〈 — Zaya Zatarra meets Child of Magic of Suicide League。

Suicide League

birthday: october 31
Age: 24
nationality: american
birthplace: liverpool, england
​hometown: shadowcrest, san francisco
occupation: she works with zaiden at an antique shop, working with an elderly woman who helps her and her brother with the history of magic.

Zaya Zatara
Nickname(s) + reason
siren of magic + it has been given to her by her hypnotic looks. (Her father brags about how she got the looks from her mother, while she got pretty damn good hair from him).
lovely + it is given to her by luca hall. It makes her blush for some reason. he doesn't call her by her name, simply that adjective. however, she likes it too much to complain.
FACECLAIM: stephanie bennett
​BACK UP FACE CLAIM: claire holt
HEIGHT: 160cm
​WEIGHT: 52 kg
appearance: Their is nothing else supposedly different from her face claim. She simply tries to keep herself physically and mentally prepared for what is to come for the league.

fashion sense: She is kind of like her mother. She has a little fun with her clothing, which helps her standout. She has casual wear, outside of her league duties. ( x x x x x ) and she has superhero uniform. ( x )

personality traits:

Positive : Playful, Zany

Negative : stubborn,  doubtful

When it comes to Zaya, let's just say that she is kind of the spitting image of her mother, when it comes to her personality. Zatanna would see Zaiden as the moon, while she sees Zaya as the sun. She is bright in mind, body and soul which lifts everyone up when they are around her. She is the life of the party, and she simply wants to live like it is her last day on earth. She likes to tease and mess with the people that she cares for. Fortunately it is simply good-natured teasing and no one actually gets hurt. She also very zany. She sees things in a different way, which actually keeps a smile on her face. She may not be in your face kind of weird, but she keeps that positivity going through her veins. Besides those two traits, she is typically a nice girl who is raised well like her brother Zaiden.

Besides her positive traits, she has her negative ones. One of them, she is very stubborn. When she expects her magic to go a certain way, they end up another. It annoys her and she wishes that she had it easy like her brother. She definitely does not have a one-track mind, but she sometimes gets into her moods when certain situations occur. Lastly, she is a doubtful girl. Although she has that playfulness like her mother zatanna, she doesn't have that much confidence. She often compares herself to her brother and pretty much is hard on herself. She pushes herself to train more, learn more to be stronger than before. She hates it when she feels like she is left behind and she even feels pushed to think that she will not be able to carry on the zatara legacy that was passed on from her grandfather to her mother, then her mother onto her brother and herself.

elaborate personality here.


While her mother Zatanna and John were still together, they moved out to Liverpool to take a break from the league and justice league dark. They were relaxing together as a couple, until they gave birth to twins in the year of 1992. They gave birth to one boy and one girl. The girl was named zaya, while the boy was named Zaiden. Zatanna and John were happy to have the two enter their lives, but they had to prepare to the fact that they may inherit their magical abilities. They were prepared until they noticed sides at the age of one years old. Their emotions were like a normal newborn, but after a while they were very mellow and calm. They've inherited homo magi genes, showing that they have the potential to carry on the zatara name. It was decided that they honed in on their magical abilities, while they went to school with normal children. After a visitation from their grandfather's ghost, giovanni zatara, zatanna and john knew that it was important. While they grown before their preteens, they have developed their home personalities. zaya was a clear reflection of zatanna, while zaiden had the demeanor of his father john. zaiden was easy to train, since he was more focused on honing his abilities, while zaya needed an attitude adjustment in order to carry on the zatara name. They were having a normal life, until they were confronting with evil spirits that wanted to spite the zatara family. they were able to defeat them, but they've decided they needed to move back to the states in order for their children to be under the safety of the justice league.

From back then, till now she has been training under her parents guidence and even making contact with her late grandfather giovanni. It was definitely an eye-opener to see whom her mother looked up to. Due to emotional expression on her face, she clearly missed him. It was obvious, but she did not want to say anything. Zaya smiled fondly, wishing that he was still alive so she could talk to him face to face and actually learn from him as well. However, that was impossible for her to reach that far. Her mother tried, but with dark magic she was met with consequences. So, in the end, she resulted with the basics so she could keep up with her brother zaiden. Luckily, she is getting there and having her own little fun with it.


ZATANNA ZATARA : 45 : Justice league member : ZAya ZATARA is definitely her sweet little girl. Despite having her serious older brother look after her, she is confident that zaya will learn to hold her own. Zaya is basically on the same plane as zaiden, however she needs to let everything go to become one with magic. so, along with John, she helps Zaya become one with the magic that is within herself. 

