"the one with Neveah Capella"

YukiBoo. Yuki. 10/10. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
neveah Capella
THE (dandere)
FULL NAME — Capella, Neveah
• Nev + It is basically a short name from her first name. People who know her well, usually calls her that.
GENDER — Female
UALITY — Demiual
DOB + AGE — 92.24.03
BIRTHPLACE — Benicia, California
HOMETOWN — Benicia, California
ETHNICITY — Mexican/Lebanese
• English + It is the first language that she has spoken ever since she was a child.
• Spanish + It is the second language that she has learned from her mother's side of the family. She is fluent in this language.
• Arabic + It is the third language she has learned. She is very smart with a very good memory. She intends to be knowledgeable of this language since it comes from her father's side of the family.
FACE CLAIM — Emeraude Toubia
BACKUP — Sara Sampaio
• Nothing else is really different about her except her tattoo and her belly piercing. 
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — in 57kg & 159cm 
• Well, she doesn't have anything in particular when it comes to her fashion sense. As long as it is not too revealing it does not matter. All she cares about is being comfortable at school/work and confident when she is going out with her friends. 
Positive / (+) Gentle (on the inside), Loyal, Honest, Calm (shown in her profession)
Negative / (-) Shy, Confidential, Impartial, Autarkic
• optional
 Well, besides growing at a middle-income family. Her parents and herself have a very strong bond. She was born the only child, simply going through the steps of life on her own. Around her parents friends, she is considered as the "angelic child" besides their own kids. She wasn't the problematic child, due to her calm and quiet demeanor, however she was curious. However, not much to the point where it made their hearts almost jump out of their chests. She was the child who was always eager to learn and it showed through her years in elementary school, middle school and even high school. Middle school was a difficult chapter due to the fact that "children can be mean". Apparently she was the victim of cyber bullying and was always picked on when myspace existed. Although they would never tell it to their face, it would only happen behind the safety of
their computers. Despite her shy personality, she showed her hint of bravery by calling them out and simply labeling who they really are. Cowards. That was what they are and there was nothing else to describe them. With the encouragement of her parents, she reported it to her principal having them punished appropriately. It was a relief for her, despite the harsh words. Luckily, she was able to brush it off by joining the colorguard. She was able to fit in fine and was able to forge friendships very easily. She experienced a lot of positive experiences, competing in street competitions and even winter competitions which occurred in the gym. They competed among the best middle schools and even highschools with their high reputation. After her three years of middle school it was time for high school. Although it was an end of a chapter, it was time for a new one. As the middle school chapter came to an end, she ended with a gpa over a 3.0 and was easily the top of her classes. Some of her teachers even wished that she stayed young forever. However, she continued on.
As she entered high school, nothing really changed besides her classes being harder and meeting new people. Despite her shy personality, she was able to make a few friends. Jessica and Ophelia was among the few, and they were immediately thick as thieves and stuck together throughout highschool. School events, boyfriends, drama, you name it. It was a journey and the hardships made their friendship stronger than ever. Like in middle school, she joined the highschool colorguard, making a high mark for the school. Although her friends had a lot of luck in the dating scene. She kept to herself during school, that was until she met Hoya. Hoya was a part of the highschool drumline, meeting at the age of sixteen. He was a snare drum player, while she was honing her skills with her flag, rifle and sabre. During rehearsals during the field season, they were able to see each other a lot due to the fact that the drumline and colorguard members were close beside the band.
At first, they were shy amongst each other, but with a little push by both the colorguard and drumline. They decided to give their relationship a try. They started as friends, going to the movies and hanging out with eachother. It was not serious with making out or anything among those lines. They were simply getting to know each other, while enjoying each other's company. There was no rushing into things like making out, heavy petting or anything like that. It was simply holding hands with eachother and doing sweet things together. It was at a simple stage, where they are simply knowing what each of them like. They were a serious couple, but they weren't just friends anymore. Their relationship lasted even through highschool to the point where they became more intimate. They started to become serious, making more time with eachother at the age of 21. Their relationship began to grow during their first few years of college. Although they were achieving their education along with their majors, they were able to make things work. The only problem was that Neveah was
beginning to have many men pining for her. He was definitely annoyed, but he did not make a brash move and have Neveah dislike it. However, they didn't have to sink their claws into eachother when they went on another date. In 2015, they went together on a movie date in Oakland ,where they got to see Avengers: Age of Ultron. They both went out to dinner, before going in together to see the movie. It went smoothly, before it was them alone again. It was an awkward time, but the silence was broken as Neveah kissed him on the lips the first time. It was shocking for them and the shyness made her get up and run. However, she did not get very far as Hoya caught her and held her in his arms. Although her shyness made her want to run away, she did not want to leave his arms. When he felt her relax, he simply chuckled and whispered in her ear. "I've dreamed about this for so long, and now it has happened. I am not going to let this go and let you get away." That
simple statement brought chills down her spine, but that meant one thing for the both of them. They want to take it to the next level. It was decided that they wanted to be serious and really move forward with their relationship which meant even more intimacy. However, with them becoming more comfortable with eachother it wasn't a problem. As they both are nearing the age of 25, they are beginning to include the parents within their relationship. She introduced Hoya to her family, while Hoya introduced her to his. Despite their cultural differences they were modern and more open to them dating outside their race...especially Hoya's family. As Hoya studies to become a vetrinarian, Neveah is focusing on her nursing career. As of now they are still going strong and are ready to face the challenges that are in front of them. 
 Ophelia Masterson (FC: Lily Macaplinac), 25, & Best Friend / Major - Science Major
Damien Yukimura (FC: oo Stewart), 18, & Little Brother / Occupation - Works at a restaurant in San Fransisco
Sienna Wallace (FC: Tori Kelly), 17, & Roommate and new friend / Major - Liberal Arts
Jade Kwon (FC: Park Sunyong (Luna) ), 23, & Total opposite and new friend / Major -Medicine

• With her uality, she does not develop an attraction ually at first. ual attraction will come unless she has a deep connection with a significant other.

