kwon seoljin

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change to fc | 90*123

hello! I'm Seoljin Kwon.

What's up everyone, it's your girl Seol! Your one and only seolshine has arrived, and like my nickname suggest I'm like the sun and I hope to bring joy and happiness to you with ny bright and cheerful self haha. I'm Blue C's main dancer and vocal who has a soft spot for animals and food. Oh and did I mention I was a former model? Well that's all from me folks hopefully I can let you guys know more about me in the near future! xoxo - seolshine 

birthname: Kwon seoljin

height and weight: 168cm-42kg 

date of birth: june 8th 1997

back-up: kim yerim - red velvet

birthplace: new york city, new york

ethnicity: korean

faceclaim: lee hyeri - Girl's day

languages: korean, english

FASHION: Being highly intuned with her social media accounts Seol is always caught up on the lates trends, she wears whatever's in season and is popular amongst fashion icons. For the most part she wears comfortable trendy pieces that match with the season. Oh and did I mention she loves black? A ton of her pieces are black and she wears that shade all the time. Of course like any other model brand names are a must, in all honesty her clothing choices are anywhere from extravagent to casual. 1 2 3 4 5

LIFESTYLE: Having been born in the states Seol is definitely a lot more carefree than others and some might even say free spirited. She lives a very artistic and modern life and tends to go with the flow, she's young and careless like most people her age and is often following current trends and sometimes even bases her life off of celebrities she admires and aspires to be. Her life is one filled with aesthetics and is very tumblr-esque. To put it simply she's just one of your average city girls.

APPEARANCE: Depending on her makeup Seol can look anyhwere from around the age of 16 to 20. She's got long slender legs but a shorter torso making her a little shorter than she'd like to be. She's often seen with more natural hair colors but sometimes goes out of her comfort zone and is shown to have other colored streaks in her hair and has even been seen to have red hair. She also has a small heart tattooed onto the inner part of her right ring finger.


BACKGROUND:  Growing up in the state of New York Seol lived a rather uneventful life, aside from being pretty well off in terms of wealth her life was quite boring. She went to school, she lived with her family, etc. She was a good child alwayys listening to her parent (esp. her father who she loved) It wasn't until her first year in middle school when something drastic had happened, her mother was caught having an affair which in turn caused her family to fall apart. Heartbroken and unable to remain in the same place as her mother, Seol's father had decided that it would be best for him to take a break and head back to his birthplace, Korea. Being that she'd much rather be with her father and unable to forgive her mother for betraying him like that Seol decided to move back with him. They packed their bags and left halfway through her semester.

Upon moving to Busan she was rather depressed however knowing it would'nt help the situation Seol remained positive and optimistic in hopes it would cheer her father up and in time it did. Within the first month of living in Korea she made quite a few friends and was eventually introduced into kpop, absolutely amazed by their choreography and synchronization she began to teach herself some of the dances and became absolutely infatuated with dancing, she even sang along with the songs too. After about 2 years or so of living in Korea her father remarried a much kinder woman and things were starting to look up again. Her new step mother, Kim Hyejeong had formed quite a close bond with Seol and even helped enroll her into an art school, ever since then she'd been training to make her debut as an idol. 

Modeling career: Throughout highschool Seoljin began her modeling career after being scouted on the streets by a modeling agency. Her father landed a job as a photographer for Elle allowing her to land modeling jobs in bigwig companies such as bnt, high cut, and vogue. As soon as she had been casted into seven seasons she had quit her modeling career in hopes she could use the extra time to improve more during practice. 

Dancing: As stated previously Seol was at first self taught in dance, she had learned different choreographies through tutorials and other videos, seeing as she was an amateur her movements were not as fluid as she'd like so she kept persisting till she got better. After gaining a bit more confidence in her dancing she'd gone to several dance workshops even visiting various studios in which she'd learned hip hop and popping, after various lessons from different choreographers she'd decided to audition for JYP thinking her skills were sufficient enough, alas she failed and fell into a slump. It was soon after when her step mother had suggested that she enroll into an art school to further improve her skills and techniques, having already filled out her application for the girl, all that was left to do was pass the auditions. Luckily she made it and was soon enrolled into Busan High School of Arts and Dance. There she took up ballet and modern dance and was soon able to widen her knowledge on the dance itself and had come to excel in the class. Thus she had once more regained confidence and tried out for another company and had been accepted as a trainee.

