A reason?

Hey lovelies,


So yeah, you might be here because of a link I've put up for my story, Vanilla Salt. As you know, my updates have been irregular lately, and I know I don't require an explanation, nor did you guys ask for it, but I decided that maybe you guys want to know (or not heheh it's okay)


So yeah, I've previously mentioned about me feeling unwell. It is true, I have been unwell and it has been going on for a long time now. I haven't been myself for the past year, and it's progressively getting worse that I have stopped eating regularly, sleeping properly and I have been isolating myself a lot.


No, it wasn't very pretty and it was such a struggle that I sometimes feel like giving up. It's a lot harder when your parents aren't the most supportive people when it comes to mental illnesses.


So yeah, you guys didn't have to know but I've been diagnosed Depression and possible signs of Anxiety. I've been on therapy since November and I just want to apologise if I haven't been uploading much lately. It's really hard to come up with ideas and I've gotten really conscious of what I put out lately, I don't know why lol.


So yeah, I'm sorry and I hope you guys understand~


But don't worry about me just in case. I'm fine and I've been dealing with it, hopefully, with progress.


Thank you all so much for sticking with me, if you're reading this :)


Love you all~





(I'll be deleting this blog entry, as always)


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I hope you will get better, friend
Ily abby <3
"It will all be okay in the end. And if it's not okay...well..then it's not the end."

I don't know if that makes any sense to you or if it will help in any way..but that quote has helped me quite a bit :) (been very sick for the past 5 years..wanted to give up many times..have severe anxiety)
It's from a play called "The Man In The Woman's Shoes"
queenlove #4
by the way I love the way you write. it is unique and beautiful. vanilla salt is my favorite.
queenlove #5
hey Abby
I can't say I am sorry bcz that's not what you want to hear right now. u ask how I know? I've been in the same situation and my parents were not suppotive either and I had to go thru it myself.
So I'm gonna say: YOU ARE AMAZING. never doubt yourself. you write beautifully and I think it will help u overcome whatever mental problems you have. I love to write and I find peace in it when I'm depressed. I write what makes me cry and put my heart in it and get the stress out. so try to do what you love and pull ur whole heart in it and cry over it however you want but never let what your supposed to be supporters would have done to you get to u but search a way to revive yourself.
YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THAT that's how you are still standing.

