karma points

so like I've been wanting to change my name it's annoying at times because i don't enjoy reading fanfics.

not because they are bad, it's because after a while my eyes start to hurt and i get migranes when i look at the bright screen for a while. 

I mean I don't have anything against the karma point thing, I actually think it's a really good idea but ugh... 

i cri... 

maybe I'll just sub to ppl and tell my sibling to read them to me lol.

yus, that would be a good idea. 

but do you guys know any effective way on getting karma points without looking at the bright phone/computer screen for a long time? 


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I think i have the same problem . Reading or staring too long on the phone give me headaches. There's no fast or easy way unless you purchase them with money. I can help donate a small amount of karma if u dont mind the amount.
Comment in a blog^^...if someone subscribes to your story,thats a nice thing too but its easy to comment to blogs:)
have you tried dimming your screen?