#PROJECT X'S INHA #cf9595 [the biography oops]

jung inha
aimashou · tilda
a/n : i didn't use the template app as it would be too empty and would be difficult to navigate because it's still an outline of inha. if you need any info on my character, this would be the place to be. 
                   ⎯⎯⎯  jung inha   vocalist, dancer, rapper   050299   jung chaeyeon ⎯⎯⎯
                                            ⎯⎯⎯ sings like yooa, raps like dahyun ⎯⎯⎯
                 ⎯⎯⎯ amiable, benevolent, freethinking, incurious, anxious, delicate ⎯⎯⎯

a girl who would prefer solitude but would be more happy with her friends by her side. a complicated girl, her name is jung inha.  a girl who would be seen at midnight with her headphones plugged to keyboard, writing down notes on her confidential music sheets but then later seen sleeping on the keys of the instrument an hour later. a hardworking girl, her name is jung inha. a girl who would wear face masks every day and worry about the state of her skin but still considered as one of the beauties of the rookie world. a stressed-out girl, her name is jung inha.

her life began in incheon, south korea. her parents were quite wealthy as her father and uncle were in the entertainment business; working as producers for multiple companies. to say that the rest of the family didn't make as much money or was not as talented as the two males were a false statement. inha's mother works as a substitute music teacher at a middle school and also runs the choir there. inha's older sister opted to join her college band as a drummer. 

she began learning how to play various instruments when she was young; the instruments she pursued with was piano and the guitar. shortly after she turned nine, her father brought her into the studio to spend the day with him and she fell in love with 'trying' to produce music. she began posting her works on soundcloud at the age of twelve. a large amount of songs on her soundcloud account are mostly demos and samples or works she had never finished. 

inha's works 
no1. the night               no2. somebody               no3. ghost                     no4. silence
no5. moment                no6. closer                      no7. port town
no8. trying to fly away                                            no9. i thought we were lovers    
no10. take me somewhere nice  
by the time inha released 'moment', when she was around 14, her father was quite proud and showed some of his colleagues. at time time, inha's father was working in polaris entertainment for ladies' code's debut and one of the agents who worked at the company caught wind and heard inha's songs, prompting them to ask inha's father if she wanted to join polaris entertainment as a trainee 'slash' possible future producer and lyricist. inha was then told the news and went to auditions and was later accepted. 

inha had difficulty with training. she was a good singer, key word; good. her vocal capacity reached it's limits, her muscles too strained to even walk properly at times and her stomach would be growling every five minutes. the older trainees would sympathize for her saying, "how unfortunate, the pretty girl is reaching her limit." after her body finally getting used to training, inha got better little by little but needless to say, many traineesxr agree that she might have been the worst dancer in the company.

             which generation line-up are you?
"i'm in the second generation of project x"
             why did you join the group?
"when project x first came round in the company, it was more like gossip but it turned out to be true," inha paused in her thoughts. she truly did not join the group like that, it was more like a series of miniscule auditions and assessments to actually join the project. "like any trainee, i wanted to join because i felt as if i was ready."
             what are your hopes?
"i hope to create my ideal music within the limits of project x and with the members, to have fun while we're up on the stage. i know it can get very stressful, and that's why i say that. that are my hopes."
          how did you feel when you were added into the group
          along with recieving new members?
"being added into the group feels like you got a promotion," inha softly giggled, "you feel the need to celebrate but you know there's going to be much harder work. the first generation was kind to hajin and i when we joined." she had another pause in her words and her fingers held onto the fabric of her skirt tightly, "the new members will certainly give more variety to the group." she felt as if she'd be overshadowed, it's definite but she pushes the urge to cry. "i'm sure fans would like them." 


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