〈 — Zaiden Zatara meets Child Of Magic of Suicide League。

Suicide League

birthday: october 31
Age: 24
nationality: American
birthplace: liverpool, england
​hometown: shadowcrest, san francisco
occupation: he has a job at an antique shop, working with an elderly lady who helps him with the history of magic.

Nickname(s) + reason
diviner of magic + while zatanna is the mistress of magic, zaya being the siren of magic, he takes the diviner of magic. he carries the homo magi blood and intends to carry it on to the next generation.
aiden + it is just his name without the z, although he wondered why some of his friends don't call him by his full name, then after a while he simply ignores it and it does not bother him anymore.
FACECLAIM: matthew daddario
​BACK UP FACE CLAIM: blake steven
HEIGHT: 190cm
​WEIGHT: 56kg
appearance: he has many tattos on his body, which shows ancient relics and symbols that are connected to his family. besides the scars on his chest and arms, he holds the tattoos with honor and pride.

fashion sense: People may mistake him for a goth, but he prefers dark colors which is preferably black. He has casual wear ( x x x x x ) , then he has something for his superhero uniform ( x ) .

personality traits:

Positive -Loyal, Resilient

Negative - cynical, aloof

elaborate personality here.

Zaiden is basically a nice kind of guy, but you have to get past his quiet and brooding demeanor. it is the kind of stance he has, since he is not as outgoing as his mother and younger sister. has always been a loyal young man since day one, he puts his family before anything in the world. with facing many spectors of the magical world, he continues to stick by their side. he is not the kind to betray anyone else, which will only make enemies. Lastly, he is very resilient, which is shown through his persistence in going far with his magical skills and to also help his teammates through every challenge, mission and any personal problems. 

Besides his positive traits, he has his emotional vices which hold him back from fulfilling his potential. Although he has his small group of friends, he has a cynical view of people. He doesn't really see them as good people until they prove it. He has some trust issues, which only shows in his small group of friends. They had to show that they were genuine enough to gain his trust. Soon after a while, he knew he needed a connection to sincerely have people on his side. lastly, he is aloof. At first glance, he is seen as very cold and unapproachable, until you see him for who he really is. The only time you see his aloof attitude, is when someone threatens the people he cares about and he is telling you to get away from him.


While his mother Zatanna and John were still together, they moved out to Liverpool to take a break from the league and justice league dark. They were relaxing together as a couple, until they gave birth to twins in the year of 1992. They gave birth to one boy and one girl. The girl was named zaya, while the boy was named Zaiden. Zatanna and John were happy to have the two enter their lives, but they had to prepare to the fact that they may inherit their magical abilities. They were prepared until they noticed sides at the age of one years old. Their emotions were like a normal newborn, but after a while they were very mellow and calm. They've inherited homo magi genes, showing that they have the potential to carry on the zatara name. It was decided that they honed in on their magical abilities, while they went to school with normal children. After a visitation from their grandfather's ghost, giovanni zatara, zatanna and john knew that it was important. While they grown before their preteens, they have developed their home personalities. zaya was a clear reflection of zatanna, while zaiden had the demeanor of his father john. zaiden was easy to train, since he was more focused on honing his abilities, while zaya needed an attitude adjustment in order to carry on the zatara name. They were having a normal life, until they were confronting with evil spirits that wanted to spite the zatara family. they were able to defeat them, but they've decided they needed to move back to the states in order for their children to be under the safety of the justice league.

