Kontrol - it begins (began)


Long time no see/type.

It's been a while and I dont know where to start... Maybe why I haven't been around recently.

So as some of you may remember I moved out of the dormsand I now stay in a really nice apartment... But with one catch we didn't have internet yet... For way too long. It took forever for them to get things done I can't even begin to describe it. Anyways I have internet now and it's great!

I was also busy with a psychiatry clinical rotation and it was quite nice until we met our consultant... He was so rude... Oh my gosh. I feel that I should make a whole separate blog for him, although ethically I probably shouldn't.

Anyway I want to know what your new year revolutions are?

One of mine was starting a vlog channel on YouTube, starting on the first of Jan but I was so busy that I haven't been able to do what I wanted. I will work harder... 

Anyways tell me your resolutions and how they are going!


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