I guess that i'm really that unvalueable to you,huh??

I hate it when i keep following your wish yet you can't do the same..

I hate it how you treat me like a second choice..

I hate that i still be friend with you even when you hurt me..

I know friend sometimes make fun of their friend or made them mad but you should know right?? I're my friend,you should know better when to joke or not..

Some said that i'm to nice that you took it true?? Am i that easy??

Sometimes you're very nice and then you're not..

I keep asking myself if you really value our me paranoid but i really do value it and i dont want to lose it just because of a stupid arguement...

I dont have a lot of friend so i do,i really really do value this friendship..

Just please stop acting like that..

I know you're better than this..

; )



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