more questions (kindly stolen from Taehyung_Rose)

i've been doing too many of these

1) What’s your dream job?
professor or eye doctor

2) What makes you feel afraid?
the uncertainty of the future (i'm pretty sure i've answered these questions before but whatever)

3) If you had to be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose?
i would join svt on one fine day or running man bc that's really funny

4)  If you were forced to open a bakery, what would you name it?
eccentricity. for explanation, read my story "I Like Cookies"

5) Have you ever met any celebrities?
lol no i wish

6) Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
i've seen a sunrise and sunset and i just liked the sunset more. probably bc i also prefer night over day

7)  Do you like scary movies?
lol no

8) Are you good at keeping secrets?

9) Have you ever cried at a film?
yes but i usually never get emotional 

10) Do you need to write down things to remember them?

yes but i can't remember to write things down... it's a problem

11) Have you ever walked into a wall?

i've walked into a pole and several people but not a wall... yet

12) What makes you nervous?

getting exam scores back, the future (again)

13) Are you ticklish?

yes but 1) no one knows and 2) i wear a back brace so they couldn't touch me anyway :)

14) Are you a giver or a receiver?

i strive to be both

15) Who is the most intelligent person you know?

my mother

16) Your best friend dies, what would you do?

hold a hella grand spoting event like heracles did patroclus then to go their grave every day and cry

17) When and how was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt?

i don't know

18) What music are you listening to right now?

nothing right now

19) What is one secret you have never told anyone?

i can't think of any now, either i've told at least one person or i have too many

20) Who's your bestfriend in AFF?? (I will just put their username in here)
i talk with many fabulous people so i don't have a bestfriend, they are all my friends

but i'll give a shoutout to Taehyung_Rose for putting up with these questions and Odds_Are_Inevitable but dealing with my inconsistency in chatting


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I like that sneaky story promotion you put in there, I never read any stories that arent ty since i only write . but imma check it out bc i wanna know why eccentricity 8)