
As much as I don't want to, I'm afraid I have to.

It's becoming harder and harder to keep up with school and SATs/ACTs. There are many instances where I want to write, but then I remember that there are things to study for. I have so many ideas, but with the lack of time to properly think, I don't think I can continue. Until June, I will be taking a semi-hiatus, meaning I'll slowly keep adding to thr chapters of my story before updating. Updates might be every month or so, if I can. 

The reason why i'm announcing this is so that I don't keep people waiting. When i first started writing over the summer, I was able to update every day. Once school started, it changed to weekly, and then later biweekly. It's also hard for me to keep up with that promise, so I don't want to seem like I forgot my stories.

Thank you to those who have subscribed to me! When I fully come back, I won't disappoint, I promise :)


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