*smirk smirk* my horrile plan

K guys, congrats to me on seriously soon 13000 ing readers~ again shout out to senpai for yet another correcting on my writing lol. 

But back to business. The world is gonna end soon. And with that I mean WINGS you never walk alone is gonna drop any moment soon. Actually I ordered both of the albums since I got like two +B at my school as some grade and that is really good. So anyway the albums are named left and right and I am such a bad humor person that I am going to hang the poster on each side of my door. There are two posters and two sides of my door. 

Left are gonna be on the side when I am LEAVING my room and then I can say "I just left my room" 

And right is because my door is on the RIGHT side of all of the door on the floor where I have my bedroom. 

Such a horrible joke. 


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Lucky bish, my dad wouldn't order one for me, although I'm not at most subjects. So good for ya bae