i can't write

hello *waves*

as the title suggests, lately i haven't been able to write. i mean i finished writing for nhe about a week ago but besides that i haven't been to write anything else. no matter how many times i sit down and go "aha, so i have some time and i want to write..." i just can't. writing through writers block is the most painful thing ever, for me. at most, i get a few sentences written. a few sentences in an hour which is pretty depressing. when i'm inspired enough, i write everywhere. a paragraph in class while the teacher waffles on about nothing [yes i write in class guys #shameless]. at breaks between lessons. on the bus. walking on the street. eh...jk about that one. but these days, even when i free up time to write, it just doesn't happen. and it's frustrating me. i really want to update rapture and i've been writing part 3 of fill me up sentence by sentence lol but it doesn't seem to be moving from 500words. there's two other stories i've been super excited to write, and i thought i'd get to them once i finished nhe and i have but??? it's really frustrating. it's december now and i'm sure i'm not the only one with exams right? it's exam season so that itself is frustrating. for now, i think i'll just focus on my exams and let the writing mojo come when it does. idk if or how other people write through writers block but i can't. 

meanwhile i'll be reading lots if anyone has any book suggestions, let me know. 
my recommendation: Throne of Glass series [there's five books out so far] they are amazing, honestly. plus they're being turned into a show and I'M SO EXCITED but also scared because hollywood has an uncanny way of ruining all my fave books :( books > movies/shows always always always. 

i just needed to rant, feel free to let me know if there's anything that's been frustrating/irking you lately. 


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I am not as pro as you but I know that pain. It's like you wanna write but there is a certain power telling your brain not to produce any sentence. I really wanna help you but we're on the same boat T^T I suggest you, my favorite unnie, to take it slow. Maybe letting yourself to have a rest from writing would help? I don't know myself tho.

The last book I read is Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow. It is pretty depressing, as you can see from the title.

I know that feeling, I have it most of the time especially when you feel like you have no free time for yourself you rather do nothing on your phone than write. That's of course if you don't have big ideas in your head.

I'd also suggest you to just sit back and take your time until you have ideas exploding in your head? XD

I unfortunately don't know any English books so.. Can't help you there sorry :x