"I Challenge You..."

Originally posted by writing senpai Korekrypta. Below is her blogpost, but at the end I'll share my own thoughts on the matter. 


...To the Mirror-Mirror 2017 challenge!

What is the Mirror-Mirror 2017 (#mm2k17) challenge?

Simply put, it's to encourage readers to comment more and authors to reply to their readers more and to get rid of the author aggravation of "why no comments?" and the reader aggravation of "but the author doesn't care, so why should I?"

If you want a TL;DR, scroll down for the challenges.


Recently, I've seen a lot of authors and a lot of readers complaining about something that is sort of a mini Catch-22.  It basically goes like this:

Authors complain about silent readers, and about receiving "update soon!" comments with precious little else to indicate that they are actually subscribed to and reading the story and not just posting a couple of words to gain karma points.

More than upvotes and subscribers, comments – decent comments with what the readers like, think could be improved, or with anything else about the chapter (or chapters) the readers have just read – are the lifeblood of any author writing a story.  It shows them that the people subscribed are actually reading their story, and that they care, and that they are enjoying it.  The majority of authors on this site find "update soon" comments and large numbers of silent readers dispiriting.  Writing chapters takes time – if a chapter is about 1500-2000 words long, it'll take somebody who sits down and works solidly at it and doesn't need to go back and edit or pause to think about things (or to get on with school work, job work, eating or sleeping or other things life throws at them) at least a couple of hours to write, but will most likely be spread out over the course of days or weeks depending on what time they can nab.  To get little to no feedback on it, or a two-word comment that seems to dismiss all that hard work, does not incentivise writers to write.

But there's a flipside.

Readers complain about authors too – the ones who don't reply to comments and the ones who keep asking for or demanding comments (and especially those who hold chapters to ransom for a certain number of comments or don't reply to the comments they've asked for).  Yes, there are an awful lot of silent readers – but if you're getting more than between 10-20% of the number of your voters commenting on every chapter, you are doing phenomenally well; that's rare on any writing site – and the vast majority of site users access AFF via mobile devices.  Typing long comments on a phone is irritating.  Sometimes they don't know what to say.  But it's really disheartening to comment (especially multiple times) on a story and never to receive a reply from the author, because that equally looks like the author doesn't care about their readers.


Here's the mirror-mirror part.  Silent readers and authors who don't reply to comments.  Silence on both sides.  "Update soon!" comments and "I want X comments before the next chapter!"/"Why don't you guys ever comment?" (Author never replies).  Aggravating to both sides.

As an author who responds to every comment she receives, I've had a lot of silent readers who've started commenting, and who have started commenting regularly or commenting on other people's stuff, and I have readers who regularly comment on every chapter of mine.  A lot of them have told me that the reason do so when they otherwise wouldn't is because they know I'll respond.  They like it because a lot of authors don't respond.  In fact, I've seen a lot of authors request comments that they then don't respond to.


What can we do about it?

If my experience is anything to go by, it's this: readers will be more likely to comment on a chapter if they know that the author will read and respond to their comment.  They are more likely to comment on further chapters if they receive a response, too.  Authors are more motivated to update quickly when people comment, particularly if lots of people comment.  If the author responds to those comments, people are more encouraged to comment next time.

So challenge yourself to one of these for the year, and stick #mm2k17 on your profile to show you're participating!

1. #mm2k17 standard challenge

For readers: I pledge to write a (minimum of a) three-sentence comment on at least one story per week.

For authors: I pledge to respond to up to at least three comments I receive on one fic per chapter I post.

2. #mm2k17 mega challenge

For readers: I pledge to write a (minimum of a) three-sentence comment for every chapter of a story of my choice.

For authors: I pledge, on all my fics, to respond to up to at least three comments I receive for each chapter I post.

3. #mm2k17 ultra challenge

For readers: I pledge to write a (minimum of a) three-sentence comment for a fic each day or so I'm reading on AFF.

For authors: I pledge to reply to all my comments on all my fics from this point on.


The more people that join in, the bigger a difference we can make!  So go on, pick yourself a challenge, and then share this post – copy and paste it into your own blogpost, or copy and paste the challenges onto your profile, or, if you're an author, mention it in an a/n or on the foreword of your story and link back to a blog post about it.  Put the hashtag on your profile and encourage everybody to join in!  The more visible this is, the more traction it'll gain and the more it'll (hopefully) make a positive impact on both the readers and the writers of this site.


(P.S.  If you have the facilities to upvote comments, whether you're an author or a fellow reader, please do so for the comments you think are worthy as it will encourage people to write those types of comments!)



As a reader, I'm the kind who since 2014 has always left at least one comment on a story I'm reading, but since 2016, have gone a lil insane and now when I read a fic I'll leave a comment on every chapter I read. I haven't read a fic in a long time, but I think I'm going to get back into the swing of it just because I need to read more. 

