Bachelors' Paradise - BTS Ver // Kang Yubi


Kang Yubi

Lexxiluvkpop • lexi • activity rate: 8/10


the basics.

name »  Kang Yubi

nickname(s) » Bibi- shortened form of her name. Used by anyone she feels comfortable with.

birthday » January 4, 1995
birthplace » Los Angeles, California, USA 

hometown » Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean American

occupation » SM House Fashion Management  Paid -Intern / Student at Yosei University

face claim » Red Velvet Seulgi   X X X X X

backup face claim » Apink Hayoung  X X X X


appearance »
(Height: 165 cm. Weight: 48kg ) Model like body with long legs and flat stomach , but has some small and noticable curves. Rather tall in height, enjoys the liberty of not having to wear heels at all times, but loves wearing them just the same. She has a nice pale complextion and does not mind a slight tan on her skin. Enjoys having both her hair up or down. Be it up in a ponytail or bun and down straigth or wavy. Prefers having her hair in layers and shoulder or mid-back length. Her hair color does change every so often, enjoying her natural hair color. Though she has gone blonde once, and tried other colors when she feels like it. She uses as little makeup as necessary, usually only wearing mascara, eye liner, and lip balm or gloss, a very natural look. Not a big fan of it, so being bare faced is common. Despite her quiet appearance, this "good girl" boast two wrist tattos (Rigth / Left ) and one in the back of her right ear. She also has three piercing on each ear. Others might say shes crazy for getting them, but she sees them as ways to express herself.

style »
People regard her a fashionista, but she just calls it whatever she feels like wearing. They are outfits she feels can be worn anytime of the day, that are both work appropriate and casual. All she has to do is change her shoes from sneakers to heels and the clothes still look complete. She enjoys wearing what she pleases. Anything from dresses, skirts, shorts, jeans she loves; just leggings aren't her cup of tea. Though she really enjoys wearing them for sleep with a graphic T-shirt or tank top. Boots and sneakers are her favorite. While heels and sandals are her guilty pleasure. She's not too fond of flats, thus only wearing them occasionally. Always making sure to have a cardigan or sweater within reach so she can be ready for an unexpected change in weather. She loves the chilly weather because she gets to wear long or short overcoats or jackets and scarves. Basically anything she finds comfortable with and that will surprisingly acsentuate her body. And just really what she feels like looking cute, chic, tomboy, seducive... She enjoys to accessorize with simple jewelry and headbands. Wearing prescribed (sometimes colored) contact lenses when working and wearing her eye glasses when she's tired or feels lazy putting her contacts on. (Think cherrykoko x, taeyeon x, hyuna x)


" You never know...miracles happen everyday. "

" Smile, you look good when you do. "

. "

" Gosh...really?! I-I didn’t know...  "



STATS »                                       Cooking: 3/10    Cleanliness: 3/10     Sportiness: 5/10  

 Creativity: 8/10   Intelligence: 8/10   Alcohol Tollerance: 2/10     Musicality: 6/10


traits »    (+) Hardworking, Respectful, Caring, Kind, Cute, Gentle  
                     (=) Shy, Reserved, Adaptable, Patient, Tolerant, Composed, Cluless  
                      (-) Stoic, Sensitive, Insecure, Self Conscious, Sarcastic, Angry  

personality »  Yubi is hardworking, respectful, and sometimes gets in trouble eventhough she really didn't mean to. Might seem shy at first, but can be outgoing and fun when comfortable and excited. Is highly affectionate and caring towards those she finds dear. And kind to any one, even if they just ignore her kindness. She likes thinking things thru, and is passionate about what she wants. Adaptable to any sudden change or situation, though she tends to freak out a bit at first. Confident in her abilities, but tactful and couscious of her actions. Rather patient and tolerant of the other girls and unique bachelors.
           Having grown up in a rather closed environment, Yubi tends to be a bit cluless about somethings. As some may say she lacks street cred. Sometimes her cluless moments help lighten the mood and make her seem cute. Its not annoying but actually quite adorable.  Seems stoic to others actions around her, one would think Yubi won't take it to heart. But turns out she's rather sensitive about them and well she cares and a lot. The words repeat in her head no matter how long its been making her feel insecure and self conscious. Sure she can play it off as nothing wrong, but those words haunt her at the back of her head.
            Usually mild in temper and quietly going about, Yubi gives a gentle touch everywhere she goes. Its kinda weird how she changes depending on the people she's around. When comfortable with the people around her she begins to tease and speak in fluent sarcasm. Sometimes being sarcastic to show her anger or displeasure, in some cases annoyance. Acting helps hide her anger and other emotions, but when all that repressed anger suddenly burst its better for others to stand out of her way. Yumi might seem like an angel sent from above, but she ain't a saint. Meaning she has a limit and if she exceads that limit prepare for a surprise. Yubi fumes and walks out, not speaking a word to anyone for a good two or more hours until she gets her senses and reason back or cries it all out alone. She ates crying infront of others so she rather cry by her self.
          She's aware of the competition and the risk of being heartbroken again, but she will try her best to just have fun. She tries to hide the fact that she is hurting inside, but can't hide the hurt in her eyes. When left alone, she begins to ponder her weaknesses and how much she lacks in certain areas. She doesnt show it, but she is scared to lose the little hope left in finding love. 