•  She is considered a dandere, due to her shyness around others. Although she is shy, she is able to get things done in a quick and efficient manner. She doesn't talk as much, but she shows her emotions through her eyes while taking care of victims from fires or burns.

•  Many men try to make advances on her due to her exotic appearance, but it only goes so far as a "no" with an neutral face. ual desire doesn't come to her at first...which is a bummer to random strangers who think that she is an easy lay.

• Despite her personality, she has made plenty of friends.

• Neveah would consider herself an newbie when it comes to social media. The only social media accounts that she have are facebook (for family and & friends), and instagram for herself and things that she likes.

• To people's surprise, she is actually a fan of comic books, it is one of those moments where she can simply be herself. Jessica and Ophelia dragged her to a comic convention in Sacramento. Jessica dressed up as Storm. Ophelia dressed up as Silk, while Neveah dressed up as the Scarlet Witch.


LOVE INTEREST — Lee Howon (Hoya)
BACKUP — Jang Dongwoo
PERSONALITY — He is most of the time around the people that is around him. He can also have a sarcastic humor. Whether or not someone gets it, it is on them. He is dedicated, persistent and very confident in what he wants to go after, which is something that Neveah truly admires. Although he wants to put up the manly persona, he turns into the very sweet guy and a gentleman for Neveah. Generally, he is a sweet guy but he does have his limits. He is direct and he can see through people who try to lie to him and such.
• Neveah has had some sort of awkwardness, especially when it comes to attraction to someone. In her opinion, letting her shyness show..it would be considered a  weakness that is often taken for granted. However, Hoya showed her that some people aren't jerks and they can have good in them. Hoya was often the very cute person who instantly crashed into her emotional barrier, but there were times she was going to let it fall apart if she let him in. However, in the back of her mind she could not resist him.
At first, he was definitely shy around Neveah because she was shocked by her appearance. Well, not in a bad way. It was more like an "oh my god! you are so pretty!" kind of way. He turns into a stuttering mess when trying to talk to her for the first few times, but both of their shy personalities really made them click. Although they have different majors, they have a lot in common when it comes to their dreams and their ambitions.
RELATIONSHIP — Although Neveah hasn't developed ual attraction towards Hoya, she definitely has an attachment to him. She be a dandere, but allows herself to relax and be an appropriate girlfriend around him.
CURRENT STATUS — They have been dating for four years and Hoya wishes to propose to her someday. In the end, they are engaged. Hoya proposes to her in front of her closest friends. Although they are getting married at a young age, they feel like they are ready to start a life together as a married couple. However, they would prepare for a child before reaching the age of 30.
  • Hoya is an incredible dancer. For their dates, he takes her dancing. Although she is shy, she allows herself to let loose and have fun with him.
  • To spill on their first kiss, Neveah kissed him first and ran off. Hoya was stunned for a moment, before noticing her run off and then taking off after her. She simply picked her off and spun her around with a grin that can rival the shining sun.
  • Both of their friends were obviously aware of how much they liked each other. However, they were too shy to admit it. So they had to make plans to really get them together. Although the couple did not expect it, the plan was the push they needed to make the next move.
  • Jade Kwon who Neveah told about them dating, would tease them when the couple are together. It makes Hoya and herself blush.
  • Instead of just Neveah going with Ophelia and Jessica, Hoya and Damien goes with them to Comic Con.
OCCUPATION OR COLLEGE MAJOR — Neveah Capella attends San Francisco State University, getting a bachelor's degree in nursing. She is working on an internship with San Fransisco Fire Department as an EMT.
Aya Yukimura / 30 / EMT / Aya is Neveah's superior at San Fransisco Fire Department. She shows her the ropes and helps her understand how to suppress her emotions especially in emergency situations. Whether it is responding to a 9-1-1 call, or simply being on call from a fire emergency. She calls Neveah a dandere because of her reluctance to be outgoing. However, with her gentle touches and efficient care, the patients know that she cares.Outside of work, she takes the push as encouragement to have fun.
Jessica Stewart / 25 / College Student / Jessica is her classmate at San Fransisco State. They have been friends since birth and both studying to achieve their degrees in nursing. However, she will work at the local hospital instead of the fire department. She is the absolute opposite of Neveah who is happy-go-lucky and very lively. Although Jessica knows that Neveah does not show as much forwardness, she can really see that is a person who tries.
Michael Dallas / 25 / College Student / He is probably the most annoying person in Neveah's opinion. He is considered the notorious playboy at San Fransisco State who has a full list of girls that he has slept with. He is frustrated that Neveah pays no attention to him because he is not used to being told no, which makes him even more determined.
DAILY OCCURENCE — In Neveah's schedule, she gets to choose her classes where she can really focus and keep her gpa high. They are mostly online, but that gives her time to focus on work and to hang out with her friends and make time for her boyfriend Hoya. Although she may be busy, she still has a social life.
I hope you like her <3
• here
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