
Hi everyone!

I am so sorry I've been lacking in updates on my fanfics.
I am considering to delete one of them, because it feels like noone really cares about that one.
TBH, I don't like quiet readers, because then I don't know if people like it, if I shall continue or not.
But, the main reason why I haven't updated is because I have been sick.
It was first last week that I finally started to get better, and my infection finally started to die out.
And, another reason why I haven't updated is also that I'm stuck.
Don't know what to write on some of them.



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Arashi93 #1
No, don't delete anyone :( I like them :) they are really good :) and I hope you are feeling better now :)
And I feel you, I'm stuck in some of my stories too xD