BACKGROUND »  Yubi was born January 4, 1995 in Los Angeles, California. Her family, at that time, consisted of her two parents and an older brother. The Kang family had just settled in their new LA home after moving from Korea due to her dads work. Dad worked, and still works, at newly opened US branch of a Korean bank. Her mom began working and learning from dad's parents (her grandparents) at the family tailor shop in K-Town. She had an older brother and both were being taken cared of by their grand parents (Dads side) at the shop when both parents were busy. The year Yubi turned four was the year the family welcomed a new baby boy. At age four, Yubi began learning piano by moms wishes and by dads and grandmas request, she also joined a community cheer team. Her mom wanted to expose her and hopefully interest her in music and her dad wanted her to gain some courage and athleticism. She and her brothers attended a public school on weekdays and on weekends would attend a korean school to learn korean and korean history. Her little brother the same except his was a daycare. At both schools Yubi's studying skills were  above average and would be in top half of class. Yubi grew to love and enjoy playing piano and cheerleading, winning a few competitions in both activities. She and her sibilings would spend their free time helping at the tailor shop on cleaning or greeting duty.
            A month after Yubi's 11th birthday, the Kang family moved back to Korea. Her dad got a promotion at the bank he worked for due to his great involvement in the succes of the US branch. And her mom quickly found an opportunity to open her own tailor and clothing shop. Yubi began classes at an elementary school, later attnding an international middle school, then a prestigious high school. Found a music academy were she continued her piano lessons and even took up some singing lessons as well. After much begging, she was allowed to join a competitive cheerleading club in the city, were she unfortunately suffered a slight knee injury from a missed landing. Luckily it wasnt a serious injury and just required rest not cheer for a good five months and in that time she focused on her piano and singing. As well as spending time at her mothers shop helping out were she could.
          Upon her exposure to Korean culture, (its one thing to learn it from school back in the US and another to see and experience it first hand) she grew interested in korean dramas and music, especially the whole idol concept. Which developed into a bit of an obsession and even thoughts of auditioning at one of the agencies. But she never had the guts to do it. She did join her schools music clubs and performed at school events often, but lacked the confidence to do anything. As she began her second year of high school Yubi decided to focus on her studies and gave up on her piano, vocals and cheerleading. Realizing she woul not be on stage with other idols, Yubi opted for another way, dressing her idols. She got the idea while working with her mom at the clothing/ tailor shop. Plus she really enjoyed cutting pieces of cloth and sewing them together. 
          After graduating high school and begining her studying at Yosei University, Yubi decided to study business and fashion. Not only could she work for a major brand and dress or create desings for idols and other celebrities, but she could help expand her mothers bussness. Just like her older brother, a busness grad and  model, was doing and younger brother, 3rd yr high school student, hoped to do as well.
        As soon as she was allowed to, Yubi found and snagged an internship at one of the biggest fashion houses possible SM House (Think SM Town, the artist are workers and designers there, including ist gen. and those who left). Of course the first few months were mostly coffee, lunch, and clean up duty, but Yubi worked hard. Later proving herself during her first Seoul Fashion Week. A mistake made in the organizing of the clothing racks for models, caused crazyness and desperation from the designers. Thankfully Yubi was the only one calm enough to sort thru everything quickly by showtime. It earned her the ticket out of coffee duty into assisting and learninng from the SM House Fashion manager herself. Learning hands on and experiencing the creations of the House designers ideas come to exist.
        Its been about two years since she started interning there and will probably graduate from Yosei in one more year or so. She gets an allowance from parents, but does not depend on it since she is now a paid- intern. But does spoil herself with idol merch and concerts when possible. She does hang out with classmates and co-workers, but its hard since she can't hold her liquor too well. Yubi has been in about 3 serious relationships and dated here and there. Her relationships last for a good amount of time (1-2 years), but she always ends up giving too much to the other and left heartbroken. And when dating shes either turned off by the guy or the guys find her boring. So it makes Yubi want to know if she is doing something wrong or are the guys shes been dating terrible.        