For many years until now, he is working full time at an antique shop, under the guidance of an elderly woman whom his mother found out to be a seer of the mystical world. while his parents help with his younger sister, zaiden learns further of what the magical world entails. as many people crossed his path, women tried to hit on him while men tried to size them up, but he has brushed them off coldly. He never really had interest in interacting with the typical crowd, because he did not feel like he can trust them. he only keeps to himself and only interacts with his family, while training on his magical abilities. From time to time, he gets visits from the other members of the justice league. Certain members like Superman, Wonderwoman, Batman, hal Jordan, and even ray palmer. many of them know that he is the spitting image of zatanna, but he certainly has a mind of his own. it is a pleasure to know where the other members of the justice league, but it is disappointing to see them gone for a while, fighting the legion of doom and even the suicide squad. he watches from afar, noticing how they come together until some of the villains reach out of the circle. One of the moments, where when he came across barbara ann minerva who is known as cheetah. Cheetah wanted to rip him apart. luckily he stopped him with a spell. "PoTS NI RUOY ECALP!" He yelled out to make cheetah stop cold in her place. He held his hands out, saying now to direct her towards wonder woman. "WOHRT REH OT MANOW REDNOW!" He tossed over her over to wonderwoman in order for her to be contained. Zatanna reunited with her eldest son, proud of him to achieve this level of mastery towards magic, only to say that he was ready to be inducted into the suicide league.


ZATANNA ZATARA : 45 : Justice League Member : ZAIDEN ZATARA is definitely her baby boy. He was always the one who had to protect zaya and to hold the fort for the zatarra family. Although she sees similar traits that was past on to her son, she is glad to see that he has not turn back from the possibility of hope for humanity. He saw that from John when they have known eachother for a long time, however she understands his cynicism when it comes to him connecting with people. SHE LOVES HIM TO DEATH AND HE HOPES THAT HE ALONG WITH ZAYA CARRY ON THE LEGACY HER FATHER BESTOWED UPON HER.

JOHN CONSTANTINE : 45 : JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK MEMBER : Although him and his mother aren't together at the moment, Zaiden still holds his father to high regard. While Zatanna is with the justice league, John helps him with his magical skills, spending quality father and son time. With all the stuff that is going on in the mythical world, it is no surprise to zaiden that John calls him for aide. DESPITE HIS BAD HABITS, HE Hopes that ZAIDEN DOesn't take them on. He wants zaiden to have a better life and go on a better path where he doesn't sacrifice people for the greater good or give up on hope.

ZAYA ZATARA : 24 : SUICIDE LEAGUE MEMBER : ZAIDEN AND ZAYA ARE THICK AS THIEVES. They've always stuck together while learning the ropes of magic and how dangerous it could be. They definitely have it down pat with the help of their parents and even sorceress' like madame XANADU. SHE HAS A MORE PLAYFUL AND MISCHIEVIOUS SIDE Like their mother ZATANNA, while ZAIDEN HAS A SIMILAR TRAITS TO JOHN.ZAYA considers zaiden as the protective older brother of the two, but on the inside she appreciates him being their for her and hopes to be on the same path with him.


Daisuke Hoshi : 23 : Bartender

Jessica stewart : 24 : active nurse

Ayo mccabe : 23 : school tutor

trivia ( go crazy )

— just like his mother zatanna, he speaks backwards to conjure his spells. Although sometimes, he needs to do it faster, he learns it very well. sometimes, he speaks backwards when he does not think of it.

zaideN is kind of the silent type, besides talking with his group of friends. however, it seems like he is getting a lot of attention from the opposite . Eirene seems a little jealous, but is reassured because he only focuses on her.

although he is not very lovey dovey, he shows his affection through subtle touches. he is a one woman man and he focuses on the one that he is with. he shows subtle affection for Luna by hugging her by the waist, or kissing her forehead. 

he wasn't very found of the members in the legion of doom, however they seem unavoidable. for example, barbara ann minerva's daughter eva joy minerva, caught him alone at the most unwanted times. She wasn't very bloodthirsty like her mother barbara ann minerva, but she was definitely flirtacious. He wasn't fond of her, but he was caught under her ruse which ended with a kiss. his sister had to cast a spell to get her away from him. Let's just say, Zaya was very protective of her brother and wasn't afraid to fight her.

