park yieun
park yieun
BIRTH NAME . park yieun
BIRTH PLCE . south korea
HOMETOWN   . south korea
ETHNICITY  . full korean
BIRTH DATE . february nine ; twenty one
APPEARANCE . 5'0  / 153cm. Besides the difference of the height, everything's the same.
OTHERS     . none.
FACECLAIM  . kang mina
BACKUP FC  . kim chungha & kim dahyun
the nature of the wildfire fueled with the elusive spirit of the wind, she's either the warmth during eight below or the scorching heat in the desert. the residue and dying sparks of the fire never manages to catch up to her - she'll never allow it. despite her troublesome personality, she just wants to be someone's sun - someone's first choice. and even if she wasn't, there's no ing way she can accept being second to mothering wifi.
summer wildfire willful ; insensitive ;  self centered ; crude ; detached
boyish ; honest spring breeze prideful ; carefree ; 
whimsical ; friendly ; loyal ; good natured ;  animated winter warmth
SUMMER WILDFIRE yieun is the girl who blindly jumps into everything without caring about her surroundings or who would be caught up in the repercussions of her actions. she wants to live life to the fullest, experience everything from different food combinations to extreme sports. can't stop, won't stop, she'll never slow down for anyone. she just wasn't made that way. doing as she likes whenever she likes, she has the mouth of a sailor on a sinking a ship and the ears of a worm - it doesn't exist. self centered and immature, whatever she wants to do is the way everyone should roll.  or if they don't, she'll just move on to be with others that live life on the same wavelength as her. has the impression of being rather barbaric, from her crude language to somewhat aggressive tendencies, though this side only comes out around those she is comfortable with. yieun gets increasingly meaner the more close she feels around someone but if you look hard enough, you'll see that she would go through hell and back for anyone who deserves it. since these people risk the chance of being burned by staying close to her, yieun knows it's the least she can do. since she a lack of concern for the others around her, she's very blunt so while most people would appreciate her authenticity, it's not always appreciated.
SPRING BREEZE detached coupling with selfishness, the girl doesn't like to be refrained and would escape your fingers the minute you thought you've caught her. like the cool breeze on a summer night, she can be comforting but would never stay long enough for you to feel fully better. yieun fails to take anything seriously so even if her easy going and vivacious attitude is mostly well liked, she also tends to say things she shouldn't at the most inappropriate moment. she's also not good with the things revolving feelings so she'd get awkward at the mention of something deep and will most likely laugh in your face when you tell her your friend got cheated on. she's empathetic, but not for anything that revolves around romance and love. yieun has never used the word love for her man but she has no trouble whining about him not paying attention to her (though if he flipped her off, she'd give him the cold shoulder for days). the girl is a troublemaker who likes to poke fun at everything so it shouldn't be a surprise if her husband suddenly woke up with dyed hair or panda eyes for the day. tends to push everyone's buttons cause its fun to her and never realizes she's gone too far until they explode in her face. but by then, the girl is already half gone from the scene. 
WINTER WARMTH yieun screams trouble in every way but there's a reason the girl is well liked. she's optimistic, easy going, and open minded. very accepting of how others live their life as long as they don't try to change hers. aso the one who would push you towards your dreams and encourage you that having hope makes you half way closer to your dream already. she'll never burst your bubble, making you feel like you could be the next superman if you wanted to. being around her requires no effort and she's quick to make even strangers feel comfortable around her since she has no filter. a good person who's willing to lend a helping hand when she can and as long as she doesn't feel someone's taking too much advantage of her. which is why she tends to get increasingly mean to the ones who are close to her - she knows she can't ever refuse them but gets sarcastic in an attempt to fool them. everyone knows that the girl can't really say no though. hurting others are never in her intention but because she's so tactless and unaware of the things around her most of the time that she may end up coming off as that. she's nicer than she portrays herself. 