      Her last relationship left her really heartbroken and hesistant to try dating again. The relationship started pretty good and was strong for a good while. Yubi was very dedicated and went all out. Hand making gifts, planing dates, and making some expensive purchases. But what happens, the creep thinks hes smart and two times her withanother girl. How does she find out, seeing them walk holding hands while on an errand for work. The two designers and one of her bosses had not seen such a broken Yubi before. Good thing she had some caring oppas back at her work who might have taught the guy a lesson on treating girls right. So now Yubi tries to go on blind dates and seeing other guys but just cant ssem to move on. Just tries to focus on her work and studies, but the pity and some playful teasing she gets is really getting on her nerves.


Fashion Magazines and Blogs: Being in the thfashion biz means needing to know whats trending. And these are the best learning material. She keeps up to date on current fashion do's and don'ts. Researching on possible model/celebrity prospects and possible changes in upcoming seasons.   

   ♦ Light/ Soft/ Neutral Colors: Any color is seriously fine, she'll wear it if she has to. But there are obviously colors she prefers. Those colors usually consist of light soft shades of color. To be a bit more specific maybe pastels, like femine colors. That doesn't mean she won't go for bold colors, but there is only so much she can allow herself to wear.
   ♦ Music: Nothing calms her down or pumps her up like listening to her playlist. Her phone, ipad, and laptop are full of her music. Her library does not have a wide range of music, its really just full of idol music,some piano, ballads, American pop, and acustic pieces. She makes an effort to purchase her favorite artist albums or merchandise and even attend some concerts. 

   ♦ Films and Dramas: She enjoy watching them and takes the opportunity to fangirl over her favorite actors and acting idols. Park Sejoon, Im Siwan, Yook Sunjae, Nam Joohyuk,Do Kyungsoo, Zo Insung... Plus, this was her favorite thing to do after work and studying.

  ♦ Flowers: Wether she buys them or receives them from somebody, she loves flowers. It could be a bouquet or just a single simple flower, she'll love it. She loves flowers, her favorites being sunflowers.
   ♦ Food: Be a full course meal, sweets, or snacks she loves it. Its amazing how much she can eat and not gain weigth.  

   ♦ Fall, Winter, Spring: She loves these seasons. Being able to wear her favorites. The smells those seasons bring. Being able to stay indoors or walk around with a different sound each step you take. The holidays spent with family or close friends.Being able to do nothing even just for one day depending on the mood the weather brings. She loves when it rains or snows, preferably lightly of course. 
   ♦ Stuffed Animals/ Plushies: Especially teddy bears! Ok, so shes a kid at heart. But what girl can say no to a stuffed toy no matter how ugly it might look.
   ♦ Hot Chocolate, OJ, Tea, Iced Coffee: These are the drinks that keep her awake and happy, well besides water of course. For some reason she can only enjoy drinking iced coffe or those frapps, even in cold weather. And she's more than happy with a glass of OJ in the morning and a cup of hot chocolate during a hard day. If she has to work late, hit her with some chamoile tea.
   ♦ Skinship: This girl loves to cuddle. She's not clingy, but if she notices you suddenly sulking or stessing out she won't hesitate to pat your back or head, massage shouders, or give hugs. Back hugs are her specialty though. She might suddenly hold your arm or hand to walk and put her head on your shoulder if shes tired and you happen to sit next to her. But will blush if kissed on the forehead and given an unplanned hug or back hug. (She loves this when its they guy she likes!)