As an author....when I first started posting fics, I 100% responded to all comments. Then it got to a point in some stories that I was worried if I responded to comments, I would get carried away and end up accidently spoiling the story. And now I respond to a few comments, but instead rely on just giving them all an upvote to let the commenter know I read it and appreciate it. But I dunno, I personally don't care whether or not an author responds to my comments. I actually kind of prefer that they don't sometimes just because a lot my comments are just dumb stuff like "omg  me up I can't believe she just did that wow what a twist wow" and if an author responds they are just like "lol" and Im just like...you made me click on this notification, wait for my internet to load, just to see you say lol....thanks...I guess. lmao but really though. I didn't know that replying to comments encourages some people to comment more. 


as for the whole hashtag thing....I don't really with those ever since #Kony2012 fell apart and made me look dumb. But really, I'm not into using hashtags unless its ironically just because its kinda like....just do it? Do you want a cookie? But I do think the message trying to be spread is good, and if you like using hashtags, then aye, be apart of the movement or whatever~


So yeah, for now on I'm going to be replying to all comments now. Everybody who comments on my stories 'bouta get an upvote AND a reply~


AND I SEE YALL OUT HERE LEAVING THE "I like it so far, update soon!" COMMENTS. IMMA REPLY TO YOU AND SAY "Thanks so much for reading! :) What did you like about it?" CAUSE IM OUT HERE TRYING TO START A DIALOGUE AND BE FRIENDLY. SO TO AVOID MY MINI INTERVIEW, JUST BE STRAIGHT UP AND SAY WHAT YOU LIKED/DIDN'T LIKE. Who cares if you spoil someone, they shouldn't be looking at the comments unless they wanna get spoiled ( Tbh I do that sometimes, like look at the comments of a story that seems kinda meh just to judge the readers reactions. I like getting spoiled sometimes, I wanna know whether or not a story is worth spending my time on.) 

 Yeah, let me know whether or not you comment on stories & what prompts you to do so? Are you a person who actually cares if an author responds or are you a lazy little gremlin who just reads and never comments? And authors, do you respond to comments you receive or nah? Apparently you should start if you want the commenter to feel more comfortable with you and leave more comments. But if you don't like comments then I guess you can just continue to ignore that kinda stuff. BUT IM NOSEY. I wanna know what everyone thinks about everything all the time. I like discussion. And documentaries. Alright, I'mma finish this. Bye. Have a nice day/night~



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Bbeuman #1
Sad to say, I only ask for updates. I ask for updates because I m starving to know what going to happen next. It's hard for me to give an opinion if the chapter is not exciting because I feel it is not easy to write a chapter with full of drama therefore whom am I to criticize someone's work. I will try my best to give an opinion if it will help you. Fighting!
I like this challenge! It's a great way to get readers and authors to communicate more. I can honestly say that I do not comment as much as I should but there is the odd story that I'd comment on regularly. But with this challenge, it could motivate me to be less of a silent reader. Whoever came up with the idea, I give a big clap to! 10/10
I also have this problem with my stories. I feel there are many silent readers which at the beginning I didn't mind since I started writing as a way to release my stress of the day and just let my imagination flow. However, its nice to have an actual audience that comments on my writing. Even the negative comments can help me improve on my writing.
I think that this is really fair. As an author who writes alot of fics in a while, and every chapter is 4000-5000 words, I only ever get 'update soon' as a comment, or 'Love this fic' sometimes even 'love you author-nim'.
When truthis, I reply to these people with long replies. I do reply to every person. But now, all I can say is a simple 'thanks'. Because I am tired of people not giving me any feed-back for 4000-5000 word chapters. Like, did nothing happen in my chaprer that you are comment, 'update soon.'
My most famous fic is a fluff with a dark side, and all I ever get on it is 'update soon'. I used to kindly reply with "Thanks for reading! Im kinda busy these days, but ill try. (:"
Now i only reply with 'Okay, ill try.'
I get a comment on this story everyday, and its always just 'update soon.'
And fluff isnt my best, i always ask fot feed back. Only feedback i get is 'update soon.'
So im kinda done with my readers. I wasnt born to keep updating my stories for you, i only do itwhen i have free time. I have a life too. So give me some apprication for frikin writing your stupid ship for you.
So i have decied that i will link your blog on all my stories now, and make a separte chapter for this blog on my most famous story. I also wanted to ask it if i could re-blog this with credit to you?
I will also try to be a better writer and reply, allthough i do a lot and on every comment.
I also have this one one-shot that i wrote in 3 hours, and its really long and has many subs too. But the only comment i got was one, and that was this 'I love leobin.'
It told me nothing about my story. ):
Sometimes my readers un-motovate me to write.
Well, I used to comment a LOT because I had this competition-thingy going on with my sister about who had more karma points... Never just an "update soon!" though, because I hate those. Nah, I actually put effort into them and some authors began to recognise me and would have full-fledged conversations with me. ^^ It was up to the point that if I didn't comment on a chapter, the next time I did leave a comment they'd say something about them noticing it being quieter than usual or them missing me. :3 But lately, I've been reading less and commenting less. Sometimes I'd start a comment but then halfway I'd have to go or something and I'd save it in my notes, but in the end I'd never finish it.. On the subject of authors replying or not, it pretty much depends on the type of comment. Sometimes I want them to reply, especially if it's a longass comment with theories and predictions or an analysis or something. I put time and effort in those things and it if they're pretty much ignored. But if it's more something along the lines of "I liked this!" then yeah, feel free not to reply to me..? But yeah, it can be discouraging if you never get a reply as a frequent commenter (especially if others do get them!!). Just my thoughts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As a writer, I reply to every single comment. But I only have a few crappy stories with max 20 readers. I actually feel burdened if someone shows support, because I never update and well, they're crappy. I recently got a new subscriber to a discontinued story of mine (it actually was marked as such, too). I just yelled at my scream why anyone would subscribe to it. XD
I always reply to my comments and I really encourage people to comment on my stories because it motivates me. Well said, my friend.
SarahlovesTaeKook #7
I like to write comments and tell my opinion but I was afraid the authors would be annoyed
And what do you mean writing comments for Karma?
Do you get something for comments and stuff?
I don't understand the most of what is going on here (up voting..) mainly because English isn't my first language so excuse my bad English
Care to enlighten me:)
I think i'll start this once I've recovered from my "writer's block"/ or this slump i've had since 2015! Its been more than a year since I last updated and though I feel bad, I just don't think I'll be writing good stuff if I'm not inspired. Hopefully this 2017 i'll come back to the writing game and will reply to all the comments i'll get. So I'm aiming for the "ultra challenge".