JOHN CONSTANTINE : 45 : justice league dark member : Zaya is definitely daddy's little girl. Even with all of the strangers that has come across him and his family, he is especially protective over zaya. he knows that she is an attractive young woman, so demons and other mystical creatures would try to stake their claim on her. However, she has him along with zaiden to send them away immediately.

ZAIDEN ZATARA : 24 : Suicide league member : zaya and zaiden are thick as thieves. they have been close since birth until now. he has always protected his little sister, whether it is from mystical creatures or boys. Metahuman or simply human, he does not care at all. sometimes she thinks that her brother takes it too far, since he rarely approves the men that check her out. however, he learns to appreciate it.


DAUGHTER OF FIRE : BRUNA Da Costa (FC: LINDSEY MORGAN) : 24 : dancer teacher

DAUGHTER OF HUNTRESS : Tatiana Bertinelli(FC: ADELAIDE KANE) : 24 : teacher's aide

Daughter of Bloodwynd : Raven Bloodwynd(FC: ERINN WESTBROOK) : 24 : museum tour guide

Son of TASMANIAN DEVIL : Troy Dawkins (FC: CODY SAINTGNUE) : 24 : zoo worker

DAUGHTER OF Batgirl : Trinity cain (FC: Arden cho) : 24 : asl worker

trivia ( go crazy )

—Zaya knows sign language, since trinity is mute like her mother cassandra cain she uses it to communicate with her. She also knows how to speak backwards like her brother zaiden, which was brought down by her mother zatanna.
she is extremely protective over her brother zaiden, since Eva Joy minerva has been jumping on him so often.
she is into instrumental music, which gets her more focus on her magical skills.
she admires black canary, vixen and wonder woman.
somehow, the son of lex luthor has been bothering her for some reason. it pisses aiden off. john along with superman keep an eye on him.

INTERVIEW ( answer in character's point of view )

How does it feel having a superhero/villian as a mom/dad?
—​ "My brother and i are proud to have her as our mother. She was there for us at the beginning until now, and i do not intend on letting her go so easily." Zaya nodded, while she kept her book of spells in her hand.
​Would you rather have a normal life?
"Where's the fun in that?" She simply asked with a playful smile. "I am fine where I am at. Best of all, I have my brother with me."

"your love is pure"
Luca Hol (Formerly Lu-Kah)

birthdate: June 25, 1991
​nationality: American
​age: 25 (in human years)
​hometown: Thanagar
​Status: crushing
Face Claim: Keahu, kahuani
​Backup face claim: Josh truesdell

​She was conversing with trinity until she noticed a tall and brawny young man with wings and a helmet to match. he held his mace in his hand, while looking straight towards Zaya. Trinity's eyes widened, before she rapidly signs to Zaya.

"He is looking at you! Talk to him!" Zaya was unsure, but she then signed. "Okay." She then turned to the stranger and said. "Hi, my name is Zaya Zatara." She held her hand out, to which he grasped gently. He then brought the back of her hand to his lips and he gently kissed her knuckles. "My name is lucA hol, I reside from the planet of thanagar. It is a pleasure to meet you zaya." From a first glance, Zaya knew that he held a strong demeanor. However, it was his confidence that brought her into him.

After their first meeting, they've began to talk with eachother and conversed about their past till now. Zaiden being the protective brother that he was, read his intentions. Luckily, he didn't find anything that screamed warning to him. He simply nodded to zaya, saying that he passes the obseervance test. Luca was interested in seeing a human girl, and zaya definitely stood out from the rest. He held her in high regard and actually enjoyed her sense of humor.

Shiera and Carter approve of Zaya, since she has ignited a bright fire into his heart. They have never seen that happen to him, while he was around young women on thanagar, and that is saying something about her. Besides, luca enjoying her spunk and playful personality he finds her irresistible to the point where he doesn't want her to leave his side. Like his father carter, who sees his mother as the light of his life, he sees zaya the same way.

In certain situations, when they are in a battle with the legion of doom, he shows off his skills as a formidable thanagarian warrior knocking enemies down with his powerful mace and even his battle skills. Despite being a novice in fighting skills, Zaya can still hold her own which impresses luca to a high degree. outside the battlefield, they seem like a close pair that cannot bear from parting. He lets himself become vulnerable in front of her and show her who he is behind the mask and wings. despite that, she likes him for who he is.