dislikes »
   ♦ Summer: She dislikes the heat of that season. She hates how sticky she feels and the humidity it brings. She struggles enough to take care of her skin and hair, the summer weather makes her want to shower more than twice a day. She thanks whoever invented air conditioners for making the season bearable.  
Unnecessary Noise: Like don't most of the the girls (and guys) enjoy peace and quiet. If they kept their voices at a decent volume, there would be no need for yelling to get ones attention. Reason why she then has to come in between to mediate or walks out. Things would not escalate if they would just tone it down.
   ♦ Hot Coffee/ Apple Juice: She dislikes how it feels going down . Its too bitter for her taste buds. Its weird she can drink it with ice , but thats cause the ice waters it down to a cleaner taste. She dislikes the after tastes of apple juice and how sweet and concentrated it is. Just don't hand her hot coffe and Apple juice, you'll save yourself from seeing her glare at you.
   ♦ Beer: She'll drink anything else, just don't force her to drink beer. She dislikes the sour taste and horrid smell it has. The most she'll drink if she feels like it is one can or one glass when eating fried chicken. Because i all honesty, that chicken tastes great with beer, unfortunately. 
   ♦ Messes: Sure her side of the room might not be the neatest, but all the important things are neat and clean. She knows whats where in her mess and why the stain on the floor was caused by the makneas of the house. Fell free to ask about it when she is not busy.
   ♦ Neon Colors: NOPE! Well... unless the concept calls for it. But otherwise, no. They really aren't her favorite tings to wear. But are nice colors to accesorize with.
   ♦  Fur / Synthetic Fur/ Animal Print: She loves animals, so why would she like wearing them. Sure she does own a piece or two, but she does not enjoy wearing them. Besides they were gifts from family or friends and its rude not to accept them.
   ♦ Salty or Too Spicy Food: She loves food, but she can't and won't eat it if its salty or too spicy. Eating too much salt makes her feel extremely thirsy and wake up with a bloated face. She likes spicy food and normaly enjoys it, but there is only so much spice she can handle. if she reaches the point were her tounge goes numb at the first bite, she'll drop the spoon and never raise it to again 
   ♦ Pointless Arguments: Even with whiening and failed terrible ayego, the girls cant convince production to party all the time. No point in arguing when one will still end up slepping and eating with the sanme group of girls. Be it both at the house or at a group date. Come on, pretty sure the guys don't want to be part of any drama, they're probably scarred enough.


strong points» 
   ♦ Piano/Sing: Can play and follow a simple melody upon listening to a song or tune.
Ambidextrous:. She can write and work with both her left and right hand.
♦ Can speak four languages: Korean, English, Japanese, and just average Mandarin Chinese
♦ Is able to cut, sew, and mend/alter any piece of clothing. In other words is rather creative.
♦ Girl group dance, who knows it could come in handy no?
♦ Idols, her knowledge in that department is very good, like otaku level.(idol otaku)
♦ Math, its one of her strong subjects. Anything number related shes pretty good at.
♦ Following Orders/Instructions, She will follow them very directly. Unless she has done something similar before and knows a short cut. or figures out a way to do it more efficiently. 

weak points» 
   ♦ Open Water: She knows how to swim and enjoys it. But she is terrified of swimming, ok more like falling, in open or deep water. She is tramatized after an accident she had were she fell into the water and due to shock could not bring herself to swim. She was so close to drowning
Cooking:  well..why cook when there is delivery and markets that sell food already prepared. Shes not that usesless, dont sandwiches count Shes been meaning to learn just hasnt had time. 
   ♦ Drinking: cant drink me than o glasse  soju. If drinks more then she turns into a flirty fox.
   ♦ Crying, she can cry easily. She can hold it in for a while, but eventually tears come out and takes awhile to stop.
   ♦ Arguments, shed rather stay out of them. Especially if it gets catty. Not strong enough to defend herself and would walk away.

trivia » 
   ♦ Nose scrunches up and her nostrils widen a bit when focused
♦ Has moments when she stops blinking when she's really focused. Her toungue might stickout a bit
♦ Likes taking pictures of everything she finds interesting. Be it a cloud or flower, the girls tanning, Teahyun playing sax, Hoseok dancing, well she would if the production allowed cameras!
♦  Blushes when emberrased or teased.
♦  When she speaks and gets exited, se begins using her hands to decribe.
♦  If a song she likes is playing, she might slowly start to lipsynch and slightly start bobbing her head or dancing
   ♦ Might find her walking outside the house alone or sitting watching the sun set or rise. As long as she feels the soft breeze play with her hair, some well deserved sunshine, and the smell of nature. The best way for her to forget about the drama at the house and think about who she likes and might like her.
♦ Good thing she packed some books, school work and work material or else shed be bored when noy pickd for a date.

