full name. Bae Yongwon
other name/s.
One ; basically because his friends in Belfast couldn't spell his name correctly so in the end he came up with this nickname (Won is pronunced one in English)
Don Won (Korean) / Don One (English) ; a pun of Don Juan, it rhymes (doesn’t it? fml) anyway, his homies a lot (Korean homies call him Don Won while Belfast homies call him Don One) because he's friendly and accommodating to everyone
Yok-won ; he has the habit to cuss or talk in a very fast pace English whenever he's badly pissed. "Yok" means profanity in Korean.
— Grandpa ; having lived in Belfast for so long, somehow his way of speaking Korean has become affected by the Irish accent, thus the slurry and lazy sounding speech.
date of birth. 14/02/1995 + 21
birthplace. Belfast, Ireland
hometown. (0-12) Belfast, Ireland ; (12-present) Daegu, South Korea
ethnicity. Korean
nationality. Korean
—  Korean // Native. He slurs like a drunken old man, though.
—  Irish English (not Gaelic, just the accent) // Fluent
— French // Good working knowledge (learned in school way back in Belfast); Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
ORIENTATION. Panromantic Demiual
PRONOUNS. he/his/him
stage name.Yongwon
backup pos.Drums
# experience. > 5 years (synthesizer and drums).
resumé. Initially became keen of music since he was a child, his father provided him with instruments like saxophone, piano, and even drums when he reached 6. Ever since he spent his spare time to polish his musical talent. He was active in the school’s band back in Belfast, though he was more into drums. When he and fam moved to Korea (age 12), he stopped doing music as he was busy catching up with the culture and social life in Korea. By the time he reached 15, he missed doing music but it was hard to continue being a drummer, given that Korea's more into pop, and consulted with his father. His father bought him a synthesizer kit right after. He took a liking on it instantly and henceforth began creating music with it.

JW: what made you decide to join ngsy? 
“My whole life is spent by doing music, it’s become a part of me. But thing is, I felt I need to do more, for my family and mostly for me. Speaking realistically, making a hobby become your job has a little success rate, and I want to prove that anything can be done if you strive for it. Dream, hope, keep going,” he pauses, the corner of his lips upturned in a lopsided grin. “Get busy dying or get busy trying, I want to make it,” he finishes, putting his hands together in front of his face, fingers resting against fingers as his smile grows fonder.
jw: hm, what do you think of your skills? what makes you better than the rest? what can you offer ngsy?
He slightly purses his lips and tilts his head as he ponders the question. “I can’t say I’m better than anyone else, everyone’s got various taste and preferences, after all. But I’m confident,” he nods, “All I can offer is my persistence to create music that will hopefully change lives, which can become a good memory even after years. I just want people to enjoy good music that we create.”
jw: (sighs) as you know, we debuted three years ago. how has the journey been? what has happened so far? do you see it as a good or bad experience? 
“Well, man, it has been quite long. Can’t say we didn’t struggle so much in the beginning, eh?” he released a feeble chuckle. “Honestly it was an intense and tough journey, the public accepted us but you know how it works here, law of the jungle applies to Korean’s music industry, and it was harder since we do different genre than the public’s favorites. It was like we kept going even when the world was against us plus we were suffering from motion sickness, and throughout one by one started throwing up and we even had fights over small matters because we were sensitive,” he stared at nothing in particular, recalling earlier memories that evokes nothing but warmth, “But it was all worth it. Even when it was hard, we never stopped trying because we knew we would be there to stop each other from giving up. We walk the same path, but got on different shoes, live in the same building, but we got different views, but our love for music put us together. And it turned everything okay again. I wouldn’t want to change it for the world.”
jw: alright, (frowns) well i didn't plan this question... but if today i gave you the choice to leave ngsy, would you take it? 
With an eyebrow up in eloquent query, he answers firmly, “Nope. It’s impossible for me to leave my family behind. Next question, please.”
jw: what do you wish for in the next year?
“For NGSY to become bigger and brighter with more good music,” he quirks up an impish grin, “But first and foremost, for each and every single one of us to be happier.”
jw: interesting. last question, are you close to any of the members?
“I think I’m fairly close with everyone. I’ve come to understand each of the crew by their music, and they constantly come to me to ask for advices or simply share their concerns, too. Though, I think I’m closer to you, [the drummer] and [the keyboardist]."
"The work of their hands is usually
more eloquent than anything they say."
"It is this type more than any of the others
whose style it is to stand by another person
(or plant or animal), with no intention to influence it, criticize it, or change it—
perhaps not even to interact with it—
only to be in its presence."
(+) unassuming, artsy, pacifist, thoughtful and caring, kindhearted, humanitarian
(o) manipulative, quiet, action over words, lives in here and now, observant, rebellious, not trusting so easily but once he considers someone as "family" he will be an open book (therefore he tends to categorize his relationships with people), dislikes the spotlight and is a quiet supporter, avid for being unique and one of a kind
(-) appears distant and aloof, easily bored, tends to shut down if he’s bored or simply exhausted beyond anything, unpredictable, somewhat stubborn regarding his personal values

