❛olympia 〕 一 a new jyp girl group apply fic ⋮ aphrodite ⋮ yu bolin

replace with fc 120*172

  yu bo lin 

birthname. yu, bolin

– b.yu :: stage name - it's a combination of her first initial and her last name and it represents her wish for herself in the entertainment industry (to be herself) as well as her wish for her friends, family, and fans.
– 기린 :: this is a nickname that is either used in an affectionate or a derrogatory way to point out Bolin's height; 기린 is the Korean word for giraffe.

date of birth. 01 01, 1994
birthplace. Hong Kong
ethnicity. Chinese
language spoken. 

– Chinese (Cantonese) :: Cantonese is the main dialect of Chinese spoken in Hong Kong.
– English :: English is the second official language of Hong Kong.



personality traits.  
( + ) Dynamic , Humble , Witty , Lovable

( O ) Sentimental , Maternal , Spiritual , Whimsical

( -- ) Childish , Messy , Obnoxious , Self-Critical


(Dynamic, Witty, Lovable) ; Bolin's personality is one that could be compared to the light at the tip of the Luxor; it is bright and can be seen from miles away. She can is loud, especially when she gets excited about something. It's a stereotype that because she is a beautiful girl that she can't have much going on in the brain department, but Bolin is actually pretty smart and has a witty sense of humor; she loves stupid, punny jokes and finds ways to weave them in whenever she can (example). Bolin is a lovable girl, probably because she is so playful and fun-loving. She is sweet, which makes it easy to love her.

(Sentimental, Maternal, Spiritual) ; The smallest things mean a lot to Bolin and she tends to hold onto them. She has a box of all the cards she's received from her family that she keeps underneath her bed. Even though she is still pretty young, Bolin has high maternal instincts and she jokes that little kids are her jam as she does really well with them. As it relates to the group, Bolin is very motherly towards the other members and will take care of them whenever and however she can. She does not subscribe to any particular label of a religion (though if she had to pick one, she'd probably pick Buddhist), but she is a spiritual person; her highest priority is loving herself and others and doing what she can to live a happy, healthy life and helping those around her also obtain that life.

(Childish, Disorganized, Obnoxious) ; Bolin is a childish person and at times that becomes very grating and obnoxious to others around her. At times, it is hard for her to know when to stop joking around. She is disorganized and tends to have a messy room, but she knows how to find her things amongst the chaos. She can be viewed as obnoxious because of how childish she is, those around her being tired of her antics, but she can also be viewed that way because she's a tad cocky in her looks. She'll look for opportunities to show off to garner attention.


Bolin grew up in Hong Kong with no real intentions of being an idol. She has always been tall; even as a young child people would always comment on how tall she was. Being tall, she also had a natural affinity for sports. She played soccer as a young child and then fell in love with volleyball in middle and high school. During this time, she danced at a local studio, but it was really only for exercise and fun. She was good, but she never really thought she could be a professional, or even be known for her dancing, nor was she sure she really wanted to be. She planned to go to university and continue to play volleyball, and then hopefully become a professional player. She auditioned for JYP on a whim with some prodding from her friends, a last bout of spontaneity before commiting to volleyball. She knew she didn't have a strong voice, and she could dance, but was it really "idol quality?" Unless they wanted to see a top-spin jump serve, her looks were really the only option, so she auditioned to be a model. Still, they asked her to sing something and dance for them. It was...fun, exhilerating even, nearly as exhilerating as landing a spike between a wall of blockers. But when they didn't say anything at first and dismissed her just like they did everyone else, she didn't really expect much. Two weeks later, she received a call, asking her to become a trainee. She didn't know what to do; sure, if she had been rejected it would've been no big deal and she would've continued on the path she had already decided for herself. But, now she actually had another option. A once in a lifetime option. She confided in her father, her true best friend and most trusted confidant. He told her that volleyball will always be there, but this opportunity might not be. After their conversation, she jumped from the metaphorical cliff and accepted the offer from JYP.