+: Optimistic. Friendly, Caring, Diligent, Open-mided, and Hardworking
-: Lazy, Uncofident, Indecisive, Impulsive, Self Doubting

Optimistic + Friendly + Open-minded: Seeing as how she was born in America Seol is incredibly open-minded she was always taught that "you shoukd never judge a book by it's cover" hence she never percieves others in a certain way without getting to know them first, this qualit leads to her getting along well with others proving that she is indeed a rather friendly being. Not only that but she is optimistic, her bright positive personality leads to her being well liked amongst most others.

Diligent + Hardworking: Since becoming a trainee, Seol has pushed herself past her limits in order to strive to be the best at what she does, she's constantly aiming to improve and excel in her skills and even takes up extra hours of practice reguardless of how exhausted and overworked she is. 

Self doubting: As stated in her trainee years section, Seol had originally failed her first audition thus leaving her in a rather unconfident state. Ever since then she's always had thoughts about whether or not she's actually capable or not of debuting. This tends to put her into a slump and can often disrupt her training/abilities.

Lazy: Like most people Seol can't help but be lazy and give into the sins of sloth. Sometimes she gets so overwhelmed and refuses to work(though she still does in the end) she often complains about practice and gets incredibly unmotivated some days.

Impulsive: Seol is incredibly impulsive, since she's incredibly carefree and indecisive she tends to rely on impulse in order for her to get things done. Whether it comes to shopping or eating she always acts upon whatever with an instant decision. Some people think it's rather reckless of her but she can't help it.

Pokemon, Shopping, Sweets, Animals, The ocean, Anime, Star Wars, Geeky people

Insects, Rain, Driving through snow, Divorces, Being hungry, Rude people

Photography, Poetry

Tracing circles on the palm of her hand to keep herself calm.

Fun Facts
Her idol is miss a's min
Went to the same school as bts's jimin
She has a cat named cat
She loves tattoos
Her favorite song is Big Star's Think
She wants to learn how to play the guitar
She wants to be able to rap
She can't cook
Her favorite animal is a red panda
She's never dated before
Her instagram is: Seolshine97
She has her license
She's always wanted to try acting
Very much into skinship esp, with her members

-- Though she'd rather call it poetry, Seol often writes lyrics in her free time or when she feels inspired.

--Being that her dad is a photographer in the big city it's no wonder that she inherited his talents.

-- Well it is her position in the group after all.

DISTINGUISHABLE TRAIT: Her thin upper lip and cat like smile.

get to know me

STAGE NAME: Seol - It's just a shortened version of her name, she prefers using it as it's easier to say and quicker to spell out.

POSITION: Plotline 3: Main Dancer, Vocal | Plotline 5: Lead Dancer, Vocal
Singing Twin:Kim Yerim(Yeri) - Red Velvet
Dancing Twin: Mina Kwon
Rapping Twin: N/A

Her first audition was when she turned 15, she attempted to try out for JYP having been a fan of their artists fro quite some time but alas she failed. She was still incredibly inexperienced at the time and lacked the vocal skills needed as she spent all her time on improving/polishing her dance skills. Heartbroken and embarassed Seol had actually given up on her dreams as an idol and resumed her career as a model. After a year she was enrolled into an art school in Busan and had aquired proper training which brought back her confidence and made her realize her dream once more.
The year afterwards she attempted to try out once again at Seven Seaon's Ent. rather than going back to JYP. Though she wanted to back out in fear of failing again she forced herself to stay and audition. Luckily due to her countless hours of practice she had managed to get accepted into the company and has been training ever since. She was admitted into the company for her dance techinques as well as her vocal techniquesl She had dropped out of art school to pursue her dreams and is currently homeschooled as it's much more convenient to train this way. 

SCANDALS: Said to be dating Block B's Ukwon after being seen together at a restaurant.