BACKGROUND  . yieun lived a normal and happy childhood. she was spoiled as the youngest for ten full years and even when her brother was born, due to the girl's immaturity, the little boy was the one who had to yield to the elder. she was popular friend wise and school passed like a breeze with her wide range of connections. she was more popular around the guys but that was only because she was basically like one of them. no guy ever saw her any other way, besides her husband. she's never experienced love or even a puppy crush. due to her parents' divorce when she was 7, she never tried to really do anything to make any guy see her another way. she was so deadset on never settling down that everyone thought it was either a prank or a shotgun wedding when she got married to her husband at the age of 21. because the girl doesn't believe in marriages, she accepted the proposal thinking she could just get a divorce if worse comes to worst.
yieun met her husband in the lab class they shared together. yieun's #1 priority in school was to always make friends and having arrived to the lab late, the girl sees everyone in groups except for the intimidating dude. that didn't scare the girl away though and she asks him if he wants to be her lab partner and the two become friends from there. since this was her first relationship, she was fully expecting for it to go down the drain and would never think about marrying the dude (she was 21 for gods sake). but when he proposed, she knew if there was someone she had to work through a marriage with, it'd be this man. this man who treated her like she was his world. tbh yieun usually felt overlooked as the middle child which is why she's always making her presence known by being so rowdy. she just wanted to be someone's first choice for once y'know. he gave her that feeling. the one who puts up with all her and the man she's really whipped for. even though she's never told him i love you, there's no other man she would run out of the house in the cold to greet.
LIFESTYLE   . she's currently a college student majoring in journalism and working part time at a cafe. she has school mon, wed, fri and works tues, thurs. the weekends are reserved for her hubby or the girls. since her husband is the one with a more solid income, he's the one paying for the things around the house but she does pay her own college tuition and the bills every so often since she's not one who spends money on anything else except for food. plus she doesn't like the thought of being so dependent on her husband and will try to pay for rent when she has saved up enough money. or she'd be the one who buys dinner and pays for the dates that she forcefully takes him on.
TRIVIAS     . 
current goal : be a cool aunt
doesn't want kids since she doesn't think she'd be a good mother
terrified of snakes  (even pictures scare the out of her)
doesn't sleep alone
loves tropical house & chill mix but she'll basically listen to anything
playlist is always on shuffle
the big spoon (usually)
you forget to feed her, she doesn't know you 
important people are saved as her fave foods
her husband is either parsley or kbbq, there is no inbetween
has a tattoo and would have gotten one but she's too
light sleeper - can be awoken when she hears the doorknob turn
only snores when she's deadbeat tired
never said i love you to her man, frequently calling him bro and the likes
closet skinship freak. she actually loves cuddles and hugs (because they're with her favorite person/people)
she hates the cold. spring is her favorite season
only watches action movies or cartoons
cries the easiest when watching anything about family and friendshp values aka cartoons
the one who kills the bugs
hates parsley and wouldn't touch any food with it
park yeeun // older sister // 27 // the voice of reason in yieun's life and the main reason she hasn't gotten divorced with her husband yet. yeeun offers words of wisdom whenever yieun gets into a fight with her husband but the other 6 girls are adding oil to the fire. though honestly, yeeun is just an excuse yieun tells herself because everyone knows the latter is whipped for her man, even if she doesn't outright say it. besides, there's always the good and the bad; in the case of yieun getting into fights with her husband, she gets to see her beloved nephew who unfortunately comes in a double package deal with his mother.
jung jaeho // nephew // 4 // there's nothing the girl won't do for her sweet angel, though most of her actions usually try to make jaeho stray away from the path (according to yeeun). jaeho is a good kid though and never does things that goes against his mother's words, much to yieun's irriation but she can't do anything else when her nephew says no to her. yieun wants to be that cool aunt because she knows how uptight yeeun can be so she's trying to be a friend to jaeho rather than an elder. she's gunna be that cool aunt her nephew can tell about losing his ity or girlfriend/boyfriend problems. even if she won't be of help.
song dareun // 23 // despite the two regularly bickering, yieun is terrified of dareun. she actually really admires the girl for her dauntless attitude and doesn't push dareun to the point where the elder might decapitate her. although ppl have the misconception of yieun being bold and fearless, the girl is a coward and looks up to dareun who can win any war she didn't even start herself, taking the world head on. these two play rather well together though, both being spoiled brats who don't want to grow up.
vivi // 1.5 // the only son yieun needs, she's the softest around him and frequently whines to vivi about his of a dad. if the two got divorced, vivi is all she wants tbh though the affection that vivi receives from his dad can sometimes be more than she gets herself, yieun wouldn't have it any other way. vivi is the only one allowed to be more important to her. most definitely not ing wifi.
