asuma, kana  ( 遊馬佳奈 ) 
trap card ; people assume due to her bright personality that her team would be full of fairy types or grass types since she used to live in floaroma town but they would be fully taken back by her dark and ghost type team, as if they accidently activated a trap card. 
fifth of april + 18
floaroma town, sinnoh region
161 cm
serinuma kae, watashi ga motete dousanda 
senjougahara hitagi, bakemonogatari
anything you want to mention appearance wise

personality traits
expand on their given traits, however you want, so that it's easier for you to portray your character's - well - character, and easier for me to grasp their character
*anything else regarding their character? for example, habits, quirks, likes, dislikes, hobbies, lifestyle and so on and so forth
*add anything you want me to know about your character
*maybe their habits or quirks - random trivia is fine. i'll find a way to incorporate it


an updated sinnoh styled pokedex

an simple carry-bag, similar to professor birch's bag
kana carries and keeps all her notes of her pokemon studies in this bag along with personal items, clothes, pokeballs and food.

"a classic cats vs dog, crow, ghost and a stump fight"
yanagi akihiro, 16, novice pokemon trainer, alola region.
kana finds akihiro adorable, much to his liking. if she had to describe akihiro in a word, she'd say he would be feline-like. fiesty, has no respect and would 100% attack you if you provoke them. kana usually adresses akihiro as 'yana-chan' followed with a happy taunt that her pokemon could probably curse him if he ends up beating her up. akihiro ends up swearing at her either way.
pokémon trainer, ghost and dark type observer
kana doesn't battle unless neccessary, or until another trainer declares to have a battle with her.  her quartet is a full all-rounder team, and doesn't particularly lack in anything but it's usually kana's commands to her team that needs working on. don't be surprised if her pokemon decide to play dirty on the opposing pokemon, after all, they are dark and ghost type pokemon. each pokemon in her quartet have different battle techniques.

jigo; full frontal attack, most powerful move goes first 
most used moves: overheat, foul play, fire blast
rei; defense until opposing team tires, attacks with powerful move 
        most used moves: protect, woodhammer, horn leech
missy;  taunts first then attacks

        most used moves:
kara;  attacks the weak or blind spots of the opponents
        most used moves:
throughout her sinnoh journey, kana realised she had more of a skill of watching and studying pokemon rather than fighting and then continued to do that till present day. this explains why she doesn't want to battle unless asked to. it also explains the lack of pokemon in her inventory despite her long years as a trainer. she only observes ghost and dark types, studying the pokemons with care. they are often first evolution pokemon.

 Lvl. 72
          kara,  from the japanese word karasu meaning crow (♂)
               overprotective, loyal, menacing, ruthless in battle.
kana's first pokemon but the least used in her quartet of pokemon since it is the strongest and is like a last resort. krow was first a murkrow when it became kana's pokemon partner, though it was technically given as an egg to her when she was nine by her brother. the two became inseperable. kara is very uptight and protective over kana, as it views her as a type of mother as she was the first person krow saw upon hatching. to others, kara is very much intimidating with his meanacing glare, even giving opposing pokemon chills outside of battle. if kana is threatened or physically hurt, kara knows straight away, even if he's in his pokeball, he senses something is wrong. their bond is just that strong. even in a few instances, kara broke out of his pokeball to help kana in need. 
 Lvl. 64

      missy, deriving off misdreavus and that she is very sassy   ()
                            sassy, enthusiastic, selfless, brittle
this pokemon was found in the lost tower at night as kana first began her pokemon journey. missy was a misdreavus when they first met and the pokemon began playing mishcievous pranks on her, biting her hair and trying to frighten her with the signature creepy, sobbing cry. however, this didn't affect kana at all since she 'quote-on-quote' follows her motto, 'being afraid isn't how you should live your life'. this ensued with kana capturing misdreavus with a short pokemon battle while the misdreavus was in a state of shock. when kana began training the newly caught pokemon, it was very sassy and proved to be quite a feat to train it, hence the nickname 'missy'. however, after seeing how hard kana was putting in an effort to train her unlike most trainers who would merely give up, missy soon opened up to kana gladfully. 
 Lvl. 53

           jigo, deriving off the japanese word for hell, jigoku (♂)
                           loyal, proud, cunning, brutal in battle
jigo maybe one of the weaker levelled pokemon in the quartet alongside rei, but jigo has the best and balanced statistics out of the four. the first pokemon kana decided to 'adopt' after studying it rigorously, jigo has ridiculousy high attack, special attack and special defense stats. he is the first pokemon that goes out in battle and is usually a one-hit battle with jigo, literally. kana found jigo on route 9 in the unovah region when he was lost from his pack. 

 Lvl. 37

                    rei, from the japanese translation bokurei (♂)
                    resourceful, lovable, swift, defensive in battle
misc facts and info regarding your pokemon. including, but not limited to, like, personality, habits, where they met, caught etc



questions, comments, concerns if any. requests and suggestions can go here too
anything else you'd like to add? [seeing as /I/ probably forgot to add certain aspects crucial to an application form]


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this has a lot of views because they spy on rivals hahaha jk
more like your app is goals
so pretty /grabby hands