– Volleyball (obviously)
– Children
– Collecting stuffed animals
– Very spicy food

– Oversized sweaters
​– Cats
– Cherry cola

– Cold weather
​– Chicken (could eat it all day every day)


– Cooking
– Heat
– Driving
– Heights

– Rollercoasters
​– Spiders/Insects
– Snakes

– Blood
​– Doctors (dentists included)


– Will typically lay in bed and toss a volleyball whenever something is on her mind and she needs to think.
– Bouncing her knees all of the time
​– Turning up the A/C just to bundle up under blankets


– Drawing (even though she has <0 skill)
– Running
​– Gymnastics (something new she's getting into)
​– Learning Korean


– Blood Type: O​–

– Is severely allergic to all shellfish and some types of fish

– SNS: @B.YU2047

– Can jump to reach something at 2.5-3M with a running start

– Has always wanted to learn to play the piano

– Favorite food: Wind Sand Chicken

– Has trouble sleeping in unfamiliar places (e.g. hotels)

​– When she gets really excited, she starts speaking in fast Cantonese

– Vehemently hates ketchup

– Will not go into bodies of water where she can't touch the ground (fear of the creatures and of drowning)

​– Favorite variety show is Running Man

– Would love to be on KBS' Cool Kiz on the Block

– A good half of her bed is covered with stuffed animals

​– Feels faint at the sight of blood


– Mom :: Chu Meixin (45) / Co-Owner of a small restaurant / Kind, Semi-Tiger mom, Hardworking / They have a close relationship; Bolin has always been pushed by her mom in everything that she does. Her mom's favorite saying is "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right," and 'right' always means giving your all and not giving up.

– Father :: Yu Chenbo (51) / Co-Owner of a small restaurant / Soft-Spoken, Goofy, Reliable / Bolin is a total daddy's girl. He is truly her best friend. She leans on him whenever she is in trouble or needs help with anything and he is always there for her.

– Friend :: Hana (19) / olympia member / daring, sarcastic, loud / Aside from Jackson, Hana was Bolin's first real friend in Korea. They both have a similar sense of humor and can be very loud, so they bonded quite quickly. Bolin trusts Hana with pretty much anything, which is proven by the fact that Hana was the one that forced Bolin to go to the dentist when she chipped a tooth and stayed to hold her hand while it was being fixed.

   my blood, sweat and tears

trainee life.  Bolin auditioned for JYP during Hong Kong auditions in 2010. When she auditioned, her aim was to be signed as a model. During the audition, the representatives for JYP wanted to see more. They asked her to sing and dance as well. Her vocals were lacking, but since she had a good foundation for dance and was stunning, she passed and they asked her to become a trainee. 

Trainee life was difficult for Bolin. It was the first time that she lived away from her parents on top of being her first time to live abroad. She had to adjust to a completely new culture, new language, and new food. She was homesick often and she was constantly tired or sore from day-long training sessions. Oddly enough, dancing became her mental escape; despite the physical pain she felt, she would find time in the day to just shut her mind off and just move the way her body wanted to move. She was able to get through the hard times, and became a powerful dancer in the process.

vocal claim.  Chaeyoung (Twice) :: 1, 2

rap claim.  N/A 

dance claim.  Jin Lee :: 1 (0:00-0:51), 2 (0:00-1:10), 3 (0:00-1:04)

plotline.  Aphrodite (back up: iris)



face claim. Yura (Girl's Day)
back up. Hyemi (Nine Muses)

height in cm. 175cm
weight in kg. 57kg

extra appearance. Bolin has two small white scar lines through her her left eyebrow where hair doesn't grow. This was a result from getting hit there with a volleyball.  She frequently dyes her hair-- presently it is a deep ruby red.

replace with fc 95*95
replace with love int 120*172

Jackson Wang (Got7)

back up. Jota (MADTOWN)

– You can't spell Jackson Wang without T-R-A-S-H. Okay, maybe you can, but the boy is still a Glad bag and a half. On the surface, he is a very childish, goofy guy who loves to have fun, even if it's at the expense of those who are around him. He's a jokester who loves to tease and play tricks on people. He can come off cocky as he likes to stunt and show-off to people, especially if cameras are involved because he loves the attention. Maybe that's why he and Bolin get along so well; they're both secretly 3 year olds, masquarading as 22 year olds. 

