My plans for 2k17 + HINAF

Buenos Kiddos

So I'm gonna share what I have in store for you guys in 2k17

Alsoooo guess whose graduating in 2k17? My lame lmaooo

2015-2016 was pretty ty (xcept the music was pretty lit and atleast no one left exo in 2016) so lets all hope for a much better year!

So, my plans are:

  • To finish up Hoarding a Secret (HAS)
  • To finish up Les Demons Cirque (LDC) and the trailer thats in my files
  • To finish up Quietly bleeding (QB) along with the trailer i got too lazy to finish

Those 3 stories will definantly be finished in 2017. I still got do more planning for the other stories i got.

Alsoooooo 1 more thing

As soon as HAS and QB are complete (QB will be finished first since its pretty short) I will be starting a new fic. Some of it (actually most) is gonna be personal but ill be adding in twist and also its fiction so some or alot are not real events but some of it will be things that i have felt and/or dealt with. So aside from HAS this fic too will be very precious to me. I haven't put up a draft thing for it yet but I have the tittle in mind. 

Funny thing is that if I have a story that I will be thinking of and pouring all my emotions into it, a tittle will imidiatly come to me much like Hoarding A Secret. 

I'll give you one hint about the story tho. Just like how Hoarding a Secret intials is HAS,  this story's intials are HIAF (or HINAF) lmao. It has alot to do with the well being of a home. 

u kno wat, ill tell you the first word of HINAF. It's: Home.

While ur still here, answer this please:




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