First thing first. His first spoken language was Korean, since his parents made sure he learned about his mother language before anything else. As he has a knack for music courtesy to his artist-mother and was born with natural linguistic skill, he has learned to master English and Korean from early years, as well how to play drums, saxophone and piano since he was 6.
Early life, the fall, and the rise. Yongwon was born in Belfast, Ireland on Valentine's Day, 1995 and became the sole child born to Korean parents. His parents are Bae Insung, an American-born Korean businessman, and Gong Hyojin (née), a former kid singer in South Korea and is a freelance lyrics-songwriter. In 2007 right a week after his graduation from primary school, his father's business went bankrupt as his colleagues stabbed him in the back with the help of his own brother, and with the little money left—after compensating company's excessive debts and penalties for violating contracts, and even sold all the music instrument he had (he told his parents to sell them all)—they moved all the way to Daegu where his maternal grandparents live at. His parents have always been strict, and they became a lot stricter after the incident. Meanwhile he tried to keep up with social life and adjusting his beliefs and way of living with the culture and customs in Korea, he was always bright in both academic and non-academic fields. By the end of his last year in junior high school, he decided that he wanted to do music again. His father bought him a synth kit as a graduation gift.
Happiness is a matter of choice. As a senior high schooler, he often went to café’s and clubs where indie artists often hang out at in Hongdae, though he couldn’t go there often due to homework and he couldn’t afford the extra effort to go there because of exhaustion. He met Junwi then. He observed and learned from people, and even made them as his inspiration to create his own music. He joined his school’s band and received positive feedbacks from his comrades, which then encouraged him to pursue his music career more seriously. As he graduated high school with noticeably high scores (in Math, social sciences, English, and Korean literature), and was one of Top-Ten high-ranked students all over Daegu, he received scholarship to SNU. He then decided to move out and live alone in Seoul. He attends Seoul National University, taking the bachelor degree of Music. He met his fellow band members then.
faceclaim. Suga BTS
backup fc. Dean // Rap Monster BTS
height. 178 cm
weight. 65 kg
appearance. His hair is raven black in color, not particularly silky nor smooth and it’s often left unstyled—more often than not his hair looks like a mess, good mess. He looks like a vampire, with pale white porcelain skin and natural pinky lips—though they are somehow darkened due to his smoking habit—with countenance that is almost always stoic. His piercing gaze is braced by pair of dark onyx orbs, just like the color of a deep night sky. And it is emphasized by the fact that he was born with natural resting b*tch face which looks pretty condescending, thus his colleagues often mistake him as an aloof and cocky person. His stature is not higher than the average, and his body looks frail with skinny arms and legs which can rival female idols’. However, he actually has a firm posture for someone who’s not too tall for his age, and sorta domineering aura oozing around his body, part of it courtesy to—of course—his resting b*tch face. He doesn't have chocolate abs, but his abs are still there. He also has a small tattoo on his chest where the heart is: his parents' birthday date and initials 'BIVIIGHI'.
fashion. He is one of those whose wardrobe consists of 80% black and the rest is colors that are not too bright. As he dislikes getting the spotlight, his choices of fashion revolve around those that will not make him stand out too much. But his keenness of being different from the rest compels him to have that quirky and good fashion-sense, enough so people will notice him for being good-looking. He's not a fan of extravagant things, and thankfully he's one of those who's gifted with the ability of mix-and-match-ing simple looking clothes into a set of fashionable attire. He also wears headwear so often because he's just won't bother to style his hair. His style is a mix of edgy and casual overall. P.S. you will never see Yongwon wears shorts or goes shirtless outside his house.
Parents x Yongwon. They are always supportive, though more often than not they sorta demand Yongwon to live his life according to his parents’ wish—not that he minds. It’s just at times, they get too demanding and strict that eventually, Yongwon grows somehow distant from them from time to time. He can never tell them about his feelings or concerns because every time he tried to, he ended up getting lectured without being listened to. He bottles his feelings and worries up, concealing them from his parents because one, the aforementioned reason, and two because he’s afraid he will disappoint them in some way if he admits ‘defeat’; thus he’s more open to his best friends—that he considers as family—than he is to his parents.
Ko Junwi x Yongwon. Yongwon met him from way back in high school years and his first impression of Junwi was that he was a reliable and admirable young man. He used to idolize Junwi for his dedication and firm faith in music, and he aspired to be like Junwi (though he came to realization that he had to make himself great in his own way). He respects Junwi for the way Junwi is, and he sees Junwi as a big brother figure. Though sometimes Junwi’s difficult to understand, Yongwon still thinks Junwi is the most trustworthy person in the crew. Yongwon doesn’t hesitate to initiate conversations with Junwi, be it light or random deep topics you have in mind at 3 AM. Somehow, Yongwon feels there’s a spiritual connection between them.
Manager x Yongwon. They have business-like relationship most of the times, though occasionally Yongwon invites her to coffee shop or any other place she deems fun, out of gratitude and friendly gesture. He is always thankful of the Manager’s hard work for and faith in the band.
NGSY members x Yongwon. Yongwon is 80% close with literally everyone, it’s his nature—he can make people feel at ease whenever they are with him and even open up to him. Safe to say that he’s heard more secrets of each individual than the rest of the crew because each of them has fair share of sharing their concerns and worries with him. He is—as the members refer him—the “advisor”, “mediator” and “personal consultant” whenever needed.
— People x Yongwon. He doesn't trust people so easily, and he tends to categorize people into some groups; such as "mere friends", "college friends who understand me". "basically stay away from them but you don't have to be an about it so be nice anyway", "homies aka family". He only opens up to those he considers as family, though he is modest and respectful to everyone.
— LOVE INTEREST. Open for love interest tbh. 


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wisdomly #1
i hope he'll get chosen!
the vibes hit me the first time i read his app when you submitted it, and they still do whenever i come back to read it! : )