File: yu ahyeon.txt
Timestamp: 02 - 29 - 1998
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faceclaim, keep the width 360

amelia yu // her actual birth name that's shown in all her official papers
'melia // shorter version of her birthname; her sister calls her this
YA // her pseudonym that she uses in her work
BIRTHPLACE. ontario, canada
HOMETOWN. ontario, canada
ETHNICITY. half-korean, half-canadian
korean // conversational ; korean is her worst language seeing as she's only lived in korea for a year. she's a slow speaker in korean not just because she really is just a slow talker, but also of her lack of knowledge in the language
english // fluent ; her first language
french // fluent ; during her residence in canada, she went to a french immersion school

ahyeon has pale skin. it's not even the flattering kind of paleness, it's the pale skin you would expect from a ghost. she'd actually look like a ghost if you dressed her in white and stuck her in a dimly lit room. her face is carefully blank 98% of the time, after all, it's not good to react to people's thoughts before they actually say it aloud.
ahyeon is a lover of neutral colours, especially white and grey. you'd often find her wearing these colours. she tends to dress in a dull fashion, as she's not a fan of being noticed a lot. you won't see her wearing anything but pale colours. she tends to wear clothing that covers a lot of her skin, so you'd see her in sweaters and pants a lot.


get out of my head.


WHAT YOU SEE aloof, quiet, sensitive, gentle, elegant
insecure, fastidious, kind, intelligent, neurotic ISN'T ALWAYS WHAT YOU GET

ELABORATION. (the speaker is yu ahyoung/amanda, ahyeon's deceased twin sister)
who is yu ahyeon? well, first off, it's amelia. her name is amelia, not ahyeon. ahyeon is just a stupid name she hides behind. amelia is my other half, my beautiful other half. she's the sweetest girl i have ever known in the 17 years that i was alive. always thinking about others. she even thinks that she's selfish, which in my opinion, makes her even a better person. when you first meet her, you'll think that she's a princess! she's so smart, nice and elegant. she even talks like a princess sometimes. she's as pretty as a princess too! i'm totally not just saying that because we look exactly the same haha. 

speaking of first impressions, 'melia's bad at them. she completely shuts down when she's meeting new people. she's incredibly shy and quiet, which often makes me the one who initiates conversations. now that i'm gone, i have no way of doing that anymore, so if she was bad with people before, she's worse now. you'll notice that she tend to hang around the corners of the room she's in. she's a litterally a wallflower! she does that because being closer to a person means she can read their mind better, and my little sister by an hour hates doing that. see, she can't control her powers very well. i did try to teach her because i've always had a better grasp on it, but she can't seem to master it. she thinks it's because of the family curse or something, but i think it's complete bull.


anyway, enough of that. 'melia is a very smart and talented girl. did you know that she's a sorta-famous artist who does commissions under the name YA? well, now you do! she's always been a talented artist. what she lacks in her power, she makes up in her art. i've always been jealous of her in that regard. she's a perfectionist in her art. she's also very detail-oriented so you'll find really miniscule details in her art that ultimately don't look like much alone, but contributes in the finished work as a whole. her fastidiousness (is that even a word ahahah) kinda leaks into her everyday life. she notices the littlest of things and freaks out about it. have i mentioned that she's also kinda very much neurotic? well she is. like i said, she freaks out at the littlest of things.


that's the most i can think of right now. any more questions mr/ms medium?


"i can hear you talk even when you're not opening your mouth. why?"

the power comes from ahyeon's mother's side. it was said that only females among the family pass on the trait, and only twins of two girls shows signs of being able to use the ability. nobody in the family actually believed that "the gift" was actually real, for the conditions were so specific, it hasn't been seen for generations. the birth of the yu twins brought life to the story once more, but many were still apprehensive about it, including johanna yu (neé parker), the mother of the twins.


the power started manifesting at the twins' fourth birthday. it started with an innocent question from an equally innocent amanda, with little amelia slightly hiding behind her sister, but asking the same question. and johanna knew the infamous gift was passed on to her daughters. johanna was quick to tell her two little daughters to keep their ability a secret. even their father, yu sungho, wasn't aware of the gift.


"too loud. make it stop."

the story also speaks about only one twin who can control her power, with the other twin never mastering the skill. amanda flourished when it came to controling her power, with amelia stuggling every second. amelia had trouble sleeping because she can't stop the influx of thoughts that fill her head. amanda always tries to help her sleep, but there was little she could do, so the older twin would just stay awake with amelia till they eventually fall asleep from fatigue.


"promise you'll always be with me?"

the yu twins were inseperable. anyone who had eyes could see that. the two girls were often a popular topic to speak of in school. after all, they were twins. asian twins. girls would often talk about their strange behaviours, and boys about their beauty(yikes, teenage hormones). the two girls were extremely popular, though it was mostly amanda doing most of the socializing. amelia was always attached to her twin, and is popular mostly by association.

one normal day, they were walking home. speaking to each other without saying one word. they bring a whole new meaning to twin telepathy. they were just crossing the street, as a person does, when amelia was suddenly pushed out of the way. a hit and run. neither of the twins ever thought that a hit and run would mark amanda's end.


