tumblr questions (kindly borrowed from Taehyung_Rose)

we don't even need these intro sentences anymore, do we

we know the drill


Name: defer to answer

Nickname: el

Gender: female

Star sign: cancer

Birthday: july 14 (for history nerds, the storming of the bastille occured on this day, july 14 1789, which was part of the liberal phase of the french revolution and would serve as a symbol of the overturning of the Old Regime and transition into a more middle class and bourgeoisie oriented type of government)

Relationship status: single but i'm quite content to stay this way

Pets: had pet fish, they all died

Height: 5′ 4"

Favorite color: green

Average hours of sleep: 6-7 althoughh i can actually sleep up to 14 hours sometimes... not healthy i know

Lucky number: 17 (it's totally not because i stan seventeen nope nope nOPE)

Last thing I googled: "dihydrogen phosphate ion lewis structure" (in addition to history, i am also a science nerd)

Numbers of blankets: winter: 2      not winter: 1

Met a celebrity: lol not yet

Favorite fictional character(s):  fred and george weasley 

Favorite book(s):  i will read harry potter over and over again and never get tired

Favorite band(s): currently, seventeen

Song stuck in my mind right now: if you by ailee

Last movie I watched: i can't recall this is so sad

Last TV show I watched: i'm not sure i've watched a tv show in the recent past

Last song I listened to: pick me by ioi

Dream trip: visiting countries spontaneously... lol 

Dream job: either a professor or an eye doctor

What am I wearing right now: sweatpants, large green hoodie

Time right now: 9:16 pm

When did you create your account: aug 13 2015

Current amount of subs: 84 

What do you write about: whatever i feel like

Do you have any other accounts: yes but y'all are gonna have to guess it if you want to know what it is, no worries though because i don't do anything on it anyway

When did your account reach its “peak” (when did you get more subs, have a popular story, etc..): i don't know

Do you get comments on a daily basis: no

Why did you choose your url: my url for what

Lemonade or iced tea: lemonade because i don't drink tea

Cats or dogs: a doggo would be great

Coke or pepsi: aren't those basically like the same thing? /gets stampeded by indignant beverage fans/

Day or night:

Text or call: text

Makeup or au naturel: au naturel, i refuse to wear makeup bc 1) i'm already v fabulous (jk but whatever) and 2) honestly i'd stab my eye with a pencil or forget to take it off at the end of the day and end up with damaged skin... so no

Smile or eyes: uh... dk has a great smile and eyes :)

Light or dark hair: dark

Shorter or taller: shorter

Intelligence or attraction: intelligence because that... gets you places in life xD (no offense to all those hella attractive people out there)

City or country: both

there's a spider on the ceiling right above my head and if it falls i am going to die


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Can I steal this?
I'm taller then you 8)
Correct, Coke and Pepsi are both Soda LOL JK but I honestly don't think they taste the same ><
That ending X'D *dies laughing*