*i bet i'm gonna get a lot of "welcome back authornim" comments then keke
Honestly... I absolutely LOVE this challenge. Honestly, I think you already know this, but I absolutely HATE IT when people write "update more" as their comment and I always complain about it via author notes in my fics. Honestly, I always see that comment by itself as a way for people to get more karma. I'm not really someone that reads or updates as quickly anymore due to working a lot lately. But despite that I'm definitely going to take part in the challenge. I'm honestly sometimes a silent reader and normally I stay silent because it ends up being a fic I don't really find interesting because well... you know how some people can't tell the difference between bashing and criticism and I actually have gotten yelled at for being critical in my comments to someone's fic because the time line was completely off. But genuine comments of what they liked and didn't like actually makes me feel good.
I really like this! As an author I always respod to ask if the comments I get and let my readers know that I will without fail be updating in a certain day. I think that also helps to keeo down the "update more" comments and for peope to keep commenting since I do always respond.
I'm already one of those people that when I read a chapter I post a comment about it letting the author know what I thought about it. As an author I know how great it feels to ge a genuine comment filled with emotion and feedback.
KimDangYul #11
This is an amazing idea. I also find that a lot of readers are silent - including myself, but now that's changing - and that a lot of authors are silent as well. I've always been the type to respond to whatever comments I get, be it on this site or any other. I don't know why but I've never looked at things from this perspective before. I myself am a writer and I love it when people comment on my stories, yet I never put two and two together when it came to other writers.....wow, I feel like such a now.
Thank you so much for posting this, you've inspired me to change and I hope others read this and get inspired as well.
Dragon63 #12
great idea ^^
i always like to comment to show support to authors, but i have to say, sometimes i don't T.T
i'm part of the group that tells authors to "update soon", and i feel kind of guilty T.T
the reason why i say "update soon" is to show my support to the authors, to tell them that me and the other readers are anticipating the next chapters because it's an amazing fic!!
i'd like to apologize for anyone who misunderstood :D :D
i'll work harder to comment on the fics i read, and it always feels nice to have been replied to ^-^
this was seriously a good challenge, and i will definitely participate :D :D :D
This is a really good challenge!

As a reader, I always made sure to comment at every chapter I read. I usually give the author constructive criticism, or if there's nothing to correct, then I'd try to at least start a conversation to let the author know I'm still there (even though some barely reply back, which is disheartening). Although, recently I haven't been reading much fanfiction lately due to being busy, but I do try to be a good reader to the authors' works that I read.

It's a different thing to be an author here. I've been writing stories since 2010. In the past, when I first started out, I used to gain many readers' comments, but as I continued to become busy with life and updated my stories less frequently, the comments started to diminish to one, or two if I'm lucky. In short, I barely get any comments, and it's frustrating for me because I don't know how well I've changed as an author then to now. Thus, I've fallen into the "Please comment because I want to know what you think!" although I never held chapters as ransom!

I hope with this challenge, there will be more interaction between readers and authors!
Oh no.. I guess I am half guilty as a reader, I tend to comment ( pretty generic - thats so cute, love how etc. etc. and end it with a thank you for the update(on every update) ) on fics that I liked, and not comment on fics that I don't care for and on older fics (a year or so old fic).

I will do my best to write more than 20 words on every chap that I will read from here on out..

Its only fair to give appreciation to the authors.
I do reply to all comments but Im afraid if I'm too annoying in replying and making things longer because some people just want to drop a comment, not getting into a long convo. But still I try my best