jillian moon is the dream girl. great body, someone you could lean on and is like the sister you'd always wanted. underneath the energetic smile she wears as a front, lies a weak and brittle girl. jillian hides her protruding rib cages and insecurities from the world. she doesn't want anyone to worry. she's in her own little world? no, it's more like a cage without a key.
birth name jillian moon, 리안
other name(s) moon jinsoo, 문진수
jill,  ⎯⎯ used by friends and fans as a shortened version of jillian. other variations are jilly and sometimes lia. same goes with her korean name counterpart. her korean relatives call her jin, jinnie or soo-soo as a pet name.
sailor moon, 세일러문 ⎯⎯ from her childhood, jillian was infatuated with the anime of the said name. her friends, who have watched the show with her, nicknamed her sailor moon due to her last name being moon. it has turned into what jillian's fans address her as. ie. penguin sohye, ice princess jessica.
birthdate july sixth, 1996
birth place queenstown, new zealand.
hometown queenstown, nzl   96 till 11
                    seoul, skr             11 till present
nationality new zealander and south korean, dual citizenships
british english, 영국 영어 ⎯⎯ born and raised in new zealand, jillian was taught how to write and speak in english. she has a slight kiwi accent and is often confused with the australian accent. jillian is completely fluent and is fluid in writing and speaking in english. she usually has to speak in a korean accent when talking english to a korean person. 
korean, 한국어 ⎯⎯ jillian had been taught the korean language since she was twelve, though knew basic korean words beforehand from her parents as they often spoke korean in the house hold. when she moved to south korea, jillian was placed into a foreign middle school in seoul and learnt the language more diligently. her handwriting maybe sloppy at times and her speech may also be more slurred when she speaks technical terms. she is fluent at korean.
mandarin, 관화 ⎯⎯ when she came to bighit, jillian was placed in mandarin classes for trainees. she's not the best at speaking the language, but can write words grest. jillian would say that she's at a conversational level.

face claim yujin of clc
backup soobin of wjsn, joy of red velvet, yulhee of laboum
height & weight 42 kg & 166 cm.
appearance you'd find jillian's body to be the perfect example of a beautiful, proportionate body. her legs are slim and long, showcasing a thigh gap and her stomach seems to be toned. what jillian hides underneath her fashion is quite the opposite of perfect. her arms are thin and you could visibly see her ribcages, her ankles small yet all are hidden under the thick clothing jillian wears. people assume jillian is healthy due to her soft round cheeks, the result of baby fat which refuses to go away. jillian is underweight with a bmi of fifteen.
style her style consists of nothing but baggy clothing which conceals her body's thin figure. large hoodies and loose denim jeans; jillian states it's merely just for fashion but it's used to hide her sickly state. she would casually wear jumpers and sweatpants to practice. during promotions, jillian wouldn't get to wear what she'd like to wear, so she usually requests clothes which cover her chest area and legs more.
loyal, dependable, caring, generous, adaptable
cancer, hufflepuff, the campaigner or enfp-t
                                    insecure, self-pitying, naive, fragile, overly independent

unnie, can you run over and get my bag for me? it's in the dance room." the girl who asked for jillian to do such a simple, yet menial task didn't notice that her hands were barely managing to hold a stack of lyrics that she had meant to learn by the end of the week; her bag almost sliding off her right shoulder and her hair tied up in a loose bun which threatened to fall out. of course, jillian looks at the girl and smiles, "of course." the girl smiles and squeals in glee, "i knew i could count on you!" the girl only knew jillian for a week yet jillian cares for her greatly. perhaps because she treasures every friendship she gains that she's easily trampled over by others. perhaps.

maybe i am ugly? is my voice is disgusting? what they say is true," is what she says softly under her breath when she sings, every time she looks in the mirror. she's almost ready to break again, it's unnerving. she's blinded to the snakes in this horrid environment of the trainees. "do you need help? take a break" jillian snaps back to reality and quickly retorts with "i'm fine, i can do this. you can go home now." the opposing girl persists and jillian simply denies even harder. she's like that, she can't depend on others easily. she doesn't want to put her own troubles or tasks onto anyone else. jillian just needs a rest from the world but even that she denies and takes on the world.
the start of a beautiful life,
 ⎯⎯ jillian was born on a cold winter's night in queenstown, new zealand. she was born to two south korean immigrants who travelled to the foreign country to live their adventurous dreams. she had an older brother, one that was four years older than her. during most of her childhood, she was an adventurous little soul like the rest of her family. jillian was in her school's choir, got good grades in school and didn't have a care in the world. a little chubby, per usual as every kid was and had lots of friends. jillian's dream as a child was to become a singer, since everyone complimented her on her singing. 

the move to south korea,  ⎯⎯ in 2010, the moon family were off to south korea for their summer holiday, which was in december. it was a fun experience, meeting with family abroad and learning about their heritage and such. the family was in the heart of seoul when jillian and her older brother was streetscouted by a bighit representitive. her parents were hesitant, because they were unaccustomed by someone scouting children on the streets but allowed them to audition in the following month of their holiday. so, january 2011, both moon siblings went to audition for bighit entertainment and were both accepted into the trainee program. by then, jillian's older brother was eligible to legally take care of jillian as they moved permanently to south korea without their parents. 

