Calling all Top Secret fans!



With Top Secret has created a birthday project for Ain!

We all know how much of a Wonder Girls fan Ain is and we all know how much of a wonderful leader, entertainer, dancer and singer he is. There’s only a month a way until Ain’s birthday and we have decided to create this birthday project for him. This is our first project after transitioning to With Top Secret, so we hope a lot will participate.
We will be creating a video for Ain filled with everything given by fans! For this project, there are four categories; Tell Me, So Hot, Nobody and Like This.
Tell Me; We will be accepting written messages to Ain (both typewritten and handwritten). Handwritten messages can be sent by taking a picture of your letter and sending it to us.
So Hot; We will be accepting fanarts (speedpaint, painting, drawing, etc.) and short video covers (vocal/dance cover). Video covers can only be up to 10 seconds long, so I suggest you guys send in the best part of your cover.
Nobody; We will be accepting video messages with a limit up to 15 seconds only. You can sing a happy birthday song for Ain or you can express your love for him or you can even just act cute (lol).
Like This; We will be accepting selcas that are similar to Ain’s selcas. This should include Ain’s selca as well as your selca copying Ain’s pose. You may have your friends with you posing as the other members and you may hold or edit a sign greeting Ain a happy birthday.
We will be compiling all of the messages, videos, selcas and fanarts that you will send to us into a video dedicated to Ain. We will be uploading the video here on our page, on youtube and on the official fan cafe.
You may send your messages, videos, selcas and fanarts here at our facebook page or preferably to our email [email protected] as uploading here on facebook may decrease the quality of the pictures and videos. Link of videos may be sent to us here in our facebook page also and to our email given that there is a way to download your video.
IMPORTANT: We want Top Secret to know that they are loved all over the world so please do not forget to include your name and the country you are from in your photos/messages/videos.
Additional FAQs:
Why is there a limit to how long our video can be and why is the limit for the cover and message different? Since we are hoping that a lot of fans will participate, and since there are four categories where you may choose to do all, and since we will only be compiling it to one video, we have to create a limit in order to not make the video too long as well as be fair with others. The limit for cover video and message video are different because we believe speaking or giving a message takes more time and a cover video may take up to 3 minutes and that is just too long for our project. If you do, however, have a cover video, you can upload it on youtube and share the link to us so we could share it as well.
Will all the messages/photos/videos be included in the video? Yes, that is something we can assure you. We will make sure everything sent to us will be added to the video, unless we find what you sent us inappropriate to add.
Why can we only send English, Korean and Japanese messages? English, Korean and Japanese are the only languages that we are sure the members can understand. Since the fans send the message, we want the members to fully understand them. However, please do not hesitate to add a few phrases of your language to your message or letter like how to say ‘I love you’ in you language, etc.
We will be accepting until February 10, 2017, 11PM KST only as we need time to edit the video.
We hope that many fans will join in our project and please share this project to others as well so more fans can join! :) If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send us a message.


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