SBS gayo daejun 2016

I'm so mad at SBS right now.

first of all, if they were professional they would never mix up the order of when they are supposed to play the music. Why would they let GFRIEND's song play for literally 20 seconds before they changed it? I bet if they played whatever they were watching, it'd be off in a second. WHY DOES IT TAKE 20 SECONDS TO TURN OFF THE MUSIC AND CHANGE IT?

Twice was very professional when this happened, good for them!

but because of this, they spoiled both TWICE's and GFRIEND's performance. Because they wasted 20 seconds playing Gfriend's special stage thing, Twice couldn't do the dance break they wanted to show during TT.

And since they literally blasted the MR of Gfriend's song Eunha and all of Gfriend got bashed for lip syncing! I know for a fact that Gfriend does not lip sync! Eunha looked so disappointed and looked like she was going to cry! (I just want to give her a hug!) like seriously? Eunha then tried to sing over the MR but SBS but it so damn loud that she couldn't even if she screamed into the mic! Are they trying to ruin Gfriend? 

(watch performance here: go to 0:58 for the actual performance/mistake. then skip to 5:50 to see Eunha's expression) 

Eunha looked so disappointed! She was so humiliated! 


Another thing happened during their collab stage with Twice. So like they were dancing and the music started, they started filming but then quickly changed to Yerin when she was clueless. Yes, it's not good to blank out on stage but seriously, they were filming sinb and momo but quickly changed to Yerin as if to show that she wasn't ready. they had literally about 8 other girls they could've recorded but thy decided to choose Yerin who blanked out and wasn't moving. If it were any other award show they'd change it to someone who knew what they were doing to make it look more pro. BUT NO! they had to embarrass Yerin by recording her Instead. 


This made me mad. Seriously... SBS wtf...


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I felt so embarrassed when Gfriend's song played. I feel so bad for the two groups.
honestly, i'm more pissed that they potentially screwed up her first solo stage.
if she were to lipsynced, i wouldn't have mind because other idols do it too,
and eunha also had to perform 4-5 stages on that night
people are saying "twice don't deserve this", but gfriend was the real victim last night
i just hope this doesn't follow eunha in the long run because she is actually trying
I didn't see it live, but omg this is terrible!!
Omg no wonder I saw Eunha's singing seemed off. I was surprised and she looked startled too