turning point for the worst,  ⎯⎯ by then, her traits of being clingy began to show as she continuously stuck to her brother since they were partially alone in a foreign country. in fact, most of her current personality traits appeared after she moved to south korea with her brother to train under bighit. she struggled to keep up with training and the money that her parents were sending weren't enough to keep up with the money that was needed for jillian's schooling. eventually, in 2013, jillian's older brother quit bighit to get a new job to financially help jillian as he stated, "it's more of jillian's dream to become a singer, not mine." when he had quit the trainee program, she was devastated because he did have the opportunity to debut, as bighit was gathering the male trainees for an upcoming group, currently known as bts.

changes are necessary for survival ⎯⎯ with all the misfortune placed onto jillian as she's by herself in the bighit training program, she learnt to be independent amongst her fear of rejection by the other trainees. jillian, however, found it difficult to lean to in times of trouble and prefered to keep her own problems and troubles to herself as she doesn't want to burden others. she gets stepped on by other trainees, jillian doesn't notice that she gets used. julian has noticed these personality changes in jillian and has in multiple occasions, confronted her about what has been going on. she doesn't answer and changes the topic, he doesn't need to know. 
, more found in the trainee section
trivia likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, ideal type, any random fact about them that you find significant.
likes ⎯⎯ flowers, herbal teas and scents, nature, documentaries, travelling, music, singing, warmth, pink, pastel colours, sailor moon
dislikes ⎯⎯ fat, greasy foods, gossip, dark colours, horror, herself in a few ways, make-up, loud places 
insomniac ⎯⎯ with little to no sleep at all during some nights, jillian sports dark eyebags during the day. she often tosses around in her bed, unable to sleep.
dance ⎯⎯ she's horrible at dancing and you could tell that she is during group dances, where she's often missing a step or just behind the rest of the group.
teardrops ⎯⎯ during harsh days or when she finally breaks, jillian spends her night in the restroom instead of her bed, crying her feelings out.
thighs ⎯⎯ jillian has a habit of touching the fat on her thighs when she's standing, whether it's the fat that threatens to close the gap of her thighs or the back of it, it makes her feel insecure but it's simply just a bad habit.
rain ⎯⎯ her favourite type of weather is definitely rain. she feels most calm watching the rain pelt against the window.

ahn siwon, 94 liner, vocalist and producer, friends
siwon and jillian have been friends for a few years, meeting in the mandarin classes that bighit had provided. siwon's personality drew jillian in to becoming friends with her and she maintainted the relationship for the years to come. jillian is often victim to siwon's trait of insensitivity, the elder girl's insensitive comments would often inflict jillian without her even knowing. siwon would definitely be one of the people who would first see under jillian's facade, though doesn't take action immediately and simply sees if she gets worse over time.

           julian moon, 92 liner, former bighit trainee, older brother
he is the lovable older brother of jillian. before jillian was legally able to take care of herself as an adult in south korea, julian took care of her. he's an amazing vocalist but cares deeply about his sister to let his dreams fall for jillian to complete hers. he is currently working as a barista in seoul for earning his own money and supports jillian thoroughly. she finds it hard to admit her problems to julian, as he'd merely fret over her and that's not what jillian wants her brother to do.
oh junhyeok96 liner, applicant, close friends
tba +
neukkimi's character
stage name jillian, she decided to keep her first name as her stage name.                            keep it simple and unique, it would be too much of a hassle to be                      called another name amongst jillian and jinsoo. 
introduction "in the name of the moon, jillian's at your service"   fun ver 
                        "jillian of tesselate here."                                         norm ver
position lead vocalist.
backup main vocalist.
vocal twin seola of wjsn
                   alice of hello venus as backup
dance twin sohye of ioi
trainee years five years.
trainee background 
it isn't that easy ⎯⎯ as stated in her background, jillian was streetcasted in late 2010 and auditioned early 2011 with her brother julian, successfully passing. jillian didn't have many friends when training in bighit. she understood korean, but she wasn't the best at it. the fact that other trainees thought she couldn't understand what they were saying and gossiped about her behind her back made jillian very insecure. they whispered about how she was fat and couldn't sing very well compared to them but in reality, jillian had a normal figure and had talent in singing. but the gossip continued and jillian did nothing to stop it.

i want to stop ⎯⎯ after julian had quit training under bighit and got himself a job to support jillian's dreams in becoming a singer, the gossip behind her back grew into harrassment. "did you hear about the hot trainee? yeah, he quit so he could help his no-good sister. what a waste of talent." the other trainees soon bothered jillian at every moment they could; from her practicing her vocals in the recording room, "you aren't even good at singing" to the cafeteria, "look at the piggy eating". she had no break from the harrassment of the other trainees. 

jillian would usually be found leaning over in a toilet stall after a meal, the stomach hurling the contents outs into the toilet bowl. "ew, look at her double chin." she sticks her fingers into . "you're ugly, get out of here." she flushes the toilet with disgust. "if you look like that, no wonder you have no friends." she washes her hands and go back to her small group of loyal friends. "lose some weight, foreigner." she smiles and states that she's full when her friends offer more food. so the cycle continues. 
predebut none
activity seven out of ten
comments including questions, critiques.
suggestions scene requests, special stage ideas, show requests, etc.
the group finding out about jillian's 'hidden' state and tries to help her overcome it.
password "like any idol would say, i'd like to see myself with the rest of the group. but it's not likely without any change.''


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tilda: makes an app for something
tilda: is chosen after sending app in
me: softly but with feeling " what the f uck "
Hey I was wondering how did u did the scrollable text box??
ill be jillian's friend!
i was thinking of using eunbin or seungyeon tbh