DESTINY FIVE 。 Voting System


Hello! It's eoeoandstuff.

I assume you're here from my applyfic, yes? If not, check it out here! If so, on this page, you'll find out how you, as the audience, will help run this story through the voting system!

Destiny five

author's corner

voting System

— as of 01.08.17

This will be relatively simple. After each chapter with a prompt to vote aka elimination chapters, it'll be time for you guys to step in and help Bang PD a bit in the decision process of creating the new beautiful girl group of Big Hit. The contestants up for elimination will be listed, and everyone either with a character in the story or just reading for fun plus the judges will be prompted to vote.

To vote, take the names of the girls up for elimination and rate them 1-10. 1 being that you really want them gone and 10 being you really want them to stay, while 5 is you don't care either way. Please PM that to eoeoandstuff. Please, if you have a contestant in the story, include her name at the top of the PM. You may not vote for your own character no matter where the vote may fall on the 1-10 scale.


Without readers and voters, the story will have a hard time continuing and will have to be discontinued in the worse-case scenario, so don't forget to vote!



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