But underneath his lighthearted, goofy exterior, he has a golden heart. He cares deeply for his friends and we all know that he's a giant mama's boy. He takes criticism to heart and he is always trying to do his best and improve. He doesn't like to show his weakness and at times when he's feeling vulnerable, he usually prefers to be alone. Since being in Korea, s and Bolin have been the only ones to truly see him break down; they've seen it all: the tears, the frustration, the aggression (towards walls and punching bags, never to another person) and they've been the ones to help pick him up and get him back on his feet again. He's a very proud person and he refuses to give up on anything.

love story. 

– "Ah, so... I met Jackson back in, what, 2010? Wow. I can't believe I've really known that dork for nearly 7 years.."

*smiles lightly as she thinks about it, lost in thought for a moment before snapping back to reality*

"We met at the JYP audition in Hong Kong. Since his family name and mine are close in the alphabet, we ended up being put in the same group, so we spent most of the day together in a medium, rather humid room. There were a lot of people in the room, either singing, or dancing, or otherwise being noisy and normally I wouldn't mind, but I guess my nerves were getting to me? Anyway.. I had found a relatively open spot in the room near one of the corners and was reading on my phone when out of nowhere, this loser comes flipping out of nowhere, trying to showboat, I'm assuming, for the cute girls that were in the room. Luckily, he hadn't misjudged his landing, otherwise I might not be here today--- at JYP, I mean, not like dead or anything, but he did stumble back and basically land in my lap.

I remember he had the cheesiest grin on his face and I could only compare him to Dopey from Snow White. He apologized and got me a Coke and we just.. talked...and laughed..and listened to music on my phone while we waited."

*starts to laugh really hard at a memory*

"I remember we were watching one of our CEO's videos and Jackson did an impression of him; I laughed so hard that Coke came out of my nose-- which only made both of us laugh even harder."

*clears my throat and tries to be serious again*

"I also remember thinking, "this guy is really easy to get along with, even if he is a total wingding." I think that's when we exchanged numbers too-- just before his audition.

I was really surprised when I got a text from him saying that he made it too, but I was also really glad that he would be here too. He was kind of my rock during my training days, especially when I was homesick or couldn't talk to my parents for a while. He was like.. a little piece of home right here in Korea."

*pushes her back, a light shade of pink coloring her cheeks as she looks at the hem of her jacket. eyes widen suddenly and her head snaps up*

"But we're not dating or anything! Ew, yeah, no, gross. We're just friends, nothing more! heh..."

• Bolin's ringtone is Jackson's laughter

• They have matching King/Queen "friendship" rings

• Every Sunday, they have brunch together and then do something together (see a movie, go the arcade, go work out, etc.)

• When Jackson had found out his mother was getting sick again, Bolin found him in one of the work out rooms, attacking a punching bag to the point of hurting himself; she pulled him away from it and made him sit down and she held him while he cried and ranted about how he was a bad son and how he should be there for her

• They studied Korean together-- and by study, they bought pizza and made Jaebum and Jinyoung stay up late and drill them

status. Flirting, semi-dating but won't admit it
ending. Dating ... officially

   Roobix : Roo

last words.  I thought it'd be funny and a bit different to write the love interest portion from Bolin's point of view; I hope you found it as entertaining as I did. I also added a little trivia part to that section so I hope that's cool ^^

scenes requests.

– Got7xOlympia crossover; 2PM had their show, Got7 had IGot7 and Got7ing. It would be pretty cool if they had their own mini-show of all of them together completing missions and playing games
– Maybe JYP rounds up its athle-dols and has them appear on Cool Kiz on the Block (a sports/entertainment show-- I'm not sure if you're familiar with it ^^)
– Bolin has an allergic reaction to something she ate, not knowing shrimp and mullosks were used to season the broth, and Jackson freaks out
– Cute JacksonXBolin moments 
– some OlympiaXJYP interactions :P
– Any and all OlympiaXGot7 moments 
– Olympia on Weekly Idol
– Any instance where Bolin is mocked for her height

password.   Catch Me If You Can (originally by SNSD) , Excuse Me (originally by AOA)



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