   ♦ Owns several pairs of eye glasses. Each a different design in frame and color.
   ♦ Has spent time living in both Japan and China due to SM House expansion plans.
   ♦ Shares an apartment with two friends. X X
   ♦ When nervous nibbles on lower lip.
   ♦ Has brought a sewing kit and other things to maybe help the girls mend or change up their clothes if needed.
   ♦ Is filling a little notebook with notes on what the other girls and guys wear. They might come in handy at her work later.
   ♦ She likes keeping eye contact when talking. So if she avoids it then shes nervous or shy.


home is where your heart is.



LOVE INTERESTS » Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin.

the reason you applied »      Wants to break her "goody two shoes" image others have of her by accepting the dare given by one of the designers. He said that she wouldn't last a day on the show and even if she did, none of the guys would be interested in her boring self. Let just say it really pissed her off. So instead of spending her school break time helping SM House solidify their new Japan branch (her little revenge since basicly suggested and strategised the idea), she'll spend it in a house with who knows how many grils fighting for the heart of seven mystery guys. Great! 


strategy »   Yubi will justy act like herself. Though she'll be a bit guarded, but eventually relize these guys are pretty okay. She'll probably try to give them space and just start easy conversation with them. Since she might not beg for their attention as much as others. Though she should since she doesnt stsnd out as much as the others. Which is good to the girls but to the guys a curiosity. The guys might find it comforting and a relief to be with a normal person. Thet dont have to pretend to like or enjoy Yubis company or conversation. She might become a bit more daring and seek them out to talk. Being face to face and comfortable with them shell never losing eye contact and some skin contact. Giving the guys reassurance shes paying attention to what ever they say or do. Skinship, like touching hands or holding them, will come naturally. It wont be forced or intentional from either party. Even if one of the guys she doesnt like approches shell kindly speak with them. But firmly and without hesitance admit her lack of interest in them.



The bachelors » 

  • namjoon » On an intellectual level they click and have probably engaged in a few deep and intellectual conversations. Sure getting past his ill view on the world takes some getting use to, but Yubi doesn't seem to mind. Especially since she kinda sees and understands his point of view. Namjoon doesn't mind the girls company and finds it a relief. More like good friends and like they were former classmates or something.
  • yoongi »   Ok so hes kinda intimidating and cold...and rude. But Yubi sees past that, she might be one of the few who recognized his work after listening to some of his sound samplings to the girls. She thinks Yoongi just puts on an act is actually adorable and rather sensitive. Yoongi is surprised by the girls kindness to all despite some peoples, himself included, rude treatment. Was really happy to find out her small interest in music, even if its thru idols only. its interesting to find Yoongi actually seek her company and keep her in sight even if hes detained by the other pushi girls. Yoongi enjoys the small talk and silent company they share.
  • seokjin »  Share many similarities, from personality to work. But Yubi sees him as more of an older brother and good friend shed like to have even after the show. Jin aprreciates Yubis company, though understanding in her lack of interest in him. He kinda wishes she were interested. the two can often be seen and overheard talking about fashion, like this seasons color scheme or trends.
  • hoseok » Hidden Card #2  Hes too kind and energetic, even Yubis not that nice. Yubi wonders how he can have so much energy and keep that smile on his face. She wishes to know the secret. Hes that friend you go to after a bad day. Hoseok enjoys bringin the playful side of the quiet Yubi and is probably responsible for her opening up so fast. Might treat each other like a brother and sister relationship.
  • jimin » She definently hesitated openig up to this guy. But caved in after seeing him be kinda flustered at her firm and steady eye contact. Thats when Yubi saw how shy he could really be. Yubi is probabaly the only girl that can fluster Jimin. And Jimin finds that irritatingly interesting, especially since hes used to being the one doing that. Instead of being the suave confident guy he usually is, he turns into an adorable clutz that stumbles in his words. 
  • taehyung » Hidden Card #1  Like mentioned before Yubi has no prejudice. So Taehyung was thankful to have someone not think he was weird. She finds him interesting but not someone shed fall for. His sax skills are entrancing and a nice twist to his lively personality. He reminds Yubi of a friendly neighborhood boy that would bring joy to all the ahjumas. Teahyun sees Yubi as a kind noona figure, though the last time he mentioned it he recieved a smack on the head.
  • JUNGKOOK »  Another one she hesitated to aproach. Not because he is young, age is just a number to Yubi. But because hes an performing artist, and well shes a big fan of idols. So she didnt want him to get the idea she was a crazy fan or something. Sure she listened and enjoyed his music, but nothing will compare to her oppas music. Aprroached and treated him like a normal person. A real relief and comfort for the young singer since he sensed her kindness despite his guarded attitude. Probably one of the few girls to treat him as an oppa instead of a dongseng. And Jungkook likes that, alot.
  • INGuK »  The MC of the show likes chatting up the girls and Yubi finds it a bit unsettiling. 
  • CONTESTANTS » Hmmm... She lets them do their thing and tries not to get into drama. But if someone needs help or a good hug then shes your girl.

this is paradise.



