
I don't know why I'm writing this blog, but I just am. I have this heavy weight on my chest and thought that I shouldn't keep this inside for too long. Lately I feel so useless, so unneeded, so unloved. It feels like I was made to be here in this world, to just fill up the space. It feels like everyone is a star to their own movie and I'm here as an extra, a passerby, a nobody. I feel like those unnecessary sentences you write in essays to reach the minimun amount of words required. I feel like I'm with my social group just to react and never be the one to talk. Even in my studies I'm a failure. I do my best, even losing sleep but I still end up with ty grades. I don't know how to be happy anymore...


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Time will heal. It gets better. You will somehow understand yourself better. Everything is a test. They are meant to build you. Never give up. Think positive and have more faith in yourself.
sonnet_sartori #2
Hey.. it's okay to feel that way. But just know that you are loved and someone thinks about you when they wake up and before going to bed. You are just as much a child of the universe as the stars and moon and fishes and birds.
If you wanna talk, you can always PM me ^^