
Sooo I finally got the courage and decided to tell him I really like him on the day of our dance which is in 3 days.

I was sad today cause I wondering if I should stop trying and give up on him when my close friend told me that I shouldnt and keep trying cause who knows..there might be a possibly in the near bright future. One of my other best friends told me that I shouldnt since she thinks that he likes me...I really dont know. Part of me says that he does(?) and another part tells me that he's just gonna play with me for a bit.

I hope im making the right choice by confessing to him in 3 days or maybe I should confess on graduation....


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it's really up to you on when you wanna confess (but you hAVE to do it). because, if he really like you and you confessed to him late, then you guys wouldnt have time toegther DD:
but if he didnt like you and you confessed early; if would be awkies > <

but i still recomment confessing early; if he didnt like you, just tell him it was a joke afterwards. laugh it off infront of him so it would be less awkward and atleast you guys would still be friends right?

so yea. goodluck girl <3 ^^