Out of all of the daughters in the justice league and the legion of doom, he only has eyes for Aquaman's daughter Luna. Although they are from different worlds, they are not afraid to show how much they care for each other. he is still a gentleman, since her father is a king. He respects Aquaman, Mera and he shows it by treating luna well.

INTERVIEW ( answer in character's point of view )

How does it feel having a superhero/villian as a mom/dad?
—​ "It is very overwhelming, to be frankly honest. However, with the training i've been receiving, i think i will be able to hold my own."  zaiden simply shrugged his shoulder, while crossing his arms as his usual expressions.

​Would you rather have a normal life?
"Honestly, no. If this gives me a chance that i can carry the zatara name my own way, then i would not trade it for the world. I love my family and i would not trade them at all." Zaiden looks sure, with a gentle nod.

"your love is pure"
Luna curry

birthdate: June 24, 1993
​nationality: American (by look)
​age: 22
​hometown: atlantis
​Status: crushing
Face Claim: christina masterson
​Backup face claim: kelsey chow

​As the children of the justice league met, Zaiden was talking with the daughter of the second green lantern john stewart,she goes by the name of  Jessica stewart, the son of doctor light, he goes by the name of  daisuke hoshi and the daughter of Mari mcCabe codename vixen. She goes by the name ayo mccabe. he didn't notice luna until he heard a collection of feet. He then turned around to see King, queen and princess of atlantis present. arthur curry who is known as aquaman, mera and their daughter luna. She was nervous to see the children of the justice league already conversing, which only made her shy to go to them. however, she did not have to do much when jessica floated over to her. "So you must be luna!" Jessica grinned, while luna nodded shyly. "It's nice to meet you, i am jessica!" She smiled, before introducing herself. "My name is eirene. I am the daughter of king and queen of atlantis." Zaiden smirked at her shyness, before daisuke and ayo walked to her.

daisuke said to jessica. "I know you are excited, but slow your roll! We want her to feel welcome!" they all chuckled. Ayo and Daisuke introduced themselves, then it came down to Zaiden. "Im zaiden, son of zatanna zatara. Speaking backwards is my second language." He joked, which made luna smile shyly. she turned to her parents, to which they nodded with encouragment. "Nice to meet you all, I hope we can get along." Daisuke, Jessica and Ayo grin knowingly watching luna look at zaiden. "I am sure we will." They , while zaiden laughs at then. "hsuh" They hushed immediately, before laughing again.


zaiden and luna don't know if their relationship can go further, since luna has duties to fulfill as princess of atlantis. Zaiden is a land dweller who fulfill his duties with the league as well. however, they make the most of their relationship as they spend their time together in the league's living quarters. Luna's been shyly crushing on zaiden, but she is shy to tell him. Although she doesn't really reveal her crush on him, but she shows her interest by asking how he knows magic. in turn, he asks her about life in atlantis and how different underwater is from earth. zaiden likes being around her, but knows he can't force it even further. so, he spends much time with her as he can.

Author's note

forgot to add that love interest's fc can be anyone lmao but yeah honestly have fun!! like go wild but stick to your plotline!!

​COMMENT: i hope you like the son of zatanna zatara and john constantine!

1) Eva Joy minerva finds him again, which kind of annoys him but luna curry washes her away (literally), when she tries to flirt with him.

2) before the meeting with the league, he met luna while practicing his magic by the ocean.

3) Zaiden speaks backwards, when he confesses his feelings for her. " I EKIL UOY YREV HCUM, ANUL YRRUC." He whispers softly, before kissing her square on the lips gently. She smiles softly, while he lingers away from her lips. "What does that mean?" She asks innocently, since she doesn't understand him when he speaks backwards. "I like you very much, Luna Curry." When Luna hears this, she blushes even more.

4) Zaya casts a spell on him, which makes him talk backwards really fast.

​PASSWORD: ANNATAZ (it is one of her abilities, if you can guess who can do this XD )


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