★ SCHOOL GIRLS ★ Saetbyul ★ LEO ★

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oh saetbyul


birthnameOh Saetbyul (오샛별)
other names

— Adélaïde Oh (as it was her name whilst in Paris)


— Morning Star; a direct translation of her birthname

— Deathstar; given to her by her brother, howver, it has since caught on amongst her fellow trainees as well - her brother thinks it's funny, and is in thanks to her actual personality when she first wakes up and the fact she's commonly aloof amongst a group of people.

— 'Ade', 'Addy' + various versions of her French name.

birthday August 1st, 1995 
birthplace Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
hometown Paris, France
ethnicity Korean
languages spoken

— Korean (most fluent), followed by French. She also learned conversational Japanese while in training.

face claim Bona of WJSN (Cosmic Girls)
back up face claim Naeun (APRIL)
height & weight 163 cm & 46kg

— Saetbyul will always pride herself on her ability to stay in trend when it comes to fashion without looking like a complete duplicate of everyone else around her. she'll joke and say it's what she 'really learned while abroad in Europe', but it truly comes from her interest in fashion and beauty.

— her hair is usually kept in a 'glamorous yet casual and effortless' style; be it in an updo or down in waves.

— when it comes to her cosmetics, her general go-to is a natural look. in her true, lazy form - however - she has mastered the skill of looking nice under 15 minutes. she rarely ever shows her bare face if she can so help it.


personality traits punctual, honest, proud, uppity, feminine, quiet, independent, 'attention demanding', introverted, empathic, stern


— it's fair to say that from a distance, Saetbyul very easily fits the stereotype of being a 'Gangnam Girl' - one who is very much invested in her appearance and likes to look her best even if her personality is otherwise worth dirt. this is an aura that she has practically carried with her from the day she came out of her mother's womb and there's no way you're going to get her to change that. she walks with her head held high; she knows heads turn when she walks into the room. (doesn't mean she exactly likes the attention, however)

— Saetbyul isn't much of a people's person; she doesn't mind spending time with a group of close friends, but there's not much chance in getting her to go to a club or even an afterparty if she has any say in the matter. all energy she has in regards to socializing will quickly diminish and you'll be met with Deathstar 2.0, who is mean and cold and unwilling to compromise.

— her family jokes that, despite her name meaning 'morning star', Saetbyul doesn't truly operate smoothly unless it's past 11 am or she has had plenty of sleep. she's something of an elderly being in that aspect.

— everyone will come to know that Saetbyul is exceptionally formal and respectful. she may not have lived in South Korea for very long, but she has still adhered to the cultural rules regarding age and position. her bows always go beyond the 90 degree angle, she always stands up when sunbaes walk into the room, she always gives her seat up to those older than her on the subway, etc.

— Saetbyul is generous; and (thankfully) has the bank account to support her weakness. she loves to spoil those she cherishes and doesn't usually worry about the cost of...well, anything. ever.

— honesty is the best policy - and she knows this well. Saetbyul is practically incapable of telling a lie, no matter how big or small. ask her how you look in a certain dress and she will tell you exactly what she thinks about it - but, at least, she will do her best to help you find something better.

— sadly, it's not easy for her to open up about her personal troubles and issues if they go past the point of a mild complaint. and even when she does, she ends up brushing it under the rug for the sake of keeping face.


— when you're born into the amount of wealth that Saetbyul was - the little things in life just don't come to faze you anymore. nevermind the penthouse rental fee, or the cost to keep your BMW running smoothly. life was set for her from the moment she was born; a silver spoon dangling from the young babe's gentle grasp as her mother declared that, in order to keep her figure, that she wasn't going to have a third child. she already had given birth to a son whom would be the heir to the Oh family fortune, and all she had to make sure was that Saetbyul married rich so she didn't have to lift a finger.

and, if you simply glance over the timeline that is her life, you would agree that Saetbyul didn't even have to go to school. of course, she did, private school and some nonsense about her family's reputation kept her from straying too far from the pristine image her legacy had carried up to this point. nothing was expected of her except that she just needed to 'look good'. something her mother made sure she did well.

Saetbyul is nine when she meets the boy her parents want her to marry. his name is boring, he looks boring, and all he talks about is how his friends are going to be jealous that he was 'assigned a wife' first. boring. all the parties she has to attend to meet his family are dull, and for the young heiress, she had assumed her life wasn't meant to be an after-thought. why did she have to be nothing but a homemaker? those thoughts alone scared her mother into worrying that her daughters independence would be the downfall of her future. 'men don't like girls who are independent, honey.'

her father, however, found amusement in his daughter's inquiries. she proved to be more proactive in her life choices than many other girls in her position. even to the point her father called off her arranged marriage and agreed to let her choose her own husband (which, now that she looks back at it, wasn't much of a 12th birthday gift.).


the Oh family end up leaving Seoul to live abroad in Paris thanks to Mr. Oh's position at his company. the move leaves Saetbyul shaken as she is ripped from the only place she truly knew and is placed into an international school. it's through determination (and fear of having no friends) that gets her to not look like an idiot when speaking the language. but she still ends up only being close to her family, and the children of her father's co-workers in France. 

it is in Paris, however, when Saetbyul's true materialistic side blossomed.


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— relation • name / age / occupation / personality traits / closeness
interactions briefly

— only include those important to your character


Stage Name answer
Persona answer
Position answer
Backup Position answer
Fanclub name + Colour answer

Trainee years answer

Trainee life

— answer

Talent Twins

— Singing:
— Dancing:
— Rapping: Only for rappers
— Talking/Other:

Predebut experience(s)

— answer


— answer


love interest Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X)
back up love interest here


— here

love story

— here


— here

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment hello

scene requets

— here
— here

password bye



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