okay. (picture blog)


some people have been saying that I am making them like daehyun too by writing all these spazzing blogs about him (yes yes, he's the one who has made me so frustrated and hateful these past couple of days, now you all know and you'll realize how pathetic I am and hate me for making you worried about something as dumb and unimportant as that), so I'm going to end it once and for all:

I am ing frustrated because of jung daehyun from b.a.p. some of you had already caught on,
some of you hadn't... know you all know why I have been acting like I have: because I am pathetic.

I am now convinced that I should stop writing blogs about this situation altogether because I don't want other people to want my daehyun (see how ing pathetic I am? referring to him as "my" daehyun? ahahahahahah -__-' pathetic), so... I'll probably not write any more blogs about how much I _ _ _ _ him (I say this now, but when he shows up on my dashboard again with that ing face of his I'll need to vent my frustration somewhere).

I will now proceed to show you some of the things I have been spazzing particularly hard about (which I probably shouldn't do because then you'll just want my daehyun... ahahahahhahahah kill me now). here we go:

omg lookit his cute lil' face, I just wanna keep him in my pocket and love him and love him and love him. T^T

see how ing y and ahfghfghsgfhfh he is!?


jsfhsdjfhdsjhfhjfhhsdffdsfsjdf *incoherent babbling* GET INSIDE OF ME! (this is one of the things that keep showing up on my dashboard, by the way... which will let you know why I thought it would be a good idea to stay away from tumblr for a while)


and of course it's not enough that he's ing perfect and gorgeous and y and perfect and talented and perfect, no no. he has to be from ing busan too. busan, people. do you even ing know how ing y busan dialect is? ugh, just take me now! *insert "my body is read"-gif*

then there's this... gawd, this. I don't even know why I like this so much (daehyun's the one with the mask in case you didn't know).


then this.


oh, and this even had a very eloquent blog on it's own. oh my goddddddd, just look at that little, flawless tummy. TT___TT I just want to kiss it and kiss it and kiss it. <333 omggggg. TT____TT I hate you so much (it was after seeing this that I decided to destroy him and wrote that story with yongguk ing him in the face).

I don't know why this made me love him, he's a ing douche. throwing spaghetti on the wall (why? just why?) and making the maknaes eat it? you're such a ing douche. <3


his face in this, I want to see that up close. and I want to be the one to make him make that face (he's the one on the far right).

and this... thisssss. my ing weakness: tongue (this is yet another thing that keeps showing up on my dashboard).

I have no words. just... he's so gorgeous. T__T

congratulations on your face, really.

then I decided that maybe it would be better if I got away from tumblr for a while because... well, it was making me hate myself and I was pathetic. then I found out that it didn't work because I still felt pathetic and I still hated myself, so I went on tumblr again. the first thing I saw when I came back?

I want him to do this while he is and I am as well and I am in front of him.

again, I want to be the one who makes him make that face.

and like I said, this shows up on my dashboard regularly. just watch him in that performance. go ahead, I dare you.


these are things that makes me think of daehyun.

oh, and would you look at who JUST showed up on my dashboard (again) while I was writing this blog?


ahahahahahaha just kill me already.


now you should all know why I've been so upset lately. hell, I'm still upset, but... there's nothing I or anyone else can do about it. why am I upset? why do I keep saying that I hate daehyun? because I love him as much as I do and he will never ever know I even exist (and because I have become one of those crazy fangirls that I hate). so there. goddamnit. I hate you so much, jung daehyun. TT___TT

okay, I'm off to wallow in my own self pity. bye-yum!


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You really have become quite the fangirl! This blog and the obsession is kind of scary, I feel like smacking you to your senses a little haha. But it's okay if you think he's y you know, he is ^^ I'm kind of crushing on all of B.A.P. at the moment, thanks to you :P But I knew your rants were about Daehyun so I didn't say anything haha. Try to stay away from the computer for a while maybe and you'll feel better. Otherwise, your freakouts are funny XD
SungieHyukieMinnie #2
he's sooo hot....omg im meltinggg!!!! I was fangirling so much, my mom said to get a boyfriend...(meaning get a life)
linjiyjys #3
Yeh...I already knew he was the reasoning for yoor pout...hehe...get it together Goo...we have to plot on how to get him in yoor bed...and we can't do that if yoor all frantic and such...ill help yoo if yoo help me get Onew....is that a deal?...let the blueprinting commence!!!!
starkey #4
I kinda thought your obsessive unhealthy obsession to ur bias and one of ur friends or boyfriend told you to stay away fron tumblr and such, trololol.... Girl, ur so cute... I remember the days of my sick overly love to taemin... Sigh... I still am -_-
OMG! you would be consider a stalker. LOL srly, every girl/guy has a fanasty about their bais. I would love to get my hands on mine, I would do things to him tht would even make his dr. blush. And ur right he is cute, hot, y, and above all he has a great fan who loves the hell out of him, and tht is you!
awww lil pooter its gon be ok...
dont cry your lil kpop eyes out...
just get by on the hope that maybe one day, either youll go to korea, or he'll go to your country, and youll have a vip pass (or tell them your press like simon and martina's lucky asses lol) and youll get to meet him and you can drug him and take him home like i plan to do with all of shinee...
that thought keeps me goin lol
and btw, i think (i hope) that he threw the spaghetti on the wall to make sure it was cooked fully, cuz thats what your sposed to do. you throw it on the wall, and if it sticks, its done! although i wouldnt make ppl eat the one i threw, thats a douchey move lol
argh~~~ that y Busan boy!!!
ok, admit it that he got pretty face..
but why he cover it!!!!!!!
ok, i want BANG YONGGUK!!!
I like him rolling around on the floor, I bet you'll want to be rolling on the floor with him, huh? ^w^
You throw spaghetti at the wall to see if it's done, but why feed it to your Maknaes! So evil, haha xD
You aren't pathetic, just ually frustrated and any fangirl can understand >.<
i was thinking your boyfriend broke up with you but you are just spazzing about a too cute boy and thats why you hate him (but also love him)