Luca finds out quickly that zaya is interested in him, but he pretends to not be aware of it. However, in his mind, his heart already belongs to the pretty maiden of magic. It comes from the way that he watches her, how he takes note of her actions, habits and even the sound of her voice. He studies her, just so he keeps it close to him and really know her. Despite Zaya's playful attitude, she is actually shy to make the first move on luca, so he takes the initiative to do it for her. That moment, when zaya was preoccupied with reading a spell from his book, he lands a walk away from her with his wings and mask on to finally show her how strongly his heart is held by her.

*story time*

Luca was finishing a training session by his parents and flew down to find zaya reading her spell book. He takes not of her hair pulled back, her lips pursed in concentration and her ivory skin glowing in her majesty and her blue eyes shining in the light that covered the living quarters. Luca, simply to say, was enchanted by the sight of her and could not wait any longer. His eyes were trained on her, and walked strongly to her. Zaya looked up to see him walking towards her. She raised an eyebrow wondering why, until she heard the words. "I can't wait anymore." She was about to take a stuttered breath, softly saying his name, but she could not speak anymore when his lips covered hers in unadulterated passion.

Their eyes fell shut, as he focused on the magical angel that held him to the earth. His hands gripped her blond locks, while pouring his passion into the kiss, untangling her hair then raking his fingers softly through her silky tresses. Feeling drugged into his kiss, zaya dropped her book and wrapped her arms around his neck, stepping closer into his embrace. The strong and handsome  thanagarian, held her by the small of her waist moving his lips against her in a slow but sensual fashion, making zaya feel weak in the knees. Luckily, with his strength, luka held her still while his wings circled around her so the couple cannot be interrupted.

What zaya didn't know was that trinity was walking to find zaya, but seeing the two lost in eachother's arms, she was curious to see what was going on. She tilted her head in curiosity, until she noticed zaya and the thanagarian who held her heart kissing passionately. In surprise,  Her eyes widened and she grabbed bruna and Tatiana in mid walk.  Bruna signed. "What is it?" Trinity signed while pointing. "Look!" Bruna and tatiana tilted their heads, noticing Luca and Zaya. As the two's eyes widened at them, jaws dropping before trinity signed to them. "Finally!" Tatiana and Bruna nodded quickly, before quietly running back and hopely not disturbing them.

It was as if, the room and all sound disappeard since they did not notice one thing. They gave it their all in one kiss, before they reluctantly pulled away for air. Zaya breathed heavily, before smiling at him. "Wow." She spoke softly, which was answered with a genuine smile. "Indeed." His low timbered voice, made her melt and simply moved closer so their foreheads touched. "Zaya, no one else has captured my heart like you have. All I ask of you, is if you will have me as your courting partner. I will vow to you my loyalty, my attention and my heart to be by your side no matter what." Zaya was speechless, not really knowing what to say. after a few moments of being drugged by his kiss, zaya nodded to affirm their relationship. Luca simply smiled softly, before kissing her forehead and holding her in his arms.

*story end*

In the end, Zaya and Luca become a couple. He is very protective over zaya and shows it with his actions.

Author's note

forgot to add that love interest's fc can be anyone lmao but yeah honestly have fun!! like go wild but stick to your plotline!!


zaya and zaiden fighting side by side and kicking on a mission.

zaya and her girl friends talking about her liking luca, while troy being her best guy friend, asked luca about his intentions with zaya. he actually likes what he hears and tells him that he seems like a good guy.

Lex luthor's son dax, tries to flirt with her during a battle but zaiden whisks him away. literally.

Zaiden and zaya speaking backwards at the same time and the rest of the team do not understand what they are saying.

zaya speaking backwards to confess her feelings for luca. "ACUL. I EKIL UOY DNA I TNAW OT EB RUOY GNITRUOC RENTRAP. I T'nac tsiser uoy ta lla dna i t'nod tnaw ot." Luca had picked up quickly that the zatara siblings have a habit of speaking backwards, but he didn't care at that moment. He pulls her into his lap and whispers. "I don't need to hear backwards talk to understand how you feel." Zaya blushes as he leans forward until their lips were dangerously close to each other. "I can see it in your eyes." He whispered, before planting a soft kiss on her lips.

zaiden and zaya speaking backwards to eachother when they have a private conversation.

​PASSWORD: annataz (you probably already figured it out by now).


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I applied for this fic as well (daughter of martian manhunter) and omg i love adelaide kane so much. I like your twins!