"it's what amanda would have wanted."

after almost a whole month of not speaking to anyone, and basically being a desolate child, amelia continued on living. a small voice in her mind reminded her that sitting and moping in her room wouldn't be what amanda want for her life to be. she graduated high school twinless, and moved to south korea to leave behind the sad memories in ontario. she adapted her korean name, yu ahyeon. she bought an apartment in seoul to live in. her parents gave her her own art gallery as a graduation gift, and helped her get more clients to buy her art(see in trivia). her gallery was coincidentally next to a certain café, and guess what happens next.

yu ahyoung (amanda) // a sigh escapes ahyeon's lips. she looks off to the distance. "i haven't heard that name for so long. i miss her so much. she was my other half, you know. my twin sister. we shared the womb, we shared faces, we shared secrets, we just... shared everything. she also had the same power a i do. she was like me, but a thousand times better. she always was the braver one, the smarter one, the nicer one. she could also control her power, unlike me... she's everything i aspire to be... we used to do everything together until..." she trails off, eyes downcast. "it was because of a drunk driver. she pushed me out of the way. it should have been me."

medium // "s/he's nice. s/he saw my twin shadowing me, and we got close through that, after all, s/he's the only one who can speak to mandy, after all. s/he is the only one i feel comfortable with in this country, if i'm going to be honest."

nam yerin // "yerin-unnie? she's nice, i guess. we're not really close. she tries to be a older sister to me, i know because i heard her think about it. and while her intentions are pure, i don't think i can handle having a new sister. they would never live up to my mandy..."


wake up.

feed the cat.

look for her muse.

(if muse is found) make art.

have breakfast at the café.

manage the gallery.

have lunch.

attempt to find muse again.

(if muse is found) make art.

go home.

pet cat.

clean litter box.

feed cat again.

have dinner at home.



where did your power come from? // i inherited it from my mother's side of the family. it's said that only female twins in our lineage get the power, and since i have---had a twin sister, we both inherited the power. it was also said that only one twin can control their powers properly, and it's clear that it's not me...

how does your power work? // i can read minds as well as communicate with them, though i don't particularly communicate with minds a lot. my sister... she was a great telepath. she could influence minds to do or think of things she makes them. she always said that i could probably also do that, but i can't even stop reading minds even if i wanted to.

what's the perks of being a telepath? // i guess it's the fact that nobody can lie to me ever.

cons of being a telepath? // i can't sleep well. every night, my mind is just noisy from the thoughts of other people, and i can't tune it out. also the after-effects of using it. i can't control my power. it's always on. that means i always experience the after-effects.

i've noticed that your korean isn't that good. how do you read the minds of those thinking in a language you don't understand? // the mind knows no language, as weird as that may sound. i can understand everyone's mind, and with full comprehension. once i've read a russian guy's mind, and actually understood his thoughts. i don't speak russian, and he was monolingual.

do you experience any side-effects with your power? // migraines and nausea has become a norm for me. i suppose that's one of the reason why i'm so quiet. i'm always dealing with those things. it's much worse at night. while during the day, i could ignore it til it becomes just a lull at the back of my head, but at night, it comes crashing down on me all at the same time. 

any more questions?

▫ she's the younger twin
▫ she has a cat. dog the munchkin cat, named that way because amanda always wanted a cat named dog.
▫ their family is very well off (and by that, they're actually neomuneomuneomu rich)
▫ she's an artist who does commissions under the pseudonym YA
▫ she earns well, and she's pretty well known as an artist
▫ she's very into mixed media and tends to incorporate multiple textures and depth in her work
▫ she started doing commissions when she was 15, and grew more and more known thanks her parents who endorsed her (her dad is a well-known art critic, and her mother an actress)

i can't succumb to my own weaknesses.

"you ask that as if i have a choice," she mutters to herself, too quiet for you to hear. "always," she answers in your head, making you jump in surprise.

"i can't sleep well," she admits, a small frown adorning her face. you become hyper-aware of her features. you notice her bloodshot eyes, her dark circles, and her slow speech. you internally berate yourself for not noticing it sooner. her eyes snap to you suddenly. "thanks for the concern, but i'm used to it." damn that telepathy, you think to yourself, earning a soft giggle from ahyeon.
"it's difficult," she says. "i imagine it's much easier to be born without powers," she trails off, as if her mind was lost in thought.

"medium," she answers, shocking you. they never spoke to each other, and everyone knows medium hates her. she raises an elegant brow, no doubt reading your thoughts as they come. "
i understand that you're shocked, but we are really close," she says her lips forming a small smile. "i'll tell you a secret, we don't actually hate each other."
and just like that, the smile leaves her face. "it's not who i try to avoid. it's who tries to avoid me," she says. "i don't blame them. it's hard to live knowing someone has access to every part you."

"i frequent the internet a lot," she says. "one tends to do that when they can't sleep."  

"i thought it was a sick joke at first," she says. "it wouldn't be the first time that happened." you felt a pang of symphaty for the girl.
"but i went anyway because i knew how yerin was actually an abnormal thanks to my abilities, and it wasn't that bad."

"i drank coffee here during my first day in korea," she says. "
a lot of them spoke english well enough, so i became a regular. the less i had to speak korean, the better. also there's the thing where my gallery is right next to the cafe, it was kinda inevitable.

let's stay asleep in this neverending dream.

love interest, keep the width 360

don't let them take control.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS. i'm sorry for the grammar and spelling lmao. also sorry i keep flitting between amelia and ahyeon. rest assured, they're the same people.

kim yoojung


faceclaim, 125x125


168 cm

45 kg


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