.17 - 2.25.17 | #HappyHobiDay

Okay so, I recently thought it to be a brilliant idea to post six ongoing stories at once (only five if you don't include the drabble collection, which is not really priority as far as updates are concerned). In order to keep myself a little more sane and not fall into the pit of writer's block (again), I've decided that I'm to make a blog post every Saturday or Sunday, with goals that I've created for myself, concerning these stories. I can go beyond these goals, of course, but I want to at least meet them each week, and be caught up on it. When I post the following weeks goals, I'll brush up on whether I met the previous weeks, what I did and did not meet, and whether or not I'll make it a goal for the new week, as well.

Feel free to do this as well, if you think it may help you get more done and stay organized with your writing, or even just life in general.

Color Key:

So, for this upcoming week, 2/19-2/25:

Main Priority: Finish Chapter 1 of 52.

- This past week I managed to get the first five chapters outlined and the prologue(?) written for it. All I have to do is write the first chapter of it for Saturday's update. If I can finish that earlier in the week and get ahead, even better.

Plan/try to finish the outline for Delivery.

- I may not finish the outline this week, but I need to get a good bit of it done, so I stick to the story line I have in my head more. If I have time, I should go ahead and start working on Topping #3.

Update Fear of Falling on Wednesday.

- I also need to start writing the next chapter after what I've got done (I'm ahead, and I wanna stay that way). But, this has been highly neglected (for no reason) much like What Am I To You? So, I may try and alternate every Wednesday for updates with these two.

Work on some chapters for Fifty Shades of Bangtan.

-We've got it written pretty far ahead, so I don't have to worry about it as badly now, but I should definitely start getting on it, since the sooner, the better, and longer we can stay ahead.


That's my goals for this week. Not all of them are prioritized, so I won't be stressed if I don't complete them, but I will do my best regardless, and your best is all you ever can do.

Also, Happy Hobi Day.



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Kaylie3Two #1
It's honestly so cool to see you blogging about your goals you've set! I'm excited to see how far you'll get!
Awww! Adorable Hobi!! <3
Meme I should learn to be this organised omg. 0":