Kamsamida for the Advice and Can you give me more advice??

ANNEYONG!!! *BOIINK Kamsamida for all the wonderful advice you guys gave me ^-^

It made me feel happy that you guys care about me alot.

God, Im frickin scared...2 more days of watching, listening, playing with the guy I like/love and BAM! school dance~

But are you guys SURE that I should confess to him even though he has a date? Isnt it her night with him??? -jealous- *-*

I miss him so much...even though im gonna see him tomorrow <.<

Valentine's Day is coming up...should I give him this really big teddy bear holding a heart that is $200??? I told him about it and he wants it LOL. I gave him a bear before and he said that he sleeps with it -loved- I wish I was the bear LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL JKJK...PSH! He just lets the bear sleep next to him under the bed sheet..*if I were the bear..CUDDLE TIME~~*

God Im stressing too much nowadays...NOOO!!! I dont want white hair!! Im too young!!

*sigh* this is whats repeating on and on in my head: "Do you wanna go to the dance with me?" "Do you wanna go to the dance with me?" x1000000

and "You have to hurry up and confess to him or else sooner or later he'll fall for ____(girl he's taking to the dance)" "You have to hurry" "Confess to him" "If you dont, you lose him." "Take a chance"















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He could be Mr. Right or he could be Mr. Wrong. You never know! If you don't ask you won't know! You should confess...Or you could tell your secret to a blabbermouth...I did that on accident and she told my crush. -.- But he knows I like him now! I did feel embarressed, but I didn't feel heartbroken... :D
try hinting to him that you like him. maybe that will kind of save you the embarrassment cox you can tell him you weren't talking about him when he says he does not like you. but if he says he will sleep with the teddy bear that means you are a part of his heart already, be it just 0.0001% don't be stress about it. let nature take its course. maybe that guy isn't your Mr Right. and when you see him dancing with the girl, don't stress out. have fun with your friends. maybe someone else is in the same position as you and you are his crush xD
OOOOOOOOOOO: ZOMG; he has a date already!????? if he has a date; dont confess... i'll tell about it on private message okayy? (: