Scenario List 2017

Hello everyone, in the spirit of the new year I hope to write more often even if it's something small, I'm still going on with the PJM X READER story is just taking a break for a moment. So if you would like please chose a scenario and chose an idol (exo,bts, got7, big bang, single artist and others if you ask). Please messaged me and ill make sure to tag you when finished xxx happy new year for everyone stay happy and healthy !!! 


List: +IDOL/s

1.’You say the sweetest things to me _____’’
2.‘’Well when you say it like that …’’
3.Kissing booth
4.‘’I can’t believe you talked me into this’’
5.‘’Stop making good points, It’s too late for me to argue like this’’
6.‘’The next time knock instead of just bursting into the room’
7.‘’Just shut up and kiss me’’
8.‘’If we don’t do it now, we’ll never do it. It’s now or never’’
9.‘’You’re mine and I don’t plan on sharing’’
10.‘’Are you asking me on a date or trying to kill me?’’
11.Carnival fair
12.‘’Ice cream or vodka or both?’’
13.‘’You know what else sound fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork!’’
14.“- Wanna make out? \ - I thought you said you wanted to take things slow? \ - Wanna make out slowly?”
15.Pillow fight
16.“Sweetie, you need me more than I need you’’
17.“You just don’t appreciate my delightful sense of humor.” 
18.‘’Such a shame you’re wasting all your time with that ’’
19.‘’Make me’’
20.‘’After all this time, it just doesn’t surprise me anymore’’
21.‘’Touch my one more time and ill kick yours’’
22.‘’Its 3 am and we’re drunk, what should we do next?’’
23.‘’It’s scary how you can love someone so much without them even noticing’’
24.‘’My life would be so much easier If I’d just stop falling for those jerks“
25.‘’Just accept that you’ll need really know me!’’
26.‘’Why do you hate me so much?’’
27.“I’m such a mess, why do you even like me?’’
28.‘’Maybe all of this was just a mistake …’’
29.‘’Don't you dear pretend it's not your fault’’
30.‘’Am I hearing a challenge?’’
31.‘’Because, after all, this time I’m still into you’’
32.‘’What's the fun in following the rules?’’
33.‘’It’s so frustrating, I want to kill you and kiss you at the same time’’
34.‘’I don’t know what love is, but I know I’ve never felt like this’’
35.‘’Can you please stop the teasing for god sakes?!’’
36.‘’Don't pretend you never saw me sneaking out I the middle of the night’’
37.‘’He’ll just break your heart’’




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14. “- Wanna make out? \ - I thought you said you wanted to take things slow? \ - Wanna make out slowly?”

omg this is so cute :3 can you do it with Sehun??