Out of Pity....I should've confessed earlier

Well, we have a dance coming up and the guy I really like/love asked a girl to the dance in front of me...

My friend told me that he asked her out of pity since she likes him but he doesnt like her.

Should I still confess to him at the dance?

*sigh* I dont know what to do.

My best friend told me that I should hurry up and still confess to cause sonner or later he might like the girl he asked to the dance.

Should I?


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You should :D
Kamsamida for all the advice^^
Wahhh so scared =.=
just 2 more days till the dance.
Confessing is really the better choice :) you will never know that he actually might like you too :) maybe he asked that girl in front of you to see your reaction. in any case, you will never until you try ^^ hwaiting!!~ i'll be waiting for your good news :D
LollyTrolly #4
jokes. i wouldnt..
LollyTrolly #5
confess. :)