PRE-DEBUT AND AFTER-DEBUT ACTIVITIES: Modeled for fashion companies such as Vogue and BNT



Father | Kwon Soohyun (44) | Photographer | Closeness: 10/10 | The two are as close as can be, two peas in a pod. Seol has always looked up to her father and respects him deeply. He was the one she's always turned to and always will.

Step-Mother| Kwon Soojin (40) | Nurse | Closeness: 8/10 | You could say she'd the one who paved the path of stardom for Seol, she had gotten her enrolled and has helped her pursue her dreams. She was the kind mother that Seol thought she'd never have again. They're incredibly close but not as much as her and her dad.


Best friend/Mentor | Lee Minhyuk (24) | Idol | Closeness: 8/10 | Their bond can be compared to that of Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jin. The two are the ultimate master/pupil pairing. She loves him like a brother and they're as close as can be.

Friends | Irene Kim (29) | Model| Closeness: 7/10 | Irene was like another mentor when Seol first started modeling. They met in New York when Seol's dad had photographed her for a shoot. She's like the older sister she never had.


Friendly Rivalry | Kim Yu Kwon (24) | Idpl| Closeness: 7/10 | Though it's nothing serious the two do have somewhat of a firendly rivalry. As they're both dancers the two are constantly trying to one up the other. It's a sort of love hate relationship if you will.

Group member | Song Hana(22) | Closeness: 7/10 | Seol likes to think they get along, afteralll they are in the same group. More than anything though Seol has so much respect for her leader, always so calm and incredibly talented. It would be a lie to say she wasn't even a bit envious of Hana's rapping skills however the girl truly looks up to their leader and aspires to be as good as her.


LOVE INTEREST: Park Jimin (Bts) | 21
BACK-UP: Choi Jonghyun - Chanjo (Teen Top) | 21

HISTORYThe first time the two had seen one another was during her modeling days, Seol was at a photoshoot one day and BTS had been scheduled in right after her, which was the first time she'd caught sight of him. He was incredibly bright and cheerful looking not once did she see a frown on his face, that attracted her quite a bit. The next few times she'd seen him weren't actually in person but rather on tv, she saw his performances and grew infatuated with his skills eventually she found herself looking him up on the internet out of pure interest. Figuring it'd never work out she just convinced herself it was just a small crush that most fangirls had. Since then she hadn;t seen him in person.
It wasn't until she began training with Minhyuk when they met once more. Seol had been tailing him around everywhere as they had just gotten out of practice and he'd wanted some fresh air. The two took a walk and coincidentally Jimin had been out too, being that Minhyuk was his senior he greeted him as well as Seol. The two chatted for a bit as Seol watched on and he eventually left, The only other time she'd seen him after that(aside from on television or on youtube) was when she was out with Ukwon. (On a side note she had been told that she'd attended the same dance school as him, however, he'd left just before she had been enrolled.)

STATUS: They've met two or three times, each time was by pure luck. Though they've never had actual conversations they have greeted one another. Aside from that they're currently just strangers. 

ENDINGOnce Seol makes her debut she ends up speaking with Minhyuk. After a short while the two are interrupted by Jimin who comes up to them to congratulate them on their debut. The two start talking and eventually end up becoming friends. As time goes on the two often have schedules that coincide with one another so they end up seeing more of each other. They begin to get even closer, even stating that they're one another's ideal types and such.
After a long time of getting closer to one another and both showing obvious signs of affection and mutual feelings towards each other Jimin finally asks her out. Of course at first they try to keep it secret but eventually go public. Some fans are truly opposed to the idea while some others opposite it. Either way the two end up in a rather happy and steady relationship. 

IDEAL TYPE: Someone funny and kind? I don't exactly have a type but I do like rather masculine men, the protective kind are also quite nice. 


Comments/Suggestions?: Hello there~ I hope you enjoy reading about my character and I apologize if anything is unclear, have agreat day! 
Scene Requests: None atm :)
1. Fortunes: Since blue chips mean a high chance of winning then it would only make sense for their fans to be their winnings/fortunes.
2. Dal Shabet's B.B.B. - link or Brave Girl's Deepened
3. Seolshine - She wants to be like the sunshine, someone warm and bright and brings people joy and happiness as well.



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