"Welcome to Bachelor's Paradise! It's a pleasure to have you here. Could you introduce yourself?"

  • "Ahh, neh." Clears throat and kindly smiles, revealing her eye smile to the camera.
     " Anyong, Im 22 year old Kang Yubi. Its nice to meet you." Lightly nodding and looking at the inteviewer.

"How come you applied for this show? Why are you still single? Do you think you can fall in love within 10 weeks?"

  • "Uhh...I applied for the show..." Stops to think and lightly nibles lower lip.
     " Honestly at first, because of a dare at work. But... " pauses and softly smiles," I really want to do this to...I dont know prove something to myself. That shouldnt give up on love so easily."
     "Ahh... I havent been single for that long," akwardly giggles.
    "My last relationship of two years ended five- six months ago? It kinda...ummm... left me heartbroken and disheartened..." looks down at her hands on her lap and stops talking. 
    " I was pretty stupid to fall for him. And has honestly left me doubtful and hesitant on seeing a guy again." Sighin and looking at camera with hurt  sadden eyes.
    " Falling in love In 10 weeks, huh?" thinking to herself without blinking her eyes. 
    " Ahh...maybe. I dont wanna say yes or no because I dont know who Im meeting." Smiles.

"What would you say is your biggest strenght? How do you differ from the other contestants?"

  • "Umm...I‘d say my passion. I’m passionate and dedicated towards what I want and like. So I work hard and sometimes think outside the box to keep what interest me within reach."A slight pout as she begins to think.
    " Hmm...I am pretty average, so Im sure I wont really stand out as much." Awardly laughs and smiles.
    " But Im pretty down to earth and tend to treat everyone on an equal level. I have no prejuice, no matter how rude or cold or mean or weird they maybe. " Giggles. 

"Would you also be with the bachelor you chose in the end if he wasn't a hidden card?"

  • "Of course. I didn't come here for money or fame..or love honestly. But if I do fall for one of the guys... an-and we end up together at the end, then yes. Money isn’t important. We can work together to create our little fourtune." Yubi shyly smiles. Interviewer surprised at how quickly she answered for the first time. 

"What is your dream for the future? Is there anything you want to do? Maybe with the bachelor together?"

  • Sighs.
    "My dream? Sometimes I wonder, especially after this last break up. I-if I'll ever get married and have a family. I really want that." Smiling and a sparkel in her eyes.
    " changess a bit every so often, honestly. But I know I want to continue working in the fashion bussines. Be it for  the fashion house Im currently working for, my family one or any other. " A finger under her chin as she thinks and speaks.
    " So much I want to do, but the bachelor can fit in in both of the previouly mentioned actually. He could be the one I marry and start a family with. And along the way hes there supporting me in my career. Well supporting each other. " Looks at interviewer while nodding lightly.

"Thank you. That's it so far. Any last words?"

  • "Huh...? Ahh! Neh. Thank you for having me. Uhh..." Takes deep breath and looks directly at camera.
    " I might not be memorable, but there so much more to me, I swear. hopefully I see you soon and I can show you what I hide." Lightly waving to camera with a smile.



last words.

comments/suggestions » Finally, I finished it! Gosh, I was begining to think My lazy would not let me finish this, but here it is. Umm, she didn't come out how I had her in mind but I thinks shes ok. Hopefully she can be used somehow, even if its to fill some screen time. Hehe...anyways I cant wait for the story to start. Good Luck!

scene requests » 
• Maybe an activity were the girls have to pick outfits for the guys and Yubi does it excellently. Being able to match their style with personality.
• She mends one of the contestants dresses or helps a girl change a dress she wore already into something different.
•Her ex coming for a visit and Yubi freaks out, not even listening and zoning out. Dosent know if she should cry, run away, or hit him. Miht be the first time she is seen acting completely rude.
• Crying alone and hidding from everyone, but is found and comforted by one of her top 3 bachelors.


password » CNBLUE Jung YongHwa


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