the es // 21-26 // yieun is one of the youngest and very much acts this way so the other girls tend to take care of her more than the others. even when yieun hits bumps in her marriage, most of the girls advice her to it up (cause they know how in love the girl is and knew that if yieun gave up this marriage, she wouldn't have anymore hope to settle down. besides the fact that no other man would ever want her.). in all honesty, the girls think yieun's husband has it more rough and frequently feels more bad for him than they do for yieun. these are the moments when yieun likes dareun more since she's always on her side. (probs just cause dareun hates yieun's husband tbh)
husband // he's the one who frequently puts up with her and spoils the girl since the girl has made it known that she likes to be spoiled, even though she is fully capable of taking care of herself. despite all the times the girl annoys him or picks a fight with him, she's also the one who can be very vocal about her own feelings - something he's not too good at (minus the part where she loves him.) there's no headaches when it involves why she's upset because the girl will lay everything out in the open or make it painstakingly obvious through her sarcasm. even if she doesn't initiate why she's angry, as long as he asks her what's wrong, she'd lay out the truth to him. plus he liked when the girl attaches herself to him like a koala. 
"I don't know, I guess I was just being over dramatic when he came home without the dinner I asked for ten years ago. You know what he did come home with though? Mothering COD." ("Didn't you say he ended up cooking for you?") "That was because I nearly whined his ear off!" Despite the girl's rowdiness, if someone watched her closely, they would see the hurt flash across her eyes. 
"He hung up posters of snakes all over the house because I hid his Xbox!!! He's lucky to be ing alive." ("I mean he's the one who bought everything in the house and you barely even pay the rent so can you just gtfo already? It's been two days!!" )
"More than turning oxygen into carbon dioxide, that's for sure. We used to try new things all the time - restaurants, hobbies, board games, you name it. We were living life! Even when we did stay home (which were a lot of days), we'd still do things together. Sometimes even play his games together but he complained I too much and abandoned me!" angrily pouts ("Tbh she's just salty that he stopped including her in his games. Otherwise, the two would never leave the screen.")
*petty mode unlocked* "He didn't watch the new action movie with me! He knew how excited I was for it." ( "at least he bought you the ing movie." ) "What's the point if I had to watch it all by myself?! I could've downloaded this online." rambles on about everything he did from 1453 years ago.
"The better question is whether Wonho would choose wifi over me when I get married to him," proceeds to mumble to herself so that no one else hears her, "he ing better if he still values this marriage. He still values this marriage right? Wasn't I a good enough wife?" 
"I don't know, would you ing be?!" ( "Yieun, this isn't a rhetorical question." ) Yieun her teeth but makes no effort to respond. Of course I'm happy. Why else would I want to salvage this marriage? thinks back to all the things husband has done for her and lets out a fond smile without realizing ("Girl, you're ing whipped!")
"Yo ass better step up yo if you still want to have a wife." Please pay more attention to me.
hello, goodbye
hello, goodbye
COMMENTS   . idk if i was overstepping any boundaries in the description of her and her husband so i can change anything if need be. i hope the app was alright and that it was somewhat enjoyable since i had a lot of fun doing the app haha. tbh i imagined sehun as her husband so basically someone mature who can put up with her and someone who's quite the opposite of her but i can make amendments if her husband isn't that way.
as for yieun's role in the friends and the war, i was thinking she's basically the extra that the others tell to stfu most of the time because her husband babies her and he's the one who provides everything for her. so while the girls despise the husbands, constantly notes that yieun has it better than all the others and should just be grateful, not a brat. and that she's probs the first to make up with her husband to help the other couples or the first to go through a divorce tbh.
she learns to cope with parsley; a symbolism for her maturing process as she learns to take rather than dogmatically doing things her way 
her and her husband's fight getting intense in public and some passerby makes a offhanded comment about how the two don't look good together. the couple (or one or the other) cursing the out of the stranger
yieun is obsessed with a kidol (mx wonho?) and always says something like "wonho wouldn't have done me dirty like this!!", "i knew i should've waited for wonho instead" whenever her man pissed her off. he finds this amusing and usually urges her to go for wonho "yeah take the next fanmeet as a chance to really get close with him okay? do you need money to buy their upcoming concert tickets? don't forget to invite me to the wedding ok?"
PASSWORD   . big bang it


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