Drink Bleach

Yesterday I had to clean the bathroom, so I used some Clorox toilet bowl cleaner and scrubbing bubbles and pine sol and fabulosa to ensure that the grubby bathroom was acceptable. Well, while I was cleaning, I had to stay in the bathroom or else I would get in trouble (stupid rule, but it is). I think, since there is no ventilation in this room, that I accidentally inhaled some of the fumes from the cleaning supplies because almost immediately after finishing the bathroom, my throat began to burn immensely. While writing this, my nose started bleeding. Goodness Gracious. Be careful, guys. It started over 12 hours ago and hasn't stopped since. 

Edit: .I came home not too long ago, and l told my mom about it. she said she'll make an appointment if it doesn't dissipate tonight. Thank you for the concern. It scared me at first, but I've been drinking tea all day to sooth it.

Edit 2: I went to the doctor's, and they said it was strep. I also told them about the cleaning supply incident,  and they determined that I had been harboring the bacteria for a while and the fumes made me a bit weaker which allowed the bacteria to spread. So I'm not dead! I was given Antibiotics. Thank you for all of your concern. 


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So, ultimately, thanks to inhaling bleach, you found out about strep? XD That's ironic. I'm super sorry you had to go through that D:
Oh my gosh, I hope you're okay! I always hate washing the bathrooms 'cause the bleach is too strong but that's insane that that happened to you omfg.
Omg you definately go see a doctor.. The chemical reaction is too strong