Rogue One reviews

Rotten Tomatoes: 85%

Metacritic: 65%

The New York Times: 'Rogue One' Leaves 'Star Wars' Fans Wanting More and Less


The new Star Wars movie, 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' has received pretty much good response from the people. Some critics may think otherwise, but we cannot change the fact that this movie rocks. It got action, friendship, it's like we don't even need any romance in this movie. The cgi was perfect, it fits perfectly into the saga. The easter eggs are awesome too. And the ending(where everyone dies) is awesome. Darth Vader scene, Leia all of them are too awesome. Let's talk about the director.

He is a true Star Wars fan. He understand the needs of the fans. His style of filmmaking is not bad. Even though he is known to make good movies but not very appealing characters, at least he tried. I think he improved a lot(compared to Godzilla). He is the type of guy that respects George Lucas(like me) and that deserves an award. George (Lucas) made this universe, people can't stop blaming him when it's their fault actually.* So I'll wrap this up with saying that Rogue One is a good movie, better than The Force Awakens.


*If you do some research, George Lucas made TPM based on what people wanted. He himself admitted that he regrets following what the fans wanted and should just make a movie based on his own desire


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