A little message

Hii.. Is this the right place to write??? Will anyone read this message??? I don't actually know how this asianfanfic works... Hahaha... Well, this is my first time posting something here so, I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to all my readers... Thank you so much for all the supports that you guys gave to me.... And at the same time, I would like to inform here that the next chapter of my fanfic "TOGETHER" will be release quite late, because I would be going for a holiday, so I won't be able to continue my writing for that chapter till I come back... Whether you guys like it or not, you have no choice other than to wait patiently for the next updates. 
And, is it okay if I inform here that the fanfic "TOGETHER" would end at 30TH CHAPTER??? Yes, 30TH CHAPTER would be the final chapter, and now there are 4 chapters left... 
Pray for me to write the best ending for everyone and as this story coming to an end, I already started to miss this fanfic because I already know how it's gonna end... :)
However, no matter what happened, still, thank you for everything... 

p/s: Dude, even this message sounds so sad... T_T


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